=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon [13:35] I was trying to run a service using systemd, the .service file is enabled/linked from /home and works fine after the system is started. However the on reboot, the "file is not found" kills it until I daemon-reload. I've tried adding Requires=home.mount and After=home.mount, but that's not enough. any thoughts/clues? [13:58] gimzmoe: put the service file inside the image instead of in /home? [15:42] I would like toa void that, I'm managing a small cluster of diskless pxe that all share /home [15:46] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/8307 [15:46] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Issue 8307 in systemd/systemd "man: document explicitly that unit files on mount points that are established at late boot cannot be read" [Closed] [15:46] Seems I might have to eat the inconvenience [16:04] * ogra hands gimzmoe some mustard ... [16:05] :p [16:06] Systemd seems like such a kludge to use, I find every time I use it, it is a learning curve of trial and error