
=== austinw1 is now known as austinw
maerwald[m]Less CI architectures for the LinuxContainers project. Sounds like a rip-off01:39
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guy1823129WHATS UP GUYS03:22
lifewithryanwow, irc been years03:22
guy1823129what do you think about the grimace shake03:23
lifewithryangrimace? isn't that the purple mcdonalds thing03:23
lifewithryanis the grimace shake a dance or a beverage?03:24
guy1823129a beverage03:24
lifewithryannever had it03:24
guy1823129what is your opinion on hitler03:24
guy1823129my friend wants to know03:24
lifewithryanwow asking the hard hitting questions...hitler was an a$$03:25
NewtonTrendymy opinion on hitler is that if we invent a way of bringing people back to life, chances are, in infinite time, we'll have to learn to live with him03:25
Unit193This is a support channel for Ubuntu linux, please keep it on target.03:26
guy1823129well, (this is his friend typing) FYI, he's the best guy ever, he donated too charity, and also hates the gays03:26
lifewithryanthank Unit19303:27
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lilalvaroit's me again :D04:39
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PeGaSuScan someone please point me out what I have wrong, because I'm failing to do so? https://0bin.xyz/?c97fd5dba33145eb#EVR88X5frRAtpdg7fJ8asVxNbUvHEpHUaA2oRYUinMvE07:39
raub1Showing how much I do not understand snap, I am not running chromium and yet I see this when I do "df -h"07:52
raub1"/dev/loop0 151M  151M     0 100% /snap/chromium/249707:52
ravagesnap list|grep chromium07:53
ograraub1, thats just a mountpoint ...07:53
ogra(if you have chromium installed the snap gets mounted, no matter if you run it or not)07:54
raub1ogra, ravage: thanks! Where disk space is being used for this block device comes from?07:59
raub1s/Where disk space/Where the disk space08:00
ograraub1, /var/lib/snapd/snaps holds the actual files that get loop mounted08:00
raub1That explains what I saw in "losetup -a"08:00
ograimagine a highly compressed iso ... the space you see used under /snap is not actually used ...08:00
ogra... it represents the compressed content only08:01
raub1So /var is being used for that then: 2.8G    /var/lib/snapd/snaps08:01
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ravageif war is a mount point on your system then yes08:08
ravagewar: please turn off your away message status messages08:08
raub1ravage: thanks. That explained why I was running out of space in /var. I increased its size and all is well08:24
=== ord is now known as quem
OutOfServiceIs there a way to prevent loading one module on ubuntu installation? I can pass some commands to kernel via pxe, but I don't know if it's possible. I'd like to prevent oading a raid controller, megaraid_sas module09:12
ograOutOfService, yes, there is a kernel cmdline option to blacklist modules (you need to google the exact syntax, but "blacklist" is in the name of that option), tat should be respected by ubuntu kernels09:31
alkisgOutOfService: try 2nd and 3rd answers there: https://askubuntu.com/questions/110341/how-to-blacklist-kernel-modules09:33
alkisgBut it must NOT be built-in; built-in modules are much harder to blacklist09:33
ograyeah, but i doubt it will be built in ... AFAIK all recent ubuntu kernels turn pretty much everytihing into modules that is possibl to be a module09:35
ogra(which causes these horridy large initrds)09:36
Guest71everyone/someone recommend most newbie-friendly way of getting ubuntu server vps going with a gui?10:32
Guest7120.04 by the way10:33
weedmicI generally use vmware esxi and virtualbox.  but I found this link that shows what it is and how to setup vps on ubuntu.  I cannot vouch for any of it though "https://www.virtuozzo.com/application-platform-docs/vps-ubuntu/". Guest7110:38
weedmicwhat does "[Notice] -war- away: off" mean/indicate?10:39
webchat87I'm trying to check CVEs and getting a 500 from the Ubuntu website -- where's the best place to report this?10:53
weedmicwebchat87: are you using this "https://cve.mitre.org/cve/search_cve_list.html"?11:11
weedmicI generally use virustotal.com, but I Im not checking cves11:11
OutOfServicethnks ogra. I'll give it  try11:45
TomyWorkinstalling a new laptop with kubuntu 22.04. I see the default for the file system is still ext4. I want to give btrfs a try since I have good experience with it in some ubuntu 22.04 servers. first of all, is that advisable for a desktop? and are there any pitfalls if I do that?11:46
Jakovcan some one help me pls install Windows App https://quicktextpaste.en.uptodown.com/windows/download on Ubuntu, using wine?11:48
TomyWorkcan't you just use ctrl+v?11:49
Jakovoh, please11:49
TomyWorkdon't blame me, blame the description on the page you linked11:50
TomyWorkthere's likely already a feature in ubuntu itself or one of the packages in the repository that does whatever this tool does11:51
TomyWorkthere, found one, AutoKey11:53
TomyWorkthough the article I found this in is from 2016, so ymmv11:54
TomyWorkthere's also Glipper, which has a "snippet plugin", which sounds like what you want11:57
TomyWorkthe article about *that* is from 2015, so again ymmv :)11:59
JakovAutoKey = AHK = AutoHotKey?11:59
TomyWorkno, AutoHotKey is a windows tool12:00
TomyWorksudo apt install autokey-gtk12:02
TomyWorkor I guess -qt if you're on KDE12:02
ravageJakov: https://alternativeto.net/software/quicktextpaste/?license=opensource&platform=linux12:02
TomyWorknative tools usually integrate much better into the linux desktop than a windows tool via wine would12:03
Jakovravage, i've everything from this website, there is no substitute even close listed there12:04
Jakovi opened with wine, but no copy/paste available12:05
Jakovand other featuers12:05
TomyWorka minute ago you were wondering what AutoKey is, despite it being listed on that website12:05
weedmicJakov: I have not used wine in many years because I started to use virtualbox which comes with shared directories, cut and paste, etc.12:06
TomyWorkJakov, yeah that's what I figured. good luck getting more than the basics working and working well12:06
Jakovthere were 3 diiferent names, which are same program which is total shit12:07
Jakovshare pls AutoKey link12:07
weedmicperhaps you should consider that, a virtual machine in it's original os, running things nicely, with those options.  you can even use vmware player for free, both are pretty powerful/useful.12:07
TomyWorkActiona is the same program as AutoKey?12:07
TomyWorkweedmic, does vmware player still require manual steps to update the kernel modules after each kernel update or have they fixed that now?12:08
TomyWorkweedmic, if not, I'd recommend virtualbox over vmware player12:08
ravageor virt-manager12:09
ravagethat does not require any special modules :)12:09
ograor just qemu from cmdline 😉12:09
TomyWorkneither of these integrate well12:09
weedmicTomyWork: yes, that is correct, but it is just a script you run, did it yesterday in fact.12:09
TomyWorkor are very beginner-friendly12:09
weedmici also found it is b/c vmware doesn't contain anything for emulating monitors - pretty darn dumb imho.12:10
ograif you want beginnerfriendy in a default ubuntu desktop, take gnome-boxes12:10
TomyWorkweedmic, yeah every time I update the kernel. that's just hilarious that they haven't fixed it in 10 years12:10
weedmici got that, i only learned about git server (and thereby git commands) last week, and those modules are on git (only) - so it is a pain (the first time).  nothing wrong with virtualbox.12:11
TomyWorkvirtualbox supports multi-monitor setups12:11
ravageif you want to discuss more software alternatives or features please continue in #ubuntu-discuss12:12
ograyeah, we'Re getting pretty offtopic for here ...12:12
weedmicreminds me of runescape, each time I change either nvidia, x11, or 1 other things I can't remember right now, i have to delete flatpak, reboot, reinstall flatpak, and see if it works (or revert).  it's a pain.  I have 8 such updates waiting at home, not looking forward to it at all.12:12
weedmicwhat does this libera chat message mean "[Notice] -war- away: off"12:13
weedmicis it an off topic warning?12:13
TomyWorkweedmic, it means someone misconfigured their IRC client to send chat messages when they return from the toilet or something12:13
ograweedmic, its an auto-away message from the IRC client of the user "war"12:13
ravageit means that someone should kick that user after multiple warnings to turn the auto away message off12:13
weedmicoic, nothing to do with me, just keeping me informed.12:13
ograwar, please turn off auto-away here, it is against the channel rules for ubuntu channels and i dont want to ban you for something that trivial12:14
ravage-> /ignore war12:14
ravagetakes care of it12:14
TomyWorktheir name is -war- though12:14
TomyWorkI have a support question btw: is running kubuntu 22.04 on a btrfs partition a supported configuration?12:15
ograwhy wouldnt it12:16
TomyWorkcause the installer doesnt offer it12:16
TomyWorkexcept via "manual"12:16
ograin manual partitioning it doesnt ?12:16
ograso it is a supported config 🙂12:16
TomyWorkand I'm getting a bunch of errors cause I have no f'in clue what I'm doing12:16
ograthen yu should probably not do it12:17
ogra(or learn abou it first)12:17
ravageone could argue that any manual config is not very "beginnerfriendy" :)12:18
ograyeah, definitely12:18
ograbut "hard" doesnt mean unsupported ....12:18
TomyWorkI mean i have used btrfs, but not on a desktop together with encryption12:20
* ogra happily uses ext4 with no issues ...12:21
ogranever felt the need for something else12:21
TomyWorkbtrfs can snapshot subvolumes12:21
ograsure ... and i'd need that because ?12:22
ravagei liked the idea of snapshots too. used ZFS for it. but regular backups are needed anyway12:23
ravageso i never used any of the snapshots12:23
ograi really prefer the KISS approach ... especially for something like filesystems or other core system components ...12:24
ograstability > features12:25
TomyWorkoh and block-level checksumming12:25
ravageif you need those features use ZFS12:26
ravageit works out of the box with Ubuntu. Even with encryption on 22.0412:27
ograwell, tricky with the current desktop installer i think 🙂12:27
ravagebut im not sure about the future of ZFS on the desktop12:27
ravageit does not get much love at all12:27
ograthere were no resources to car for it12:28
ogra24.04 will see a lot o love for zfs again12:28
ravagethat would be great :)12:28
* ogra notes it s time for a new laptop with an actually working keyboard12:28
Znevnawas it cheaper without the keyboard?12:29
ogranah, it is simply worn out ...12:29
ogra5y old xps13 ... the age shows ...12:29
ogra(the 5 key needs like 3 presses before it even prints the 5)12:30
BluesKajHi all12:34
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weedmicTomyWork: btrfs is new (although it isn't anymore) and some don't trust it b/c some have had problems with snapshots.  hence it is not the default.  you can choose it in manual.12:49
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TomyWorksuse has been using it for years, so i guess it cant be that bad12:51
weedmicI see people in that room have snapshot problems too.  but as a general fs, I see nothing wrong with it.12:52
weedmicthat said, I generally use ext4.12:52
hsiktas[m]is there a Gnome extension that brings this Windows feature back where I can double-click on a window's edge and said window will expand only in that dimension to the screen border?12:53
terri82Is this possible to use banking apps on Ubuntu Touch etc?13:34
TomyWorkbanking on a phone?13:34
terri82like this one13:35
terri82I know such an apps don't work on rooted android phones13:36
TomyWorkI mean I would advise against using your phone for more than the 2nd factor for your banking, but I also dont think ubuntu touch will be terribly popular with the rootkit that comes with most banking apps these days13:36
TomyWorkalso, commerzbank, didn't they like crash the german banking system at some point?13:36
TomyWorksorry, that's offtopic here, disregard the question :)13:38
OutOfServiceogra, the command line in kernel worked for me to blacklist the raid kernel module. Thanks for the advice!14:01
TomyWorkhnnnng, why does the kubuntu installer swapon the target's swap device? that makes no sense to me and it just cost me half an hour to debug...14:02
ograOutOfService, awesome !14:10
OutOfServicemodprobe.blacklist=megaraid_sas is the line14:10
ograyeah, i knew it was someting with "backlist" ... i just couldnt remember the full name of the option14:11
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
aiena_I am trying to troubleshoot an issue. Sometimes pulseaudio shows the outputs but there is no sound of late I only get a dummy output. On further diggigng running speaker-test I get some errors so it looks like alsa is broken orsomethig14:23
aiena_how OD I troubleshoot I looked at lspci the  snd_hda_intel module is loaded and the card appears in that output14:25
aiena_Earlier before a reboot if I plugged in or unplugged a device from the back ports the line out option would show/disappear but there was no sounding in spute of raising/l;owering the volume my speakers are ok.14:26
BluesKajpavucontrol ?14:28
aiena_pavucintrol ony shows "DUmmy output'14:29
JanCdid you try looking in the logs for ALSA and or PulseAudio errors?14:29
JanCmaybe something else fights with PulseAudio for the audio devices?14:30
aiena_I did try the pulseaudio--kill and then pulseaudio =vvv14:30
aiena_there I saw that pulseaudio I got ...module.c: Failed to load module "module-alsa-card" (argument: "device_id="0" name="pci-0000_00_1f.3" ...14:30
aiena_looks a bit like https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-lib/issues/89 but14:31
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 89 in alsa-project/alsa-lib "ALSA error on finding 'working profile' for a USB MIDI device." [Closed]14:31
aiena_I am on 5.1914:31
aiena_then I ran speaker-test and get https://bpa.st/FNEIK14:32
JanCdo you have jack installed?14:32
aiena_no jack installed14:32
aiena_no pipewire either it looks like14:32
aiena_JanC, only thing different i can think of is before i used to have an nvidia PCIE card which used to override the intel one. I removed it because it would periodically fall off the bus freezing the system14:34
aiena_the nvidia card doesnt show but and the module doesnt appear to be loaded14:35
aiena_not showing is expected as I removed it.14:35
aiena_I'll try troubleshooting some more myself and hop back in here later.14:39
shailangsadoes anybody know whether it's by design that extracting RAR files copied over from a windows machine does not work on ubuntu and we need to use unrar instead?14:40
lgrnwhat do you mean "doesn't work"? if you can do it with unrar, it works?14:41
lgrnI would guess that it's by design that it's not included by default, because unrar is not free software (I think)14:42
shailangsaafter copying the file over from the windows host machine onto the ubuntu guest machine i used "extract here" and it just hangs https://prnt.sc/x_izTq32U431 and then takes up 467GB+ worth of disk space https://prnt.sc/lntyaWQfuL4A14:43
jean-loupshello i search an friend to learn C by extrem programming by etherpad and audio conf14:43
lgrnshailangsa: are you saying that this only happens in the GUI, but running 'unrar' in the terminal works fine?14:45
shailangsathats exactly what's happening14:46
lgrnshailangsa: if I were you I'd check htop and see what binary is running when the GUI is attempting to unpack the file. could maybe be worth filing a bug report for, but if unrar isn't free software to begin with the chances of it being fixed are possibly slim14:46
shailangsathe gui's "extract here" does not use unrar, its the native extractor to ubuntu, its only after downloading unrar from the package repository i got it working14:48
lgrnis there any reason you're using rar specifically?14:51
lgrnmy first thought for something cross-compatible between windows and linux would be zip, since rar haven't had native windows support until very recently, and it's not widely used on linux14:53
shailangsaits weird because its working fine now, i am lost as to why it happened14:54
lgrndo you have a reason for including the .git folder to begin with? if you're just going to try installing https://github.com/EFForg/cover-your-tracks it won't be needing the .git folder I'm pretty sure14:55
ograwell, the GUI bit will use unrar when it is installed, did you have unrar installed before trying it first via the GUI ?14:55
shailangsaoh i didnt know the gui uses unrar if its installed14:56
shailangsano i didnt when trying it at first via the gui14:56
ograyeah, that might have been the issue14:56
shailangsabut what i dont understand is that it extracted other RAR files which i downloaded to ubuntu via firefox, it just started bugging out after i copied over this rar from the windows host machine, do you know whether there's a reason for that?14:57
ograthough you should probably open a bug about the GUI not asking you to install unrar when it was missing and instead going mad trying to extract it somehow14:57
ograah, the windows rar file might have some special flags used that only the nonfree unrar understands ... not sure14:58
shailangsaactually i take that back, i think it worked fine on zip files on rar files before14:58
shailangsanot rar*14:59
ograyeah, that would make sense14:59
shailangsaso ubuntu can't extract rar files natively?14:59
ograrar is a really antique format nobody really uses anymore ... especially on linux because it is proprietary ...15:00
ogra(if i personally think of rar i think of win95 shareware or pirated stuff 🙂 )15:01
ograwar, last warning before i permanently ban you from this channel ... please turn ff your auto-away messages, they are against policy in ubuntu channels ... next time i see one, i will kick and ban you from the channel15:01
shailangsaas an off topic, i cant see any messages from war in this channel, or am i missing something?15:10
shailangsaoh i just saw it15:11
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someone235$ /usr/sbin/sshd -f /etc/ssh/sshd_config_external16:50
someone235sshd: no hostkeys available -- exiting.16:50
someone235Someone knows what's the issue here?16:50
rfmsomeone235, where-ever that custom config file says the hostkeys are, the hostkeys aren't.17:05
rfmsomeone235, you're not trying to run sshd as a normal user (not root) are you?  That's unlikely to work...17:07
someone235rfm: yes I did. The problem was fixed by running as a root17:07
eFfeMHi, anyone an idea what I can do to detect a hdmi monitor connected to my laptop (ubuntu 22.04)18:01
eFfeMdisplays only shows one monitor (the laptop screen), when booting into windows the monitor is detected18:02
highs78try xrandr18:04
highs78with --help flag also if it's undetected in the GUI.18:05
oerhekslook for the FN + screen key on your laptop?18:05
highs78usualy that's to on/off the LCD.18:06
eFfeMoerheks, that key has no effect18:07
highs78but it should shows up into the config panel, did you try booting on Ubuntu with the external screen plugged ing?18:07
highs78and did you look into the bios if there is something about external screen.18:07
eFfeMhighs78,  xrandr only lists one screen18:07
eFfeMhighs78, it should not be a bios thing as the extenral screen is detected under windows18:08
eFfeMalso I had it working for a moment but after a reboot the external screen is gone again.18:08
highs78Okay, then maybe the external HDMI output is not supported for your graphic card, you should look with lsmod, what model you have, check the bios if there is an option about external screen also, then check online ubuntu forum with the card model and/or past it in here.18:09
eFfeMthis is a laptop with intel 915 and an nvidia 3050 card18:09
highs78did you installed the nvidia drivers?18:09
eFfeMvideo is now connected to i91518:09
eFfeMusing prime-switch and prime-select18:10
eFfeMhighs78, hmm, I did get an update to the nvidia drivers18:10
highs78there is an nvidia-config tool or something, look into that one, check the drivers are properly working.18:11
highs78maybe the cable is faulty also if you got it detected for a moment.18:11
highs78try a second cable.18:12
eFfeMhighs78, update, apparently the i915 does not support the extenral display, I did a prime-select nvidia and a prime-switch nvidia and the external screen is found18:12
eFfeM(normally when running on battery I prefer intel as it runs twice as long on intel than on nvidia)18:12
eFfeMlet me try a quick reboot, brb18:13
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eFfeMhighs78, back, with prime-select nvidia it works also after a reboot; i'd hoped it would also be detected with i915 (onboard of the 12700h)18:14
MadLambCan someone pls help me to make bluetooth work? bluetoothd[1392]: src/profile.c:record_cb() Unable to get Hands-Free Voice gateway SDP record: Host is down18:35
MadLambkernel: Bluetooth: hci0: corrupted SCO packet18:35
MadLambbluetoothd[1392]: profiles/input/device.c:ioctl_is_connected() Can't get HIDP connection info18:36
=== mt is now known as mjt
MadLambwireplumber[1595164]: RFCOMM receive command but modem not available: AT+CCWA=118:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:38
MadLambkostkon: its not a multi-line text. Its several independent lines.18:44
elias_aSweet Jesus - give me strength...18:51
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:08
=== mike is now known as Guest9091
=== User001 is now known as User1001
MadLambI have been trying to understand why my bluetooth headset is not working and was guessing it could be a pipewire/wireplumber issue. In the pipewire channel I was told it was most likely a bluetooth adapter driver problem. I have a 0cf3:e300 Qualcomm Atheros Communications QCA61x4 Bluetooth 4.0 installed. I was wondering if I could replace that with a more modern card. If that is possible, can someone help me to understand what to23:14
MadLamblook for?23:14
jeremy31MadLamb: It doesn't connect to Bluetooth?23:16
MadLambjeremy31: it does connect, but its very unreliable. There have been times it worked beautifully but now I am on 23.04 and I was already having issues in 22.04.223:17
MadLambjeremy31: I used to be able to walk around the house with the headset and would not have any issue to hear, but now it starts to break up if I move half meter away.23:18
coolnessthose little ones do that23:19
MadLambjeremy31: I did find this hw probe of a similar machine and it indicates that "this device model is known to have problems" https://linux-hardware.org/?probe=f00fb4467d23:20
MadLambbut it is for kernel 5.4.0-40-generic. I am on 6.2.0-24-generic23:20
jeremy31MadLamb: What Ubuntu version, 23.04?23:21
MadLambjeremy31: yes.23:21
jeremy31MadLamb: Try 22.04 as it is long term support23:22
MadLambcoolness: its a Google Pixel Buds Pro. I can still be very far away when connected to the phone. It must be something either software or hardware related in the notebook23:22
jeremy31The phone has more space for an efficient antenna23:22
coolnessthe little usb bluetooth ones break up easy23:22
MadLambjeremy31: I was also having issues before. I did 22.04, 22.04.2, 22.10. All with problems23:22
jeremy31MadLamb: Using wifi at the same time?23:23
coolnessif thats what you have anyways23:23
MadLambjeremy31: no cable, but also had the same issue while using wifi23:23
MadLambcoolness: little usb bluetooth ones? what do you mean? it is a wifi + bluetooth card on the computer side23:24
jeremy31MadLamb: No idea as I can use my Sony headset upstairs while using Bluetooth23:24
coolness  oh23:24
MadLambjeremy31: yes this is what it used to be. I could go anywhere in the house without any issue23:26
MadLambjeremy31: now I move half a meter away and it breaks up23:26
MadLambso I was wondering, maybe I should replace the wifi + bt card with a more modern one?23:27
jeremy31MadLamb: It might be caused by more 2.4GHz traffic in your area23:29
MadLambjeremy31: I think its unlikely, but could be. In the same location it has no issue when connected to the phone.23:29
coolnessyou could also get one thats meant for stereos and just plug into headphones plug if you dont need mic23:30
MadLambjeremy31: and it used to work exact the same way with the computer. It was probably a software update, kernel update, etc.23:30
jeremy31The phone likely is more optimized to wifi interference23:30
MadLambdo you think changing the wifi card is a bad idea?23:31
MadLambI can prob get a good brand one for 30 eur23:31
coolnessis it a desktop or laptop23:34
coolnessmaybe if laptop the antenna came off23:35
coolnessthe wire23:35
MadLambcoolness: possible. I already had this issue before and eventually it started working again.23:37
MadLambthis is my card23:38
coolnessi dont like clicking links23:39
MadLambits ebay official url, but I understand23:40
MadLambwell, bought a new card, 27 eur23:50
MadLambthanks guys, crossing fingers it helps and the kernel likes it23:51
coolnessgood luck :D23:51
MadLambgot an intel ax210ngw23:52
coolnessdid you research it if it works first?23:53
coolnessi think intels are pretty good. i had an intel that worked well23:54
coolnessbut thats like a newer one you bought23:54
coolnessmine was an old one23:54
MadLambI did find a article on ifixit and there was a comment that the guy got exactly this one23:56
coolnessah cool ok23:56
MadLambwell having issues already, would not make sense to bet a unknown brand will make my life easier, better go safe :D23:58
coolnessare you on the laptop right now with irc23:58
coolnessif so its probably not the antenna23:58
MadLambwifi is doing great, the issue is bluetooth23:59
MadLambbut i am also on cable right now23:59
MadLambsince its the same card i have to update wifi too :D23:59

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