
guiverctim-hm's recent post on 'rethinking ubuntu desktop' (https://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/rethinking-ubuntu-desktop-a-more-thoughtful-default-installation/36736/25) says 1GB for LibreOffice?  That's huge!   Should we consider dropping it too?  (We can easily write up how it can be installed if wanted)12:02
* guiverc just expressing though; not seeking replies, unless of benefit ...12:03
guivercs/though/thought ^   (sorry i'm tired, beddy bye time soon... :)12:03
lubot[telegram] <Kunal> how to create iso using calamares and calamares settings provided in lubuntu-team github?18:21
lynorian[m]1 GB is pretty big to download I agree20:33

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