
ecravenhello ;) I'm trying to configure a debian cloud image under libvirt (qemu kvm) to use a static IP. do I understand correctly that I should create a network: version: 2 section in meta-data (using datasource nocloud as a cdrom)08:01
minimalecraven: create a network-config file in your cidata ISO that contains either network v1 or network v2 configuration12:16
ecraventhanks, I was trying network-data, and that obviously didn't work13:14
minimalecravan: it is documented in the NoCloud page13:16
ecravenyea, I read it, but didn't quite understand it13:18
ecraventhere's a lot of conflicting information about cloud-init on the internet :-/13:18
minimalI'm referring to the official documentation: https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/reference/datasources/nocloud.html13:19
ecravenyea, I read that too, thank you13:19
blackboxswecraven: cloud-localds utility should give you the ability to create a CIDATA with user-data meta-data network-config etc  example script here https://github.com/cloud-init/ubuntu-sru/blob/main/bugs/1682871/btest-launch.sh15:26
blackboxswhrm we seem to be hitting github CI actions in parallel throttling limits... only 3 CI jobs running in parallel on cloud-init PRs15:27
ecravenblackboxsw: thanks, I used genisoimage on arch15:30
ecravenah, package cloud-utils on arch too15:31
meenaanyone got time to hit merge on #4222  15:36
meenai woulda thought ubottu would resolve that15:43
-ubottu:#cloud-init- Pull 4222 in canonical/cloud-init "mount parse: Fix matching non-existent directories" [Open]15:43
falcojrmeena: done15:44
meenafalcojr: thank you15:44
meenawhat is atomic_helper.py?19:09
falcojrcontains an atomic write_file function along with the helpers it uses19:24
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