[00:00] if it doesnt work I can return it, and its not so expensive [00:00] yeah [00:00] its worth to pay 27 euros to know [00:01] the amount of time I spent struggling with this already... [00:01] well, I have to go. Thanks again for the help <3 [00:01] good night [00:01] night === Atque is now known as Atque_ === Atque_ is now known as Atque === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [04:39] hi.. so i have unbound which was installed with default ubuntu server.. and its set to as per default.. however, I cant find the config where it looks for an upstream nameserver to query === czesmir_ is now known as czesmir [05:38] Assid, I never heard of unbound before but it appears to be a pure cache, depending on the system you're running it one haveing a working DNS config (which would be in netplan on a vanilla ubuntu_server.) [05:48] Assid, looking further, maybe I'm wrong. Looks like unbound goes straight to the root servers, configd in /var/lib/unbound/root.hints (and no reason to ever change them...) === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [07:11] i want to upgrade ubuntu from 22.04 to 23.10. when i do a dist-upgrade. I dont see anything available. I've ensure that I have the option ticketed for any newer versions saved [07:11] 23.04 [07:11] !upgrade | vershan [07:11] vershan: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [07:12] vershan, currently 22.04 only provides a support path to the next release, which is 22.10. [07:12] @guiverc, can i get there please [07:12] the only supported upgrade path to 23.10 is from the prior release (ie. 23.04 to 23.10) [07:13] how do i upgrade tom 22.04 to 22.10 [07:13] vershan, I'll suggest reading the release notes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KineticUpgrades [07:14] also be aware that 22.10 is nearing its EOL (later this month)... so you'll need to move to 23.04 very soon [07:14] vershan: also be aware your plan, is moving from an LTS to a non-LTS ubuntu release [07:14] ogra: ^ (war) [07:14] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/06/14/ubuntu-22-10-kinetic-kudu-reaches-end-of-life-on-july-20-2023/ [07:15] (after 22.10 is EOL, you will be able to upgrade from 22.04 to 23.04 as it'll be the next release, but currently that is 22.10...) [07:15] @guiverc, ive done that its not finding 22.10 [07:16] Release notes for Ubuntu 22.10 are here - https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/kinetic-kudu-release-notes/27976 [07:17] vershan, its there; the upgrade will download https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release to see what's available where you'll note Supported: 1 against 22.10.. so you've other issues (network? sources issue? not fully upgraded? etc) [07:18] vershan: check your software&sources icon, to see if you got LTS releases only ticked? [07:18] fyi: to go to 23.10 the `-d` flag is used & this metafile is used; which shows releases expected if you look - https://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development [07:18] :) lotuspsychj3 [07:21] @guiverc, still doesnt find 22.10 as a new version. it just says everything up to date [07:22] thus I'd not consider what lotuspsychj3 as being a valid reason (ie. if your system being a LTS has been told to only offer upgrades to another LTS, it will ignore 22.10/23.04/23.10 anyway) [07:22] sorry ; I'd CONSIDER -- the not was a booboo ! [07:22] I concur with what lotuspsychj3 said - what I'm trying to say! [07:23] my system is ser for any newer versions and not LTS [07:23] Does ESM repos have anything to do with this? [07:24] I'd check your sources (all lines are present,), they're updated (sudo apt update, with no errors/warnings etc), all upgrades applied (sudo apt full-upgrade) then try again.. [07:24] I can't answer that sorry vershan (ESM repos)... I don't know enough about their use sorry [07:25] @guiverc, yeah ALL sources updated - no errors and upgraded no errors [07:26] is there a command from the terminal to force an upgrade maybe? [07:28] do-release-upgrade comes to mind, which would be in the kineticupgrades link I provided I'd bet (server bit; but it works for desktop installs too) [07:28] also please don't use the `-d` as per the doc I provided.. it's NO LONGER NEEDED [07:28] @guiverc, that works thanks [07:29] * guiverc it was required when that doc was first published [07:29] not sure why update-manager -d doesnt find anything [07:31] the `-d` shouldn't be used; that doc I provided was outdated (-d was needed in early days after 22.10's release; hasn't been needed for awhile!)... the `-d` would have been a problem as that's now 23.10 [07:31] -d would have used the second metafile I provided (ie. 23.04 to 23.10 only! doc) [07:32] * guiverc wonders if I should remove the `-d` from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KineticUpgrades (given it now creates issues) [07:33] just a suggestion, why not have an option in muon or synaptic - "new version available" "click to upgrade"? [07:50] * guiverc removed the `-d` from kineticupgrades page [08:06] guiverc: that was quick - nice === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [08:23] could someone link me to the offtopic channel, using a separate client here so I don't have all my channels copied over [08:24] liceDibrarian: /join #ubuntu-offtopic === haggertk_ is now known as haggertk === Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion [08:50] thanks EriC^^ [08:55] no problem liceDibrarian [09:21] I want to change mouse pointer (to a larger size and possible to a different color). Everytime I set it, and open a new app in awesomewm, it reverts it back to the normal/original one. How can i do it? Currently I am doing it like this `xsetroot -xcf /usr/local/share/icons/redglass/cursors/top_left_arrow 64` I use freebsd 13.2 but I am hopeful this [09:21] is same in Linux as well as I also use ubuntu. [09:28] any chance you are using kde? i do now know gnome. [09:28] Beladona: ^ [09:29] no [10:02] My /lost+found folder when i EXT4 formated SSD and flash drive where with the orange locker. [10:02] Now just a regular folder! [10:02] I read we should leave it there! But considering the orange locker icon is gone is it really needed? [10:03] s/// [10:07] is there any tool that can do OCR on a page of handwritten notes? [10:23] have you tried tesseract? [10:25] anyone familiar with inkscape? I need to fill an svg image in one spot with a specific colour and am having finding the palatte to edit. === itu is now known as Guest450 === Guest450 is now known as itu === docmax is now known as Guest1557 [12:10] I want to change mouse pointer (to a larger size and possible to a different color). Everytime I set it, and open a new app in awesomewm, it reverts it back to the normal/original one. How can i do it? Currently I am doing it like this `xsetroot -xcf /usr/local/share/icons/redglass/cursors/top_left_arrow 64` I use freebsd 13.2 but I am hopeful this [12:10] is same in Linux as well as I also use ubuntu. [12:15] which desktop environment are you using Beladona [12:19] you may wish to try #awesomewm Beladona - I don't know anyone who uses that [12:27] Beladona, you could instead try to export things like XCURSOR_THEME= and XCURSOR_SIZE= somewhere in your session start scripts (not sure that works in such a bare setup though, depends how well your session is set up, it surely works on gnome and KDE) [12:37] weedmic awesomwm. noone in that channel replies. [12:37] ogra trying [12:38] ogra ` export XCURSOR_SIZE=64` didn't do anuything [12:42] Beladona71, ah, sad ... (as i said, i know it works in gnome and KDE, but tey set up their sessions in a more complex way i guess) [12:43] Beladona71, did you put that in your ~/.profile? It works here on dwm. [12:50] Hey, there's a Linux server with multiple users, including "mike". There's a directory at /var/www/html/servers/primary/sysrq.net.pl/lab/xl/ and here's the situation: the group needs to be "www-data" because the nginx process runs under that user. [12:50] At the same time, I can't grant access to every user on the server. [12:50] I am the owner of the directory, "konrad", with the group "www-data" (that needs to remain the same). [12:50] How can I grant access to the user "mike" only for that specific directory, while still maintaining access for myself ("konrad")? [12:50] Do I really have to create another user, let's say "developer", and then assign permissions for that directory? Or is there a simpler option? [12:50] Without ACL? [12:51] Oh, sorry for the many messages, it was copy and paste :) [12:52] nteodosio I used .xinitrc and put the xetroot in it [12:52] then exec aswesome on second line [12:53] Beladona71, but where did you export XCURSOR_SIZE? [12:53] if I run xsetroot -xcf /usr/local/share/icons/redglass/cursors/top_left_arrow 64    on terminal. It does changes the cursor. but later when i launch an app, it reverts [12:54] 64 is the cursor size [12:54] export XCURSOR_SIZE=64   in terminal does nothing [12:55] I'd think xsetroot only applies to the root window (i.e. the "wallpaper"). [12:55] Try `XCURSOR_SIZE=64 xlogo`, does it work on that window? [12:57] try this where? [12:57] Open a terminal, enter that command, and put the cursor in the new window that opens. [12:58] konrados: create a developer *group*, add anyone who should have write (or read) access (incl. www-data, if needed), and chown the directory / files to that group and mayke it sticky. [12:59] nteodosio brb [13:00] Hello friends. I have a VirtualBox instances of Ubuntu that I use on my Macbook. Its about 6 months old and not a lot of customizarions. today just out of the blue it said "Failed to download repository information" when running the software update. Nothing else. I dont think i have any crazy repos running. what is the best way to fix? [13:03] proceEd: and what version of Ubuntu? [13:03] tomreyn - thanks, but I don't get it :( Can a group belong to another group? Like "devloper" group belonging to "www-data" group: [13:04] konrados: no, but users can be in multiple groups [13:05] if www-data is in the developer group, than anything the developer group has permissions to, www-data has permissions to as well [13:05] Yes, but tomreyn - I have read many times, that I should not add a user to the www-data group [13:05] and i'm not saying you should do that [13:05] So, what should I do? [13:06] nteodosio a logo icon appears as a new window. but cursor remains same on ubuntu. nothing happened on freebsd [13:06] i'm suggesting you could add the www-data *user* to a developer *group* [13:06] brb [13:06] Beladona71, if you put the cursor on the logo, does it change size or stay the sAME? [13:07] ^Accidental caps lock (: [13:07] konrados: be aware though that this means that anything the developer group has access to can effectively be exposed to the web [13:07] tomreyn, thanks, I'll be back :) [13:07] yes, that is my problem! [13:08] ravage: Ubuntu 22.04.2 [13:08] tomreyn, so, maybe creating a new user is the best option? [13:09] proceEd: paste the output you get [13:09] !paste | proceEd [13:09] proceEd: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [13:10] konrados: i understand that your use case is this: you have two human managed (login) users on a server, both need to be able to edit some files. these files also need to be exposed to the web, so www-data should also have the same level of access to them. the easiest way to achieve this is a joint group for the three users. pick a good name to indicate its purpose. [13:11] if you need different access levels of these users on these files, though, you'll need to do it differently. [13:11] thanks ravage. its https://dpaste.com/2CXMUE54P [13:11] konrados: i.e. if the web server user should only be able to read, not write, you'll need to use a different approach. but your explanation didn'T cover such details. [13:12] proceEd: you added third party package sources that are no longer available [13:12] No, only one dir, tomreyn - I want to give access to all the devs, write and read. Trying to understand what you said :) [13:13] I don't understand "a joint group", what is that? [13:13] how do you get the Ubuntu 23.04 installer to work? [13:14] by booting it? [13:14] on pendrive, or virtualbox [13:14] konrados: a group which multiple users are a member of [13:15] it gets as far as asking for a username and hostname then just disappears [13:15] there's no sign that the installer is doing anything [13:15] clicking on the icon for it just starts the installer up again [13:15] konrados: we could also call it a "common group" for these users. [13:15] I guess you have some hardware issue, gordonjcp [13:15] konrados: https://www.section.io/engineering-education/user-groups-and-permissions-linux/ [13:15] konrados: why would you guess that? [13:16] Intuition. [13:16] okay cool [13:16] konrados: the computer works perfectly in every regard [13:16] ravage, thanks, thanks tomreyn, [13:17] konrados: there are no hardware faults, as evidenced by the fact that 22.04 works just fine on it [13:17] gordonjcp, how do you "install" ubuntu? === gdb_ is now known as gdb [13:17] konrados: with the installer [13:18] konrados: boot the USB stick, click on "Install Ubuntu" [13:18] gordonjcp: try https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/23.04/release/ubuntu-23.04-desktop-legacy-amd64.iso [13:18] ravage: that's what I'm using [13:18] Via pendrive? gordonjcp? Try another pendrive. [13:18] konrados: this is a known-good drive [13:19] konrados: in fact, it's the one I recently installed 22.04 onto this machine from, about an hour ago [13:19] ravage: that makes sense. best way to remove them? [13:19] proceEd: yes [13:19] konrados: two identical brand new SSDs, one with 22.04 on, one which is supposed to have 23.04 on [13:19] I still believe it's hardware, gordonjcp :) Try another pendrive. And a different cable. [13:20] konrados: okay great, it's not hardware [13:20] if it was hardware neither would work [13:20] konrados: PC hardware is either 100% faulty or 100% working, there is no in-between [13:21] proceEd: try https://github.com/ericj112/ppa-tool [13:21] OK, maybe my intuition failed :) [13:21] gordonjcp: did you verify the 23.04 iso image, both the one downloaded, and the one written on the stick? [13:21] it doesn't have some magically faulty cable that can detect what bits are flowing over it [13:21] tomreyn: yes [13:21] gordonjcp: how? [13:22] I `sudo cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/sdX`... (full message at ) [13:24] gordonjcp, whats the reason you are using the (not very well supported anymore) legacy image and not the current one ? [13:24] ^ [13:25] the actual image is here: http://releases.ubuntu.com/23.04/ubuntu-23.04-desktop-amd64.iso [13:30] ogra: I have tried various images, including beta releases [13:31] ogra: it's okay though, the general plan was to test if some packaged worked in 23.04 and this is sufficient to prove that they cannot be supported [13:31] have you tried this specific official release iso though ? [13:31] ogra: yes [13:31] so you should definitely open a bug then ... [13:32] it is also very unlikely that the normal desktop iso and the legacy installer show the exact same error [13:33] Hi all [13:36] Hi, BluesKaj :) [13:36] hi konrados [13:46] ravage: thanks for your help. I removed the bad packaged (jammy release from launchpadcontent.net). I have no idea why that was there. [14:04] http://termbin.com/lug0 [14:05] !pro | natewrench [14:05] natewrench: Ubuntu Pro is a service offered by Canonical for expanded CVE patching, ten-years security maintenance and optional support. Anyone can use Ubuntu Pro for free for personal use on up to 5 machines. For details please see https://ubuntu.com/pro and https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/ubuntu-pro-faq [14:20] ravage: 25 usd a year is great for 10 year support = 25*10 = 250 compared to windows 11 at 199 usd which comes with 10 years of support yea it is 49 dollars more than windows 11 but i think it will more than make up for the cost. [14:21] natewrench: 5 machines are free for personal use [14:30] natewrench, note that it isnt just for 10y support but for free additional security fixes for universe (25k packages) that have not existed before === tristan123 is now known as tristan_ [14:32] ogra: oh cool [14:36] amogus [14:37] Wouldn't a better comparison be with RHEL? [14:39] jhutchins, RHEL allows 5 (or 50 if you are an official community member) free machines ? would be news to me 🙂 [14:40] It is a better comparison than to Windows [14:40] I think that is what he meant [14:40] But we get OT again [14:41] well, its a better comparison no matter what you compare it to 😉 [14:41] but yeah, you are correct ... this should be in #ubuntu-discuss [14:56] Hello, is anyone familiar with the landscape-api snap? I am trying to use the create-script-attachment method, but the syntax is completely unclear. [14:59] We have an access log file. We need a solution for managing log size.We want to have the logs only for the last 5 days. what are the solutions. currently we use fluentd [15:00] hi people [15:00] does ubuntu's install iso kernel support dns resolving? [15:01] I need to pass some parameters to kernel (nfsroot, for example), and it only work woth ip, but not using dns. Something like nfsmountÇ: can't parsde ip address 'my.dns.name' [15:02] I know dnsmasq is using the correct dhcp options, and dns server is one of the options it provides [15:02] so... as people say on #ipxe, the kernel semms not to have support to resolve dns names, right? [15:03] not the kernel but the initrd should [15:03] the nfs mounting usually happens from the initrd in ubuntu, not directly from the kernel [15:03] OutOfService: the linux kernel doesn't do DNS. That is for userland programs. As ogra mentioned, as part of initrd [15:04] so, then what it seems to happen is that initrd is already not loaded at that moment, right? [15:04] that said, i'm not sure what kind fo client we ship in the initrd [15:04] *of client [15:04] imgargs vmlinuz modprobe.backlist=megaraid_sas initrd=initrd netboot=nfs ip=dhcp nfsroot=${server}:${root_path}/images/${os_root}/ [15:05] where server could be an ip or a dns [15:05] long ago it used to be klibc's ... might then have moved to isc-dhcpc [15:05] as you can se, i load both vmlinuz and initrd [15:11] OutOfService: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/v5.7/admin-guide/nfs/nfsroot.html [15:11] how to remove more then one file in one command in ubuntu? [15:11] nfsroot=[:][,] [15:11] tried 1) rm file file file 2) rm file && file && file [15:11] Jakov: rm /path/to/file1 /path/to/file2 /path/to/file3 [15:12] My problem with the landscape-api and the syntax is about the file parameter: Help command: [15:12] landscape-api help create-script-attachment [15:12] usage: landscape-api create-script-attachment [15:12] Add a script attachment. [15:12] positional arguments: [15:12]   The identity of the script to add the attachment to. [15:12] !paste | webchat11 [15:12] webchat11: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [15:13] OutOfService: I don't think kernel paramters like nfsroot support hostnames*(DNS) since the kernel is loaded before initramfs which has the resolver [15:14] OutOfService: the documentation for nfsroot specifically states "server-ip" as the option [15:15] sorry for that, here is the paste: https://dpaste.com/DWR7LBXXL the file parameter does not work for me in any way and the documentation does not help [15:16] leftyfb I'll have a look. thanks so much!! [15:18] webchat11: landscape is a commercial product from Canonical and AFAIK, supported by Canonical and not the community. You could try #ubuntu-server, but still, I'm pretty sure contacting Canonical or the landscape team would be your best bet [15:19] I have not had to much luck with that in the past, waiting for a reply... thanks [15:51] hi, so there is this 2fa thing. there are services which asks for a secondary, time based "password". is there a linux app which can generate these secondary, time based "passwords"? [15:53] imi, https://snapcraft.io/2fa [15:54] or https://snapcraft.io/smart2fa ... https://snapcraft.io/easy2fa ... [15:55] https://snapcraft.io/authme looks good as well [16:09] ok thanks === thosch668 is now known as thosch66 [17:11] Can someone on latest LTS grep the kernel config file for CONFIG_NTFS3_FS and tell me if ubuntu has it enabled? [17:16] $ grep CONFIG_NTFS3_FS /boot/config-5.19.0-46-generic [17:16] CONFIG_NTFS3_FS=m [17:16] CONFIG_NTFS3_FS_POSIX_ACL=y [17:16] ursa: ^ [17:17] thanks, that's surprising [17:17] looks like ubuntu is doing better job than debian [17:30] afternoon everyone. [17:31] does anyone know where I can find some info regarding an nfs4 group permissions issue on an ubuntu 22.04 server client? [17:43] Using this script why is spamd failing to connect please https://pastebin.com/LbUghvM0 [18:20] plt2: --sport 53 on lines 8 and 9 feel out of place [18:20] plt2: what software do you expect to connect to your site from a source port of 53 and go to any of the high ports? === Oakenshield is now known as Thorin === ord is now known as quem [20:08] hi bruhs [20:08] later bruhs [21:08] Big yikes, https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/07/ubuntu-23-10-new-app-store-deb-support [21:09] take that to #ubuntu-discuss, superkuh [21:09] Thanks. [21:10] kubuntu 23.04 doesnt wake up from suspend. wayland in use, didnt try on x11 but should survive suspending [21:11] where to search, ideas, pastes? [21:12] hard death, no screen on, no backlight lighting up on keyboard === _miruoy is now known as miruoy [21:30] lsd|2: A lot of that happening lately, probably some kernel issue. [21:30] Suspend is a problem on linux because it's very windows-focused. [21:31] i checked now on x11 still same [21:38] heya i am trying to get virtualbox guest additions to work with lubuntu 23.04 with no joy [21:41] /list [21:41] woops [22:10] kai: What steps have you taken so far? [22:11] kai: What did you try to do? How did you try to do it? What did you expect to happen? What happened instead? === _miruoy is now known as miruoy [23:12] Exmin is not logging the client ip adress which is the stanard in the socket lib https://pastebin.com/EJuiCvZa [23:12] I checked the syslog and mail.log and its not in there