
skramerHi. Anybody else experiencing Kup backup is not working on 22.04?03:16
skramerWhenever I try to start it, nothing happens.03:17
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user|44Hallo, ich möchte wine runter laden und  installieren.,Wie mach ich es  unter kubuntu10:15
weedmicuser|44: durch "muon" (fuer gui)10:19
clynical[m]I got a question regarding the installation process10:43
weedmicclynical[m]: just ask the question please10:47
clynical[m]I want to select manual during disk setup and theres nothing comming up to select10:53
weedmicclynical[m]: Pls use something like picpaste and show a pic of what you see?  I have always been offered manual setup for storage partitions.11:09
clynical[m]Send you something11:21
weedmictake a pic w your phone of the screen where you are not offered "manual" partition setup - I have never seen that.  use use something like pastebin, but for pics.11:26
clynical[m]Ill try something else11:28
weedmicI'm pretty sure you would be offered the opportunity, but perhaps are not recognising the prompt/option - hence why I need to see what you see.11:29
clynical[m]I send you a picture11:30
clynical[m]Nothing changed11:31
weedmiccheck this - i tooke it from the internet.  you don't see the option "manual"?  https://kfocus.org/img/wf/reinstall/ubiquity-screenshots.webp?1657169401  - fyi, you did not post anything - that I see11:31
clynical[m]weedmic: Send you a direct message11:32
weedmicif you went past it, you can do previous page/back to return to the option.11:32
weedmicI don't have that option enabled.11:33
clynical[m]weedmic: Thats the same i See now11:33
weedmicexcellent :)11:34
clynical[m]If i select manual theres nothing shown11:35
weedmicyou select manual, then go to the next page, then you need to set each partition manuall, / /boot /home swap etc.  you need to set the size, the location, the filesystem type.  if you plan to use "sleep", you need to have the swap partition match the ram (although I have not used sleep in 10 years, and could be wrong).11:37
weedmici strongly recomment putting /home on a different drive, but some don't have 2 drives.  I nomrally put the system on one and the data/homes on another.11:39
clynical[m]Ill try that11:43
clynical[m]Alright ill abort11:46
clynical[m]Ill just install ubuntu and install plasma afterwards11:47
TomyWorkI just joined, but that doesn't seem like the best course of action. what's the issue?11:48
TomyWork(I'm currently also installing kubuntu 22.04 so there's some self-interest here :D)11:48
clynical[m]Im Tryin To install 23.04 and the partitioning is fucked up11:56
weedmicclynical[m]: kubunt and ubuntu are basically (if not exactly) the same except that kubuntu comes with kde.  seems a bit wrongly planned to me.11:58
weedmicI forgot to ask, clynical[m], why did you "want" to do manual partitioning - instead of using the defualts?11:59
weedmicnothing wrong with it, just asking - I generally do the manual - because I want ext4 most of the time.11:59
clynical[m]I was trying To replace a nobara installation with kubuntu12:00
weedmicfinally, i remembered to ask - for myself - when I drop to init3 to do something with ctrl+alt+f3, how do I get back to my kde?  it used to be ctrl+alt+f7, but that doesn't do anything (at least for me)>12:00
weedmicclynical[m]: oic, that's one of the reasons why I keep the home volume separate from the sys volume.  I can at anytime change the OS, but keep all my stuff.12:01
weedmicbeen doing that since novell in the 90s maybe even before linux appeared.12:02
clynical[m]<clynical[m]> "I was trying To replace a nobara..." <- But cant select the partition reserved12:05
clynical[m]Okay i think i found my way12:10
BluesKajHi all12:34
IrcsomeBot<Jose Josivaldo Oliveira> SKY14:10
IrcsomeBot<Jose Josivaldo Oliveira> ESB14:10
IrcsomeBot<Jose Josivaldo Oliveira> hello14:10
IrcsomeBot<Jose Josivaldo Oliveira> anyone help with a doubt?14:11
IrcsomeBot<Jose Josivaldo Oliveira> how do I disable screen password lock?14:11
TomyWorkdid you search for something like "lock" in the system settings?14:17
TomyWorkon my old 18.04 there's "configure screen locking" and it's easily found like that, so try that on your version and let me know if it works14:19
TomyWorkJose, I see the same option on 22.04, so check it out14:21
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IrcsomeBot<Jose Josivaldo Oliveira> 96XO15:43
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!20:09
kirvesAxeoerheks, did you do a typo?20:17

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