
realtacosHello, I am having issues using my external SSD (Sabrent Rocket 4 Plus in an RTL9210 M.2 NVME Adapter) since I made the change  from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04. When navigating it with Nautilus or Thunar, it behaves erratically, sometimes taking up to 30s to view a folder (making it a pain to navigate). When transferring a file, it takes about 30seconds to "prepare" for the transfer, then it transfers it at 500Mo/s speeds. I tried copying a c00:04
realtacosomplex folder structure of 6GB, it stays in "prepare" state for 10min, then I ran out of patience.  It behaves as expected on other machines running MacOS or Windows, and other drives behave as expected on my machine. What could be the issue or how could I find the issue ?00:04
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BinarySaviorhello, when trying to use stable-diffusion-web-ui I am getting a python error: https://bpa.st/NSCX401:58
BinarySaviorin #qt they said it could be mismatch with OS01:58
BinarySavioroh, they said to check with devs for stable diffusion ui01:59
rboxso check wit the stable diffusion devs...02:00
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asdfadsfOn 23.04, how can I get rid of pipewire and go back to pulse without also uninstalling my desktop?05:07
asdfadsf(which is what happens if I go through with `apt remove pipewire`)05:08
rboxif the dependencies say X depends on Y, and you want to keep X, you cannot remove Y05:09
asdfadsfSo Gnome cannot exist without pipewire now?05:10
rboxthats how dependencies work05:10
rboxif the package says it depends on somethign05:10
rboxi dunno if gnome can't exist, but if the dependency is there, then it has to be installed05:11
asdfadsfOut of curiosity, where can I find the accouncement of so drastic a hard change?  Is it a Gnome thing? An Ubuntu thing?05:11
NickHTry "sudo apt install pulseaudio". You'll likely just loose some gnome metapackages.05:12
NickHEg gnome, gnome-core, task-gnome-desktop05:12
asdfadsfIf this is the case, it seems extremely drastic05:12
NickHRemoving metapackages is no "drastic".05:13
asdfadsfSuddenly only pipewire for Gnome, period, forever, all of a sudden, seems like a big thing05:13
asdfadsfIf that is the case05:13
asdfadsfSo yes, "announcement"05:13
NickHDo you understand what a metapackage is?05:14
asdfadsfAny hard documentation that this is a thing that has happened05:14
rboxmost peopel dont care...05:14
rboxthe package is the dcouemtnation05:14
asdfadsfA changelog, anything05:14
rboxthe package...05:14
NickHIt's just becuase the gnome-core metapackage depends on pipewire-audio.05:16
asdfadsfIs that just in Ubuntu, or "upstream" or whatever in Gnome?05:16
alkisgasdfadsf: pipewire is also used for video streaming, xdg portals, screen sharing etc, it's understandable that gnome switched to it. It's an upstream gnome change05:17
alkisgYou should be able to continue using pulseaudio for a while, but if you don't have an actual issue with pipewire, you shouldn't...05:18
NickHIs there some underlying problem that you are trying to solve by not using pipewire?05:18
asdfadsfI do have an actual issue with pipewire, is the thing.  A horrible crackling/stuttering that multiple days of fucking with it have not been able to fully banish05:19
asdfadsfNever had a problem with pulse05:19
NickHHow do you know it is pipewire that is causing this problem?05:19
alkisgasdfadsf: OK, if you have the stomach for it, you could try to reproduce it in other distributions, and if it's an upstream pipewire thing, you could report it there05:20
alkisgOtherwise, sure, go back to pulseaudio and wait in case it gets fixed when others report it05:20
asdfadsfIt was not a problem, then I upgraded ubuntu to a version where pipewire is forced on me, and now it is a show-stopping problem that manifests constantly05:20
NickHThis reminds me of when pulse was first introduced and many people jsut wanted alsa :-)05:20
asdfadsfI thought this channel just got done talling me that I *cannot* remove pipewire withotu also removing gnome05:21
alkisgPipewire is binary compatible with alsa, pulse and jack, so it should be better in that regard05:21
lotuspsychjecheck the recent pipewire bugs here too; https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pipewire/+bugs?orderby=importance&start=005:21
NickHI'll repeat, gnome and gnome-core are just metapackages.05:21
asdfadsfI have no idea what that means05:22
asdfadsfCan I or can I not uninstall pipewire without also uninstalling gnome05:22
NickHThey don't actually contain anything, they just depend on other packages.05:22
alkisgasdfadsf: just use some askubuntu answer, e.g. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1407885/how-to-uninstall-pipewire-and-go-back-to-pulseaudio05:24
* alkisg is using mate so can't test on gnome currently05:26
NickHThe gnome and gnome-core packages will be removed, but all the components of the gnome desktop *except* for pipewire will remain.05:26
asdfadsf$ sudo apt remove pipewire05:26
asdfadsfThe following packages will be REMOVED:05:26
asdfadsf  gdm3 gnome-shell pipewire pipewire-pulse ubuntu-desktop ubuntu-session wireplumber [etc]05:26
alkisgGetting gdm3 removed isn't good, don't do it05:27
NickHDon't run that. Run "sudo apt install pulseaudio"05:27
asdfadsfIs it possible to do a thing where all the gnome things do not appear in this list, is my question, to which I am getting conflicting answers05:27
NickHYou are not getting conflicting answers.05:28
asdfadsfSo is what I should be trying to do here be to have both pulseaudio and pipewire installed, and somehow disable pipewire while leaving it installed and enable pulseaudio? Is that a thing that is possible?05:29
NickHNo, they conflict.05:29
NickHThats why installing pusleaudio will remove pipewire.05:30
asdfadsfOkay so "Otherwise, sure, go back to pulseaudio and wait in case it gets fixed when others report it" which someone else said was in error?05:31
NickHThat does not mean having them both installed at the same time.05:32
asdfadsfSo I can't have them both installed at the same time, and I can't remove pipewire. So how do I actually accomplish "Otherwise, sure, go back to pulseaudio and wait in case it gets fixed when others report it"?  Or, was that said in error?05:33
asdfadsfDo you see my reason for further confusion here?05:33
NickHYou remove pipewire by installing pulseaudio.05:34
asdfadsfOkay, apt install pulseaudio suceeded and I still have a desktop.  What steps do I take to go from this state to using pulseaudio and not pipewire while still hvaing a desktop?05:35
NickHsudo apt install gnome05:36
asdfadsfOkay done05:37
NickHInstalling the gnome meta package get you back to pipewire05:37
asdfadsfI am not following here05:38
asdfadsfYou told me to do a thing05:38
asdfadsfI did it05:38
NickHI give up.05:38
alkisgasdfadsf: is that ubuntu (gnome) 22.04?05:39
asdfadsfThat's fine, thank you for trying, but for one last point of clarification:05:40
asdfadsfyou: sudo apt install gnome05:40
asdfadsfme: Okay done05:40
asdfadsfyou: Installing the gnome meta package get you back to pipewire05:40
asdfadsfMe somehow doing something wrong, or you realizing that your initial suggestion wouldn't help?05:40
asdfadsfalkisg: I believe I am on 23.0405:41
alkisgWell, tested on an Ubuntu GNOME 22.04 VM, and additionally with ubuntu-desktop-amd64.iso, pulseaudio was preinstalled there05:41
asdfadsf23 vs 2205:42
asdfadsfCan/should I downgrade to 22.04?05:42
alkisgLet me check on 23.04. Was your 23.04 updated from older versions? Which one was the first one?05:42
alkisgI have an 23.04 VM too, wait...05:42
asdfadsfYes upgraded from an initial install of I don't even remember what version like 4 years ago05:42
alkisgIndeed pulseaudio isn't preinstalled in 23.04, like it is in 22.0405:45
alkisgsudo apt install pulseaudio, installs some packages, and removes pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio, without purging any meta-packages like ubuntu-desktpo05:46
alkisgSo after installing pulseaudio, try to follow https://askubuntu.com/questions/1407885/how-to-uninstall-pipewire-and-go-back-to-pulseaudio05:47
alkisgYou don't need to uninstall pipewire, just disable it05:47
asdfadsfWhich part of that05:47
alkisgThe answer part05:48
asdfadsfBecause that was my first stop many days ago, and following the first answer was my first experience with having my desktop completely nuked05:48
alkisg"The following commands helped me:". ..05:48
alkisgDo not do the removing pipewire part05:48
asdfadsfThat answer ends with "sudo apt remove pipewire-audio-client-libraries pipewire"05:48
alkisgAs that answer is for 22.04 and not your 23.0405:48
asdfadsfSo if I paste in multiple lines people get mad at me, I presume it results in multiple messages rather than one message that has newlines in it?05:49
asdfadsfIs that the correct etiquette here?05:50
alkisgYes for pasting more than 3 lines you should be using a pastebin like you did05:55
alkisgasdfadsf: are you on vanilla ubuntu gnome 23.04, or on something like linuxmint?05:55
alkisg(or popos, or whatever...)05:56
asdfadsfVanilla 23.04, as upgraded from whatever the default desktop install was several years ago05:56
alkisgAnd you ran sudo apt install pulseaudio, and yet it says the service doesn't exist? I just tested it on 23.04 and it worked ifne05:56
asdfadsfAh, I did that before and it went through fine05:57
asdfadsfIf I try to run it again: "The following packages will be REMOVED:  gnome gnome-core pipewire-alsa pipewire-audio"05:57
asdfadsfNo idea what changed05:57
alkisg...that's by just running apt install pulseaudio ?05:57
alkisgSince you do have a somewhat messed up system, I'd suggest a clean installation (22.04 preferred). If the crackling doesn't happen there in a new system and a new user, then the problem was somewhere in your upgraded system and upgraded user settings05:59
asdfadsfThanks for trying. Yes I've been trying to avoid a clean install for years because of some organizational issues in my backups I don't want to deal with06:00
asdfadsfDefinitely going nixos, shoudl avoid precisely this type of problem which I've had way too many times over the years06:00
alkisgYou can still check if disabling/enabling the units gave you pulseaudio back. But your system feels a bit unreliable to me06:01
alkisgNote that when upstreams make decisions, switching distributions won't really help much06:01
alkisgnixos is supposed to have a nice packaging system, but I'm afraid that one too doesn't take all use cases into account06:02
asdfadsfYeah but the last 2 days of throwing the kitchen sink at configs and having no idea what changed where, the system getting into an aparently inconsistent state, every time I kill my desktop having to remember to do 5 different things to fix other problems after I reinstall06:02
asdfadsfAbsurd mess06:02
asdfadsfdisabling/enabling units fails, "Job for pipewire.service canceled" and "Failed to enable unit: Unit file pulseaudio.service does not exist."06:05
alkisgYeh it sounds like indeed your system is in an inconsistent state if you installed pulseaudio and yet don't have the service06:09
asdfadsfWell, I installed pulseaudio 15 minutes ago, and it seemed to succeed, and then I tried to install pulseaudio 5 minutes ago and it said that would remove gnome, is the worse inconsitency06:10
asdfadsfAnyways yeah seems doomed thanks for trying fuck linux audio forever06:10
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ppwmaybe check out Fedora Silverblue06:22
asdfadsfppw: the appeal of NixOS here is configuration.nix, not whatever Silverblue is offerring which I don't quite get (unless it is also operating on an equivalent to configuration.nix)06:29
ppwI thought you wanted an immutable OS06:29
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weedmicPlease provide a terminal command to install Qt_14 - I used "sudo apt-get install qt4-default", but that just said I had the newest default.  tab at qt5 - does not offer any versions.08:13
BogwitchHi All - I'm struggling nmcli08:13
BogwitchNAME                UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE08:13
BogwitchHotspot             b5761fbf-e863-47e7-9c35-2543c0686f41  wifi      --08:13
BogwitchWired connection 1  fbd9d4f0-f3cb-3e66-8353-23130b3ee9f7  ethernet  --08:13
Bogwitchsudo nmcli con up Hotspot08:14
BogwitchError: Connection activation failed: No suitable device found for this connection (device wlx1cbfce90db08 not available because device is not available).08:14
BogwitchThis has worked when I first set up the profile - any ideas why it's upset now?08:14
weedmicuse a paste programme and provide link08:14
weedmicI need either Qt_5.14 or 5.1508:15
weedmicyes, something is not being seen Bogwitch - did you do nmcli c s (to show the possible connection), then sudo nmcli device status (to see if they are working/accessible) and then sudo nmclie c delete gsm* (*=duplicates that are causing confusino)?08:17
BogwitchHmm... device status is showing 'unavailable'08:19
weedmiccorrect - that is why08:21
weedmicdid you switch devices - like insert a different sim?08:21
BogwitchNo changes apart from possible updates and a reboot.08:23
weedmicis the device a pi like thing?08:26
weedmici meant the host08:26
weedmicand what is the device a sim?08:26
BogwitchRunning on a standard Intel box, ubuntu 22.04. It's a standard WiFi device08:28
BogwitchJust trying to set it up as a hotspot.08:28
weedmicand the source of the signal is on?08:28
BogwitchNot sure I understand the question...08:29
weedmicjust start over, but don't proceed until the line about availability turns green and says connected08:29
BogwitchOK, I'll wipe out the previous config - I'll report back :)08:29
weedmicAnyone know a command to installt eh qt5 version I want and not the default?08:29
weedmicI don't think that is necessary, just readd the device, and proceed from there.08:30
weedmicI can't do it from memory, but did almost 1k pi devices with sims, the times it failed were - no activated sime, or no signal from provider.  in once case, the pi device needed the io's turned on.08:31
waveformweedmic, apt install qtbase5-dev-tools (on jammy that should get you 5.15)?08:34
waveform(slightly surprised tab at qt5 didn't offer anything useful -- are bash completions working at your prompt?)08:36
weedmicoic - that's quite a different pakcage name - probably the walll i dented my head from - ty08:36
weedmicis jammy similar to synaptic?08:36
waveformsorry, I should've said 22.04 (jammy :)08:37
waveform(I was assuming you're on the current LTS, which is 22.04 -- jammy jellyfish)08:37
weedmicoic, jammy is the codename for 22.0408:38
waveformthere's also qtbase5-dev which you probably want also (I forget which includes qt5-qmake, but one of them doesn't include it for some bizarre reason)08:38
weedmicit seems to me that 5.12.8 is the newest - yet pebear requires 5.14 or 5.15 - i need to re read things perhaps they mean something else :(08:40
weedmic:D found the odler version first try on make :D - so much for putting dependencies first08:44
weedmicwaveform: you up?  i can review the man page now08:45
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weedmicapt-file search libc.so.6 - searches repositories or local storage?09:13
ograweedmic, it recursively searches your local package cache (the thing you update with "apt update") ... so it searchs bot actually ... but you have to keep the cache up to date yourself indeed09:22
ogra*searches both09:22
Bogwitch@weedmic - Embarrassing! Wifi adapter was disabled in the GUI - I re-enabled and now my hotspot is happy again. :)09:27
ograFWIW ... if you are used to the GUI, using nmtui instead of nmcli on the commandline is often helpful09:29
Bogwitch@ogra - I'm usually happy on the CLI, I use a log of headless systems. In this case, it appears that the GUI was competing - I'm not used to the GUI :D09:38
waveformweedmic, sorry was out at an appointment -- if you're on 22.04 (which you can confirm by running "lsb_release -a") you should have qt 5.15 available (if you run "apt policy qtbase5-dev" you should see a couple of available versions, one release version (5.15.3+dfsg-2) and one -updates version (5.15.3+dfsg-2ubuntu0.2)09:40
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ograBogwitch, well, if you have not seen it, nmtui is still worth a look ... 🙂 (it would have told you about the disabled interface i think)09:46
BogwitchYes, that's useful - thanks!09:47
Jakovhow to explicitly close all terminal windows?10:23
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ograJakov, right click on the icon in the dash ... pick the "close all windows" option ...10:30
Jakovit asks to click to close each window, how can avoid that and close all with lesser clicks?10:55
weedmicogra - i was hoping it searched both11:00
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BluesKajHi all12:06
jndHello guys, I feel like a total moron but I cannot find any package which I could create .lzh archive with. Does somebody here has any experience with this? I have found lha package  but can work only with already exiting archives.12:20
ravagejnd: 7zip should be able to handle lzh12:21
thriceor lhasa ?12:22
thriceaccording to:  https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/man1/lhasa.1.html12:22
thricesorry, https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lunar/man1/lhasa.1.html  (same thing)12:22
jndthrice: Yeah that's what I was talking about :) "The current version does not allow the creation of new archive files."12:23
thriceoh, sorry, I misread, and thought you wanted to extract12:23
jndravage: Thank you! I'm gonna give it a try.12:23
weedmicI knew nothing about, but read this - 1988 - is very very old - :o https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LHA_(file_format) (jnd)12:24
weedmicare you making some dos games like 8-bit guy?12:25
weedmicfyi, jnd, in man:tar, there is the "--lzip" option, but I don't know if it is the same as lzh12:28
weedmicman:zip also mentions lzh directly, but it was too english for me to understand it fully.12:29
SteelRoseHi all! anyone versed in ZFS? I need some advice... Thanks !12:35
jndweedmic: gonna take a look ;)12:42
weedmiclet's say it works, how do you test it before you rely on it?12:43
alkisgSteelRose: it's better to ask the question rather than ask to ask. Some may know some zfs; no idea if what you want is in their knowledge base12:47
Jakovi have loop in terminal application in Ubuntu, can I stop using some short cut as I do with Windows terminal?12:50
alkisgJakov: do you mean to press Ctrl+C to stop the running application in the terminal?12:57
ograJakov, yeah, what alkisg said, ctrl-C is the common keystroke to stop things in terminals since the 1970s on unix-like systems ...13:00
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BardonHello, I am installing a x11vnc server. It works fine but I'd like to create a unit file so it may be started from systemd. I am using this line to start the x11vnc server: `/usr/bin/x11vnc -display :0 -rfbauth /home/myuser/.vnc/passwd -forever -auth /var/run/sddm/*`, but it seems like systemd doesn't like this '*'.14:29
BardonThis is the only way I found to start the x11vnc server without being logged in as the user sharing their session ("myuser")14:29
BardonBut the file in /var/run/sddm/ changes after a reboot so I can't specify it in the command..14:30
BardonHow can I work this out?14:30
leftyfbBardon: /run/user/1000/gdm/Xauthority14:31
Bardonleftyfb: There is no gdm directory :s. But this is lubuntu so it might be a different dm14:33
leftyfbmaybr sddm? I'm not sure about lxde14:34
Bardonthere is no *dm in /run/user/1000/ :s14:35
BardonBut I see a ~/.Xauthority file14:35
BardonI'll try linking that14:35
BardonIt seems to be working fine :)14:39
BardonThanks a lot!14:39
MadLambWhy ubuntu bluetooth management is so horrible? Out of nowhere my pixel buds pro starts to not be able to play a simple video on youtube without breaking up all the time. If I move away 1m from the computer it also starts to freak out. It was working normally until today.14:58
MadLambwhen I switch the output device I get "kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: corrupted SCO packet" in the journal15:03
ogradid you get any updates ? here all my BT devices work fine in a default 22.04 install15:05
ograsuch stuff usually doesnt happen out of the blue ... either you changed someting or an updated package has a regression ... or there is a hardware issue (battery low on the buds for example)15:06
ograwar, please turn off public away messages in this channel, thanks15:06
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Guest14i am trying to install ubuntu 20.04 desktop on lenovo laptop15:54
Guest14lenovo is advising to install15:55
Guest14# sudo apt-get install linux-image-oem-20.0415:55
Guest14# sudo apt-get install linux-headers-oem-20.0415:55
Guest14to install wifi driver but at the moment there is no internet connection to apt-get install xxxx15:56
Guest14what is manual way to install linux-image-oem in ubuntu?15:56
Guest14anyone can help?15:58
ravageprobably a cable15:59
Guest14hmm no ethernet port15:59
Guest14only wifi in laptop15:59
ravageconnect your phone via usb tethering15:59
MadLambogra: I have not changed anything in the last days. I am on 23.04.16:05
MadLambogra: I was the one having that issue the other day with deleting bluetooth libraries and having the whole system destroyed. You helped me to restore it by downloading the library in another machine and getting the networking manager working again.16:07
MadLambogra: the whole point I deleted bt in the first place was because it was also behaving weirdly. It has been fine since that day, but today it decided to behave again.16:07
MadLambogra: I am sure the issue does not come from the Pixel Buds, they work fine on my phone.16:08
Guest14ravage: Thanks a lot!! didnt think about that option16:10
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ocx32hi all, i am trying to figure a way to take a webcam snapshot when a user tries to login to my pc and gets an authentication error, any idea how to do that?16:31
ograocx32, first hit on google ... https://askubuntu.com/questions/253189/can-i-make-the-webcam-take-a-picture-when-an-incorrect-password-is-entered16:47
joodid anybody solve the nautilus problems in the most recent ubuntu 23? using file save dialog trying to save something to my dropbox takes almost a whole minute to load the folder17:10
jasongodevis Ubuntu Pro available for Kubuntu?17:16
jasongodevthere is no GUI and ubuntu-advantage-tools is not installed by default...but can be installed...17:17
jasongodevI wonder if kubuntu and its kde packages are covered17:18
jooi just noticed how the file save dialog in libreoffice is blazing fast, but the file save dialog in firefox is very poor in performance17:31
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NewtonTrendyi heard ubuntu is the best operating system, that is 100% right?23:25
tomreynit is, if you think it is.23:28
NewtonTrendyit is23:28
NewtonTrendyit is the best of all worlds23:30

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