
frassonHi. I like to solve an apparent bug on help of SGT puzzles.22:14
frassonHi. I like to solve an apparent bug on help of SGT puzzles file not found error and shows the path to html file. However, files are actually there. I can view them with lynx for instance22:17
frassonHi. I like to solve an apparent bug on help of SGT puzzles. Launch SGT puzzle, then launch any game. On menu Help > Help on <game>, it opens a browser (firefox in my case) but shows "file not found" error and the path to html file. However, html files are actually there. I can view them with lynx for instance22:20
frassonI use Xubuntu.22:20
frassonI would like to view normally these help files normally22:21
rfmfrasson, this is probably due to firefox being a snap, which is constrained and can't access files outside22:21

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