
RikMillsElliria: https://bugs.kde.org/00:04
ElliriaThanks. I got help elsewhere and got it done.00:09
=== paolo is now known as paoop
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
SpringIs there a setting that controls clipboard content persistence after reboot? Discovered today that content remains after a restart, which is unexpected.13:15
Springsearched settings but didn't see any matches13:16
=== kubuntu is now known as deskwizard
=== dave is now known as DaveEe
=== DaveEe is now known as DaveEee
=== DaveEee is now known as DaveE531
mmikowskiSpring: RMB over clipboard > Configure Clipboard > [x] Save clipboard contents on exit20:52

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