
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== Christoffer is now known as Christoffer1234
Christoffer12345Hi, I'm having some trouble setting up active directory sign in. I upgraded from 22.04 LTS to 23.04 to test it. To install and configure I used "sudo apt install libpam-aad libnss-aad", "sudo pam-auth-update --enable mkhomedir", and "sudo nano /etc/aad.conf". After rebooting I can only sign in as my previous user "rfids". There doesn't seem to be06:42
Christoffer12345any way to click on something for "change user" or "cannot see your user?". Does anyone know if I did something wrong or maybe the feature isn't ready yet?06:42
Christoffer12345This is what I found in the logs06:42
Christoffer12345rfids@rfids-c60150020:~$ sudo journalctl | grep _aad06:42
Christoffer12345[sudo] password for rfids:06:42
Christoffer12345Jul 04 15:15:02 rfids-c60150020 sshd[1722]: pam_aad(sshd:auth): try to authenticate "rfids" from cache06:42
=== raul is now known as lubDock
lubDockI have an issue, I'm trying to mount the virtualbox share folder but I can't, any link or idea ?14:05

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