[01:42] OutOfService: in the storage section of autoinstall, you can specify a `match` parameter to match on model/path/serial/ssd/largest/smallest https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/install/autoinstall-reference#storage === chris14_ is now known as chris14 [04:55] yes, I saw that parameter. What could I do with it? [04:55] thanks for helping me dbungert [04:58] I mean... I will be rebuilding multiple VMs from vmware, so the SN will be diferent. The only one that will keep are the ones in the raid controller. I caoulc make match with the phisical ones, but what else should I do? I just want the installer to pass by them. If the SN of the vm machine would be always the same, I could use the match parameter and install ubuntu on it, but the SN [04:58] will always change. === JanC_ is now known as JanC [14:40] OutOfService: if the SN is unsuitable, does one of model/path/ssd/smallest work better? [14:40] does anybody know whether it's by design that extracting RAR files copied over from a windows machine does not work on ubuntu and we need to use unrar instead? [14:41] shailangsa: unrar instead of what? [14:43] after copying the file over from the windows host machine onto the ubuntu guest machine i used "extract here" and it just hangs https://prnt.sc/x_izTq32U431 and then takes up 467GB+ worth of disk space https://prnt.sc/lntyaWQfuL4A [14:45] "extract here" doesn't sound like an Ubuntu Server question. Have you tried #ubuntu?