=== Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion [14:59] \o [15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:00] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:01] o/ [15:03] #startmeeting Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team [15:03] Meeting started at 15:03:11 UTC. The chair is bdrung. Information about MeetBot at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology [15:03] Available commands: action, commands, idea, info, link, nick [15:03] #topic Lightning rounds [15:03] https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/foundations-team-updates-thursday-6-jul-2023/36733 [15:04] i'll give everybody some time to read and ask questions [15:04] ginggs: Did you find out why those linux-nvidia-5.19 tests were running? [15:07] ginggs: why was there more than one copy of linux-nvidia-5.19 running with a migration-reference/0 trigger? [15:07] ah same question as bdmurray [15:08] maybe this is a britney bug, or a bug in someone queuing these tests, or [15:08] no i did not, and they are still being triggered every 15 minutes or so [15:10] If the requester name is not showing up then the most likely culprit is britney [15:10] and if it's on jammy, "every 15 minutes" is possible. I'll open a bug to track this on britney [15:10] because we don't want it triggering more than 1 migration-reference/0 test at a time [15:13] dbungert: how is systemd related to rsyslog vs busybox-rsyslogd? [15:14] vorlon: systemd 253 can do a cleanup of a dangling symlink. In systemd 252 instead we get a conffile conflict. [15:14] I wanted to write up a bug anyhow with details, I'll do so. [15:14] ok [15:17] Finished reading the status? [15:19] aye [15:19] #topic Release incoming bugs [15:20] #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-mm-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [15:20] bug #2025068 [15:20] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2025068 in ubuntu-image (Ubuntu) "Current rpi images are broken" [High, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2025068 [15:21] "Turns out SIMD isn’t a performance panacea" lol [15:21] This should be targetted to Mantic [15:22] done; I'm looking into this at the moment [15:25] so we should tag this bug as foundations-todo? [15:25] I think so [15:25] vorlon: LP: #2026292 [15:25] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Launchpad bug 2026292 in systemd (Ubuntu) "conflict on syslog.service when moving between rsyslog and busybox-syslogd" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2026292 [15:25] dbungert: cool, will read [15:25] mclemenceau, okay, tag added [15:26] next bug #2025575 [15:26] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2025575 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "[23.10 FEAT] [GNU2219] GCC Preserve register arguments support" [High, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2025575 [15:28] that looks like a bug for doko [15:29] should we tag it as well? [15:29] In doubt I say tag it, doko can remove it later if we're wrong. [15:30] okay, tagged foundations-todo [15:31] #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ll-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [15:31] nothing for up \o/ [15:31] #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-jj-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [15:31] same here [15:32] #link http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-ff-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs [15:32] bug #2024901 [15:32] -ubottu:#ubuntu-meeting- Bug 2024901 in s390-tools (Ubuntu) "[UBUNTU 20.04] Unsupported setup: Directory '/boot' is located on a multi-target device-mapper device" [Undecided, Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2024901 [15:34] So, do we support LVM without separate /boot? [15:40] Guess we're taking it in, at least to investigate both the installer side and upgrade side, right? [15:40] If not having a separate /boot partition, we should make sure that the installer does not create such setup [15:40] even if we do, apparently IBM's own tools don't [15:40] but we should reach a conclusion on this bug, so take it [15:40] okay, tagging with foundations-todo then. [15:41] #topic Team proposed-migration report [15:41] #link https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/proposed-migration/update_excuses_by_team.html#foundations-bugs [15:41] handing over to vorlon [15:42] fwupd still here, had discussed with Zixing whether we should stop shipping fwupd on s390x altogether; he has the action to follow up with upstream but he is out today [15:42] i'm still working on golang-defaults. [15:42] libsereal-decoder-perl is still with me, I dropped the ball on it. My bad. [15:43] ok [15:44] libwww-perl has a pending MIR, I'm waiting for a reply from the Debian maintainers of libwww-thingie-perl [15:44] ogayot: are you still looking at sqlite3? [15:44] vorlon: it's only waiting for a s390x autopkgtest run, it should migrate after [15:45] ok [15:46] zhsj said last week he was looking at golang-defaults; I'll assume that's still with him [15:46] he said so 4mn ago too :) [15:46] aha yes [15:46] then it was a good assumption! [15:47] that takes us to the new stuff [15:47] slyon: can you take python-attrs? [15:47] sure! [15:47] rustc, that one is understood, there's some MIRage going on there [15:48] gcc-12, leaving with doko as the uploader [15:48] boost1.74 is just hung up on the s390x infra issues (test currently blacklisted) [15:49] ginggs: do you want to follow through on that one? [15:49] vorlon: sure [15:49] boost1.74: ginggs: [15:49] ginggs: actually can you take all of the build-essential blockers? several are s390x, but there's a couple others [15:50] yeah, i'll take them [15:50] thanks [15:50] then there's a bunch of packages waiting for s390x autopkgtest results [15:50] debianutils vs mariadb-10.6/armhf: I'll look at this one [15:50] and that's it for this week [15:50] bdrung: [15:51] #topic AOB [15:51] I will be out tomorrow [15:51] I'll only be semi-productive tomorrow (another school strike, so I'm balancing parenting duties) [15:53] #endmeeting [15:53] Meeting ended at 15:53:58 UTC. Minutes at https://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2023/ubuntu-meeting.2023-07-06-15.03.moin.txt [15:54] o/