
EickmeyerDigit: The neofetch developers probably hardcoded it to assume that Ubuntu + KDE Plasma Desktop = Kubuntu, which hasn't been the case for nearly 3 years, but apparently they weren00:56
Eickmeyer't paying attention.00:56
tastenheld[m]<Eickmeyer[m]> "Ardour is syncd from Debian..." <- Okay, 7.4 in unstable. So I have to wait a while, I guess. Thank you06:33
pinkergloopis it normal for JACK to show all of your audio outputs except for line out/motherboard?17:12
pinkergloopif not, what options would i have about fixing it?17:12
neoangel[m]Its working?17:46
neoangel[m]Sometimes you should check your bios condiguration17:47
neoangel[m]Sometimes alsa mislabel audiocards17:47

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