
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
TomyLobo2I'm trying to install xpra. turns out it can't be installed at the same time as the xorg HWE packages... great.15:47
lotuspsychjeTomyLobo2: sounds like bug #1862984 ?15:49
-ubottu:#ubuntu-discuss- Bug 1862984 in xpra (Ubuntu) "xpra package pulls in dependencies that force the removal of the Hardware Enablement X server" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/186298415:50
TomyLobo2yeah i'm trying the vendor packages now, maybe they're better15:51
TomyLobo2yep, they are15:52
ograheh, that bug is rather useless ... the reporter could at least have attached the terminal output of apt ...15:55
lotuspsychjemaybe TomyLobo2 can do it :p15:57
ograyeah, that at least gives it a chance that someone looks at it 15:58
ogra(instead of just closing)15:58
TomyLobo2I'm on 18.04, no use reporting a bug for that16:00
TomyLobo2the remote I'm connecting to is my new machine, I'm in the process of moving and VNC performance is crap16:00
TomyLobo2ok, xpra is much better16:26
* ogra wonders what happened to x2go ... is that too old fashioned ? 16:39
TomyLobo2x2go can't shadow an existing display17:45
ograah, right17:48
TomyLobo2anyway, I installed xpra 3.x from the vendor repos instead of whatever version is in the 18.04 repos. seems to work fine. 4.x wasn't compatible with my python3 version, it seems.17:52
TomyLobo2I'm calling it a day, bye :)17:53

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