[02:27] Hello [02:28] Any recommendations for a decent cli web browser that isn't Lynx? [02:30] Links2 [04:27] w3m has some advantages over lynx; though I use lynx more myself. === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === nikolam_ is now known as nikolam [11:56] asearer: I use w3m to render HTML mail with mutt. [17:21] hello there, any reported problems during installation? [17:21] I'm on windows 10 trying to install via virtualbox [17:22] it stops and says dpkg returned an error code (1) during installation chromium browser [17:23] i've tried over 4 times, lubuntu installed though [17:29] xu-help85w: verify your iso file, it may be corrupt [17:29] i downloaded 2nd time [17:30] match file size in bytes, or better check it cryptographically [17:30] also I had installed it with one of the isos in the past 90 days [17:30] or maybe your disk ran fulll? [17:31] what's the size of the virtual disk? [17:31] Dynamically allocated storage 25gb [17:31] stops installation around 14gb [17:32] version 22.04.2 [17:34] that should be enough for a standard installation. so verify the cdrom image [17:46] I turned off nat so it does not update while installing, chose minimal installation and it completed it normally... I have a feeling it has to do with online updates during installation [17:47] also chrome did not install, I have only firefox