=== Digitteknohippie is now known as Digit [16:58] Hi guys, using:... (full message at ) [19:33] That's how activities work. Different desktops in different activities have different desktop icons and widgets. Don't confuse activities for virtual desktops as they're different things. This isn't a pure Ubuntu Studio question, though, and is more of a #plasma:kde.org question. [19:35] Activities are known for being very buggy lately and their use has been fairly discouraged among the KDE community. [19:43] tl;dr just ignore all that pish and stick to a naive implementation of the model and see if it sounds acceptable [19:43] sorry, mischan [19:43] Yeah, I was wondering. [19:44] it was further discussion of plugin implementation and how exactly you need to model circuits [19:45] Ah. [19:45] I started re-writing Nekobee, after some 15 years hiatus [19:45] it sounds okay [19:45] Nice! [19:45] way way way closer than my first attempt but I will not call it a "TB303 plugin" [19:46] no no, it's based very loosely on a legendary inexpensive German bass synth [19:46] falktx asked me to make sure it has a different name, like how he called the DPF port of it Nekobi, if it's really very different [19:47] so now I called it nekobee-v8, because it has a new engine [19:47] but then I had the "inexpensive German bass synth" idea and called it TDv8 [19:47] Cool! Yeah, I see the discussion in #lad [19:47] https://gjcp.net/nekomockup.jpg [19:48] I brought my Juno and my W30 out of storage too, I've had half-finished plugins of those kicking about for ten years [19:56] https://medium.com/@fleszarjacek/7-cool-chatgpt-plugins-to-try-now-fe79367caf04 [21:25] "Activities are known for being..." <- Thanks. Have re asked over there. Thanks. [21:26] Jacek Fleszar: Please do not post off-topic links.