
=== esv_ is now known as esv
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jdarnleyIs it possible to instruct systemd to stop a particular service first on shutdown?09:24
ograyou can use Before= and After= in the unit files ... (just dont forget on shutdown the order is indeed reversed) 09:26
jdarnleyI need to check but I think it is first to start09:27
nibbon_o/ do you have a bug for this qemu's issue https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/77409:36
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 774 in qemu-project/qemu "Win(PE) NIC issue with pc-q35-6.1" [Opened]09:36
cpaelzernibbon_: no there isn't09:45
nibbon_cpaelzer: do you think it's worth opening one? I can reproduce with 1:6.2+dfsg-2ubuntu6.9 (I looked at 6.10 and 6.11; however, haven't seen patches that might fix that issue)09:50
cpaelzernibbon_: sadly the referred version to work on the case (https://git.proxmox.com/?p=pve-qemu.git;a=blob;f=debian/changelog;h=71160269225065ba75a1c621e959864efb451f8b;hb=refs/heads/master#l75) doesn't fix anything in the area this is supposed to be caused09:52
cpaelzerso it is hard to directly act if you'd report09:52
cpaelzerI think the problem atm is that the person that most actively tried/reported got it fixed and since then the upstream case fell silent09:53
cpaelzerbut there is a chance (since it was fixed, but not mentioned as backport) that it got fixed by upstream - yet no one realized it is09:53
cpaelzeridentifying that patch (if it exists) would be the most important next step, for the upstream report as well as a potential Ubuntu but09:53
cpaelzernibbon_: is your repro setup good enough to a) test qemu in lunar (7.2) and mantic (8.0) and b) consider bisecting qemu git where it was fixed?09:54
nibbon_cpaelzer: afaict qemu 7.2 fixes that issue; in fact the goto response of upstream is: use 7.2 or master09:54
cpaelzerso it would be fixed in lunar and later indeed09:54
cpaelzerhave I scrolled over the fix in this lengthy bug ? Did anyone point at the fixing commit already?09:55
cpaelzernibbon_: but e.g. this says not all 7.2 is good https://gitlab.com/qemu-project/qemu/-/issues/774#note_116136088409:55
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 774 in qemu-project/qemu "Win(PE) NIC issue with pc-q35-6.1" [Opened]09:55
cpaelzerlater on same report for later 7.2 - only the pvetest repo have them a fix there09:56
nibbon_cpaelzer: I haven't tried 7.2 yet (and honestly cannot backport even if that would solve the issue)09:57
cpaelzerbut that repo doesn't mention anything in that regard - so either it is a false report or a fix got in without realizing it is a fix for this problem09:57
nibbon_cpaelzer: let's say it's hard to reproduce. I had several recurrences with Windows with the German localization, but also with Windows US09:58
cpaelzerbryceh: will soon update the qemu in https://launchpad.net/~canonical-server/+archive/ubuntu/server-backports to the 7.2 in lunar - that would ease things09:58
cpaelzerfor you to test 7.2 in the same env at least09:58
cpaelzernibbon_: once you have a failing setup, is it 100% reproducible then?09:58
nibbon_cpaelzer: not a big deal building 7.2 for Jammy09:58
nibbon_cpaelzer: still investigating, at the moment I'm not sure it's 100% reproducible 09:59
cpaelzerhmm, ok09:59
nibbon_that's why I came here asking, perhaps you heard of it already09:59
cpaelzerknowing if our 7.2/8.0 are affected helps, but really the critical step will be to be able to bisect it10:00
cpaelzeronce you have concluded your analysis please file a bug10:00
cpaelzerwe'd certainly want to track things and have a look ourselves10:00
cpaelzeras always - the most important aspect will be good steps to reproduce10:00
cpaelzerhence my ask on reproducibility10:00
nibbon_cpaelzer: ack and agreed10:02
cpaelzerThanks for your effort to coordinate reporting this well! 10:02
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=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
athosparide: thanks for merging the kea MR in salsa :) should we go ahead and prepare a new debian release?12:31
parideathos, hi! yes, let's prepare one. I added a remote for the git-ubuntu imported version and did a git diff between debian/unstable and ubuntu/devel. Looks like we have all the changes in the debian packaging repo12:45
parideathos, there is a slight difference in the "strict symbols file" diff, looks like you improved it a bit when forwarding it to Debian12:46
parideathos, with a command + different quoting / variable expansion. Does this sound right?12:46
athosparide: yes!13:27
athosthat was a result of one of (your?) review comments on the salsa MP IIRC. We should be good to release in debian and sync in ubuntu \o/13:28
athosparide: should we close https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1033367 with this release or shall it remain open for further discussions?13:42
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Debian bug 1033367 in kea-ctrl-agent "kea-ctrl-agent: Unrestricted default RESTful interface on" [Normal, Open]13:42
parideathos, I think it's OK to close it with the upload13:44
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
athosparide: ack. I am running autopkgtest locally and will file another MR soon then :)14:23
parideathos, thanks!14:24
athosparide: done. the pipeline is failing due to https://bugs.debian.org/104031616:41
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Debian bug 1040316 in python3-minimal "python3-minimal fails to install" [Grave, Open]16:41
-ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Merge 30 in debian/isc-kea "Prepare for 2.2.0-7 release" [Opened]16:41
OutOfServiceI'm trying to configure ubuntu autoinstall. Everything seems to be working fine. But I'm afraid to forget that autoinstall uses to get the biggest disk in order to install ubuntu on it, and connect the raid controller (connect it using vmware vsphere passthrough).. I'd need some kind of trick so as autoinstall detects the SN of the raid controller, and prevent to install ubuntu on any 17:35
OutOfServiceof these disks. Can anybody help me with this? Thanks in advance!17:35
OutOfServicefor example, something that put the raid controller offline while being inthe install part17:39

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