
=== deepSleep is now known as Guest6750
overcokini am on it if any 1 needs help01:31
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topcat001Even on windows it is not totally reliable (you never know when it will fail, but certainly when sleeping in a bag).01:46
overcokindo u need help topcat00101:46
overcokinhi do u need help asearer01:52
sarnoldovercokin: please stop01:55
overcokindo you need help, sarnold? please refrain from idle talk01:56
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ashittuHello !06:11
lotuspsychjewelcome ashittu06:11
ashittuthank you lotuspsychje06:11
lotuspsychjewhat can we do for you ashittu06:12
ashittuI am new here, just to know the purpose of the channel06:13
lotuspsychjeashittu: you can aks ubuntu related questions here, if you experience issues or problems06:14
lotuspsychjewe also have an offtopic chat and discuss channel06:15
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!06:15
ashittuwell, thank you very much06:15
lotuspsychjeno problem, welcome to the ubuntu community06:16
aienaSOmething is funny with sound in my ubuntu. When I go to the display manager or reboot the volume keys work and sound is heard from my speakers when I sign in the volume buttuns show lineout sound increasing but there is no sound from my speakers when I log out the volume device changes from "Line-Out" to "head phone" though nothing is conected there.Relogging in doesnt seem to change anything06:29
aienanote: my speakers are connected to the Lien Out port at the back of my desktop06:29
aienaOk getting something funny in dmesg06:31
aienaI get snd_hda_codec_realtek hdaudioC0D0: Unable to sync register 0x2b8000. -506:31
aienais my audio part of the mobo failing or is this something else06:31
aienawith some newer kernel06:33
wyrehi guys, what's the difference between using that option at install process https://i.imgur.com/bUzkeax.png or following this article? https://ubuntu.com/server/docs/service-sssd-ad06:35
wyreI mean ... apparently inside install media iso I can't find the sssd deb06:35
wyreso ... I'm assuming that option doesn't install sssd06:36
wyre(because of it cant ... because of sssd isn't inside the iso)06:36
aienathis is my dmesg tail https://bpa.st/OCFV2 on  ubuntu 22.04 with kernel 5.19.0-46-generic06:41
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aienaI just filtered out stuff related to the intel snd in dmesg here https://bpa.st/FB7HK06:46
SpaceTim1Hi, I've set my OS to powerdown isntantly when I press the power button. ubuntu 22.04, however this behaiavor doesnt activate when the laptop is locked. I want it to work when the laptop is locked too. Any ideas?07:07
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wyremay I upgrade an 22.04.2 to 22.04.6? manually?07:16
webchat10Hello! i am running Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS and i have live patch activated and linked to an ubuntu pro account. i would like to enable the live patch icon in the top bar but the option to enable it in software updates is grayed out. any idea how i could restore the icon?07:18
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webchat10i dont know if this may help to answer my question but when i run canonical-livepatch status this is the output.07:31
webchat10last check: 31 minutes ago07:31
webchat10kernel: 5.19.0-46.47~22.04.1-generic07:31
webchat10server check-in: succeeded07:31
webchat10kernel state: ✗ kernel not supported by Canonical07:31
webchat10patch state: ✓ no livepatches needed for this kernel yet07:31
guivercwebchat10, Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS only supports the GA kernel stack currently (ie. 5.15 kernel only), HWE will be supported at 22.04.3 and the 6.2 kernel, but not .2 and 5.19 kernel you're using07:59
guiverc^ with livepatch...   livepatch requires GA kernel stack before 22.04.3 & 6.2 kernel & HWE08:00
webchat10ah ok, may that be the reason why i cant display the livepatch icon on top bar?08:02
guiverc6.2 kernel is only available via proposed for EDGE kernel currently with 22.04/jammy... it'll become the edge kernel, then progress to being the HWE in time (& testing)08:02
guiverclivepatch requires GA currently; I'd assume that's why (you're not using the supported kernel), but sorry I don't know exact reason (except it won't work currently - isn't supposed to work YET!)08:03
guiverc"linux-image-generic-hwe-22.04-edge |   | jammy-proposed   | amd64, arm64, armhf, ppc64el, s390x"08:04
guivercISO release date for 22.04.3 is about a month.. but installed systems get upgrades before then, and it'll work when changes roll out (ie. before official ISO release date too08:05
webchat10ah, ok! thanks for the info.08:06
taeaadDoes Ubuntu have something like a large size mode? I have my laptop screen set at a resolution that displays well, but everything is too small. If I set the resolution down then the quality of everything displayed is bad.08:48
taeaadCan you retain the resolution but bump up size of text, folders, etc.?08:48
ogrataeaad, there is a scaling option somewhere in the settings08:48
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de-factois there a way to prevent pulseaudio from jittering between switching audio output between HDMI and analog ?13:09
de-factoit constantly stutters because it switches on itself between those, which is utterly annoying13:09
de-factoi would like pulseaudio to do NOTHING by itself, just stay in the state that it is, no volume change, no output change or anything other it should do without user intervention13:10
de-factohaving it try to do this in an automatic way messes up things to a degree that audio itself becomes pretty much unusable13:10
de-factoi just hope that ubuntu will one day be able to at least have a stable audio output13:12
CompudjHi! I am looking for documentation of the kernel ABI versioning of the various Ubuntu kernel flavors, any idea where I can find it ?13:23
Compudj(I'm referring to UTS_UBUNTU_RELEASE_ABI in the ubuntu kernel generated version header)13:25
ordosHi folks. Having a weird issue with Document viewer cutting off fonts. When I open a PDF in my browser (Chrome), the text looks normal like this: https://imgur.com/a/4rhMIdV - However when I open the exact same downloaded PDF using Document Viewer, it looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/uXc1F6i - Any ideas what's up? Thanks ^_^13:50
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ordosI've tried using different font sizes (bigger and smaller), same issue. It only happens for this font though (Ubuntu-Mono Regular). For other fonts it works just fine.13:51
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rockgotteOpera One14:28
rockgottedownload Opera One14:28
rockgottehur laddar jag ner Opera one?14:30
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ioriaordos, have you tried to open the file from terminal ? : 'evince filename'14:47
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mike_I'm having trouble connecting to i2p. Can anyone help?15:12
webchat2899I have installed a Ubuntu server ver 22.04 as a virtual machine in a qemu/kvm enviroment. I selected to use LUKS encryption which worked just fine. However, I am curious as to only half the volume capacity (15Gb) was used by the process for setting up the root partition when 32GB was allocated to the virtual machine?15:32
webchat2899Also, is there a way to extend this to the full volume size?15:33
tomreynwebchat2899: this behaviour is by default, and yes, you can extend it15:33
webchat2899Stats: vda=32G; dm_crypt-0 = 30G; ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv / = 15G15:34
tomreynI would expect https://ubuntu.com/server/docs to explain the why and how15:34
webchat2899so I get why the encrypted container is slightly smaller than the allocated space, because we also need space for /boot,15:35
tomreynfrom memory, you'll want to use lvresize -r -L <target size> ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv15:35
webchat2899tomreyn thanks, just pulling that up....15:35
tomreynlvs or lvdiscplay   will list all existing logical volumes in all existing volume groups15:36
tomreynlvs or lvdisplay   will list all existing logical volumes in all existing volume groups15:36
tomreyn(typo fixed)15:36
webchat2899ok, its the top level page so will have to have a dig around but thanks for the command example. Yes, I was using lvs earlier to display lvm volume info15:37
webchat2899I guess doing it this way does allow for further lvm volumes to be added to the container.15:37
tomreynexactly. the idea is to retain flexibility15:40
tomreynafter all that's why you'd usually want LVM in the first place - more flexibility in how you partition your storage.15:41
tomreynyou can also shrink file systems and LVs, but this process is, natually, more complex and error prone15:42
webchat2899tomreyn I would have thought that more than often on a server, one would be creating an encrypted container on a new disk or allocated storage on an array and maybe creating LVM volumes an that additional storage rather than on the system disk. Still, as you say, flexibility. Half the volume is available for, say, /home or maybe logs or something.15:45
webchat2899Thanks for your help.15:45
webchat2899tomreyn just another thought: wouldn't the volume need to be unmounted in order to re-size it? Here we are dealing with the system volume (/) which is mounted by default so would this have to be done from a LiveCD?15:47
tomreynwebchat2899: ext4 allows for online resizing, and so does LVM. you can choose to do it offline.15:49
tomreynwhere online / offline refers to whether it is in use / active / mounted15:49
cbreakhmm... why does `free -h` only show 62Gi of total memory, while I have 64 GiB? Is there some overhead that is not accounted in it?15:54
webchat2899tomreyn oh, I see. Interesting. Just trying your command (and consulting the lvresize man page) but can't get the logical volume path right...15:55
webchat2899will get there eventually15:55
oerhekscbreak, i think the difference is any cache memory, videomemory15:56
webchat2899my lvm volume is within a LUKS container so that complicates things somewhat15:58
cbreakoerheks: cache memory probably not, but it might use some for video ... hmm...15:59
cbreak(`free -h` has a column for cache memory)16:00
webchat2899Volume group "dm_crypt-0" not found - but its there as shown in lsblk16:00
iorianot only video, kernel and other hardware devices cbreak16:02
tomreynwebchat2899: you just specify the name of the volume group, followed by a slash, and the name of the logical volume (no spaces). it's not an absolute path (or starting with a slash) that you provide there16:02
tomreynand you don't need to indicate any other layers, such as the encryption layer16:03
webchat2899 I first tried this: Get the block ID of the new device/volume: sudo lvresize dm_crypt-0/ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 30G16:05
ioriacbreak, you can check with 'dmesg | grep -i memory'16:05
webchat2899then this: sudo lvresize ubuntu--vg-ubuntu--lv 30G16:06
webchat2899The last one said please specify a logical volume path16:06
cbreakioria: nothing in dmesg anymore, but journalctl -b 0 has stuff like Jul 02 19:39:23 twilight kernel: ACPI: Reserving FACP table memory at [mem 0xbcd55000-0xbcd55113], so that might be it16:08
webchat2899ok, wait, I think its ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv as per your command and I am being dumb. lsblk converts it to double dash format16:08
ioriacbreak, mmm, not sure ... you should have something else16:08
cbreakAnd in particular this: kernel: Memory: 65592884K/67030852K available (20480K kernel code, 4149K rwdata, 13380K rodata, 4648K init, 17660K bss, 1437708K reserved, 0K cma-reserved)16:08
cbreakvery interesting, thanks16:09
cbreakon one of my other computers I was missing 8 GB, so I guess this "reserved" memory scales with total memory16:11
webchat2899tomreyn it finally worked with: sudo lvresize -r -L 29.9G ubuntu-vg/ubuntu-lv16:11
webchat2899your memory is spot on - it was me having a senior moment using the references from the lsblk output16:12
webchat2899had t use a slightly smaller size of 29.9G as specifying 30G output a message saying there was insufficient space.16:13
frenchboy[m]How does frame injection works? The sockets api allows access only to transport layer, raw sockets to the IP layer, but is there an api for frame manipulation?16:51
oerheks frame injection questions are better addressed to a pentesting channel16:52
frenchboy[m]oerheks: ok16:58
frenchboy[m]But i thought that was mainly a os question17:00
frenchboy[m]I mean it's resolved around the kernel right?17:00
frenchboy[m]*it revolves17:01
nusioi just installed ubuntu17:15
ursanusio: good job17:16
nusiowhat do i do next17:18
ursawhatever you like :)17:19
ayjay_tanyone know if its possible or easy to upgrade networkmanager so it support eap-peap from nmtui?17:22
nusioyou remove grub bootloader17:22
tomreynwebchat2899: great. you can also use "100%" (without the quotation marks) if you want to use the maximum size of the 'container'17:32
ioriaayjay_t, why don't you use lunar ? 1.42 has the feature17:46
ayjay_tioria: thatnks ill see about upgrading17:51
ayjay_ti actually found a wpa_supplicant conf that someone here uses and i wanted to try it17:52
ayjay_tbut dont know how to communicate that through networkmanager17:52
ioriatry it, but ia'm not sure it will work17:52
ioriain nmtui, i mean17:53
ayjay_tno idea how to take a wpa_supplicant conf block and add it to nmtui17:54
ioriaayjay_t, i don't think you can (but really never tried)17:56
ayjay_tyeah doesnt seem possible through nmtui17:56
ayjay_tmaybe through netplan because that seems to communicate it's configs to networkmanager17:57
ioriaayjay_t, i'd go with a light vm instance17:57
ioriaqemu for example17:57
ayjay_tfor what?17:58
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ioriaayjay_t, for 23.0417:59
ayjay_toh okay18:04
ayjay_ti was just gonna do the full upgrade, i actually chose ubuntu 22.04 because some vendor software i use required it18:04
ayjay_twhich didn-t work18:04
ayjay_tso i had to run 18.04 in a container18:04
ayjay_tim also using ubuntu studio that i like and it gives me a low-latency kernel, whatever changes that means, but not sure if that'll also give me a new kernel in the upgrade18:05
ayjay_till brb18:05
mbeierlayjay_t, 22.04: 5.19.0-46-generic, 23.04: 6.2.0-24-generic.  Pretty sure ubuntu-studio has that as well18:12
* mbeierl used to use that for recording live audio many years ago18:12
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio uses the lowlatency kernel by default, not -generic.18:13
mbeierlEickmeyer, yes, you are right, sorry about that confusion18:13
EickmeyerAnd contrary to popular belief, Ubuntu Studio isn't just for recording audio.18:13
ordosioria: thanks for answering. I just tried using evince from terminal too. I get the exact same result as when I just double click on the file (ie: it opens it with Document Viewer, and the same clipping error shows up).18:14
ioriaordos, have you tried another pdf viewer ? mupdf  for example18:15
ioriaordos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/195149118:16
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1951491 in x2goserver (Ubuntu) "Can't run snaps: .slice/session-1.scope is not a snap cgroup" [Undecided, Confirmed]18:16
ayjay_tyeah mbeierl i just like im not exactly sure how to drag ubuntu studio along with the upgrade18:16
ayjay_twill i just run the installer again after the upgrade? do i need to manually change the source list?18:16
Eickmeyerayjay_t: How is Ubuntu Studio installed? Separate partition or with ubuntustudio-installer?18:16
ioriaordos, sorry, wrong link18:16
ayjay_tEickmeyer: ubuntustudio-installer18:17
ioriaordos, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/poppler/+bug/186124718:17
-ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1861247 in poppler (Ubuntu) "Evince: Wrong font and wrong line height in PDF view" [Low, New]18:17
Eickmeyerayjay_t: All of the packages are in the repo, nothing new was added, so along with the regular release upgrade.18:17
Eickmeyerayjay_t: There will be no need to re-run ubuntustudio-installer.18:17
EickmeyerUbuntu Studio isn't a separate distribution from Ubuntu.18:18
ayjay_tso i mean, if after this upgrade i still have two sources.list.d files that indicate "jammy", which bothers me... since i'm not using jammy18:20
ayjay_tone of them was put there by ubuntustudio-installer...18:20
Eickmeyerayjay_t: Those get disabled upon upgrade.18:20
EickmeyerLikely those are PPAs.18:21
ayjay_tyeah, interesting18:24
EickmeyerAll of this information gets told to you when you start the upgrade. Trust the process, ayjay_t .18:25
ayjay_tlol ok18:25
ayjay_tyeah i guess i should know its pretty user friendly, i'm just pretty cautious18:26
ordosioria: thanks so much - that bug report is *identical* to what I'm experiencing. Glad to know the issue isn't with my PDF generator software. I will keep that bug report link on file. I know very little about these things - does that sort of bug get fixed eventually? In a future release of Ubuntu? Anyway for now it's fine - all our customers are on Windows machines anyway and they don't experience18:32
ordosthe issue. Thanks again for your assistance I appreciate it.18:32
ordosis ioria greek?18:32
ioriaordos, ok, nope i'am not but i studied ancient greek , if it counts18:33
ordosioria: you're an honourary greek then18:35
ordosthanks for the help18:35
ioriaok, no problem18:36
ayjay_twelp, now things are freezing18:44
ayjay_tbut im using a new kernel!18:44
ayjay_tos_release is fine18:45
ayjay_tupdate is still running the jammies in sources.d.list tho18:45
ayjay_tdist-upgrade did not take care of that, Eickmeyer18:45
Eickmeyerdist-upgrade does not do what you think it does.18:45
ayjay_ti dont have any clue what it does18:46
ayjay_tbut i think i should change the jammy's to lunars and update18:46
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.18:46
EickmeyerWhat you want to do is go to Software Sources and change to look for Regular Releases, then run Software Updater.18:46
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:46
ayjay_twell, startx freezes everything, including tty switch19:13
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ayjay_tseems to be an nvidia thing, the upgrade might have changed something not sure19:24
zniavre_ayjay_t, nvidia390 are bugged with 6.2 kernel is it your situation ?19:38
KaedennWhen running `apt upgrade`, a package is being held back. How can I determine why the package is being held back and if there's anything I need to do?19:40
ioriaKaedenn, apt-cache policy <pkg>19:41
Kaedennhttps://bpaste.net/SVGO2 I don't see an obvious answer19:42
Kaedenn...is there a command-line way to paste something to paste.ubuntu.com?19:43
Kaedennoh wait, that requires an Ubuntu One account, which I don't have. disregard.19:44
ioriayou can use termbin.com ; cmd | nc termbin.com 999919:45
ioriaKaedenn, pleae, run   sudo apt update, again19:46
KaedennNo change in the output.19:46
ioriaKaedenn, sudo apt full-upgrade19:47
KaedennWhat does that do?19:47
ioriaKaedenn, let's say, the same19:47
KaedennThis is an important machine; I do not want to run commands that I don't fully understand.19:47
KaedennI thought there was a way to tell apt to explain itself19:48
KaedennLooking at the documentation and doing a test run, I see what you're saying.19:49
KaedennIt wants to remove shim-signed and then upgrade it. That'll work.19:49
KaedennSorry, it removed fwupd-signed to install shim-signed19:49
KaedennOkay, so it held back the package because there was another package that conflicted with it, and sudo apt upgrade does not remove packages.19:50
KaedennIs that correct?19:50
ioriaKaedenn, what's your version of fwupd-signed ?19:51
Kaedenndunno, it was removed19:51
ioriaKaedenn, apt-cache policy fwupd-signed | nc termbin.com 999919:52
KaedennI've never heard of termbin.com; this is an interesting service.19:53
ioriathat's probably your problem: ppa.launchpad.net/system76-dev19:53
KaedennYes, this is a system76 machine19:53
ioriayep, but ppas are not 8really) supported19:54
KaedennIs it a case of "old technology that's been replaced by something else", or..?19:54
oerheks76dev packages make ubuntu beyond reversal, they have a channel here on #libera19:56
ioriaKaedenn, nope, ; i'd try  to simulate a reinstall of fwupd-signed: ; apt -s install fwupd-signed:19:56
ayjay_tzniavre_: i apparently had no nvidia drivers installed, but 535 on 6.2 just got installed by ubuntu-drivers19:56
KaedennI don't know what you mean by "make ubuntu beyond reversal"19:57
ayjay_tzniavre_: its one of those systems with two graphics cards and but shit lets restart after that install and see what changes19:57
Kaedennioria: https://termbin.com/wjlc19:57
ioriaKaedenn, i think you are in a 'race condition'19:58
Kaedenno_O odd19:58
ioriaKaedenn, i'd wait a bit19:58
oerheksthat would break secure boot, removal of shim-signed19:58
KaedennI don't use secure boot on this machine19:59
ayjay_tooh, exciting and new behavior! now instead instead of crashing, startx just... logs me out19:59
ioriaKaedenn,synchronization issue,  i guess19:59
oerheksweird, then you would not need info fwupd-signed, just info fwupd ??20:00
OrcD3vilHave a Dell R7515 running Windows Server 2022 with a Hyper-V of Ubuntu 22.04.2 fresh install.  When I transfer files to a Samba share getting speeds all over the place from 150mb to 20mb when it should be 200mb+ as running a 2.5GBe in desktop transfering from and the Ubuntu server us running on a 10GBe SFP+ Port any ideas.  Have a Hyper-V of Windows 2022 that runs full speed just fine20:00
ograKaedenn, you should really ask system76, you are using their repo over there, not ubuntus ... is this popos ?20:01
KaedennSo I guess I'll just wait a bit for things to sort out. Yes, this is on purpose.20:01
ograKaedenn, is this PopOS ?20:03
Kaedennno, it is not20:03
ograwhy are you using the repo from it on your machien then ?20:03
KaedennI'm not sure; this is an Ubuntu 20.04 machine and was built by System76 with their modifications to Ubuntu.20:04
ayjay_tyesss it worksss i just had forgotten to reestablish my xinitrc yess so exciting20:04
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade20:05
ayjay_twow that bot is outdated20:05
oerheksit is not?]20:07
ayjay_ti mean i don't think 19.1 is the last LTS?20:08
EickmeyerThe second link is correct. First link might be outdated as it's from the wiki.20:08
ayjay_tyeah that seems to be the case20:08
ayjay_tso i mean, ubuntu-drivers solved my issue...\20:10
ayjay_tioria: seems you might have been incorrect about networkmanager 1.42 having the eap-peap feature20:17
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ayjay_tso if anyone has any idea how to connect to eap-peap while using network manager, would be a help20:18
oerheksmaybe this is your fix, IPv4 only? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2474436&p=14104310#post1410431020:20
ayjay_tgotta give up on networkmanager20:34
ayjay_tlike, it just wont let me connect, says "cant figure out security from this ap"20:35
ayjay_ton top of that some of the required fields are only required with nm, but not required w/ windows, android, etc, and vendor asks to leave them blank20:35
ayjay_toh wait there are no good alternatives, nvm20:37
ayjay_toerheks: that did help, as well as this https://askubuntu.com/questions/279762/how-to-connect-to-wpa2-peap-mschapv2-enterprise-wifi-networks-that-dont-use-a-c20:42
* ayjay_t angy20:42
natewrenchubuntu pro works on linux mint. I know its downstream of ubuntu but didnt think it would accept it20:55
sarnoldnatewrench: hah, thanks :) I'd been wondering how well that'd work. I figured it'd probably be fine.20:56
sarnoldhi stef_21:32
* Error slaps stef_ around a bit with a large trout21:48
Errorwell why do you have a ) next to you21:48
Errorwell are you the same one i know?21:48
OrcD3vilhaving issue ubuntu server fresh install 22.04.2 transfer speeds over 10GBe card fluxing between 20mb and 150mb should be 200-250,21:53
oerheksi read earlier:21:55
oerheksWindows Server 2022 with a Hyper-V of Ubuntu 22.04.2 fresh install.  When I transfer files to a Samba share g21:55
oerhekswell samba and speeds..21:55
OrcD3viloerheks yep my issue21:56
ravageTest speeds south iperf321:56
pjstirlinghi, so I have 23.04 installed on a new laptop, but I'm having issues with both its sound hardware and with suspend21:56
ravageIf you get decent speeds there read up on samba Performance Tuning21:57
OrcD3viloerheks I had just ubuntu 22.04.2 installed and all speeds were fine, then I put server 2022 and did a VM of ubuntu and speeds are horrible but the VM of Server 2022 is good21:57
oerheksso ... bare metal fine, hyperv bad ..21:57
OrcD3viloerheks basically21:58
oerhekstried WSL ? horrible speeds too21:58
sarnoldOrcD3vil: are you doing device passthrough to give the raw device to ubuntu? or sriov subdevices or something?21:58
OrcD3vilhaven't tried WSL just VM, Virtual Switch21:58
sarnoldOrcD3vil: or are you doing some bridging / tuntap or whatever it is that hyper-v does?21:58
OrcD3vilYes I created a Virtual Switch using "External" and it gets it's own IP address from my Unifi Dream Machine21:59
OrcD3vilI use the same Virtual Switch for the Server 2022 which gets its own ip from the unifi also and speeds are normal on Server 202222:00
OrcD3vilspeeds from CLI speed test are normal22:00
sarnoldso, server 2022 host, server 2022 guest, attachec to that bridge, full-speed?22:01
OrcD3vilServer 2022 Datacenter as Host, Server 2022 Standard VM Full Speed of 250mb file transfer, Ubuntu 22.04.2 Server VM flexes from 20mb to 160 and ping pongs like a table tennis match.22:02
OrcD3vilany ideas?22:05
sarnoldOrcD3vil: not really :( I don't even have a hint if it'd be better to report a bug with hyper-v or with ubuntu. at least reporting a bug with ubuntu is cheap and easy :) try 'ubuntu-bug linux' from the affected VM and put some details in there22:07
OrcD3vilsarnold ok :(22:08
OrcD3vilguess I'll do a test and make a new ubuntu VM, won't to apt update/upgrade and install/config smb and see how speeds are22:10
sarnoldOrcD3vil: not a bad idea, starting from blank slates makes for nicely reproducable bug reports22:11
oerhekssmb3 only?22:12
OrcD3viloerheks dumb question how can I see what version protocol its using?22:14
oerheksif not specified in smb,conf, it is 322:14
oerheksor min protocol = SMB222:15
OrcD3vilso that article says do server max protocol = SMB2_10 in smb.conf22:16
oerheksstop, according to this list, there are win8 10 labels, like SMB3_10: early Windows 10 technical preview SMB3 version. https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/how-to-configure-samba-to-use-smbv2-and-disable-smbv1-on-linux-or-unix/22:17
oerheksnot sure where 2012 server goes22:17
oerhekssmb2, i guess22:19
OrcD3vilweird that on bare metal no issues but in VM issues22:19
cstradtmanI there anybody on here that can/willing to field some Network Manager questions ?22:20
oerheksi was hoping this would help hyperv22:20
cstradtmanoops.... Is there22:20
OrcD3vilI can try the smb.conf file edit see22:21
OrcD3viloerheks fresh install ubuntu 22.04.2 without doing apt upgrade transfer 5.6gb file steady 150mb no ping pong but that is still 100mb under what it should be22:37
OrcD3viloerheks adding the server max protocol =SMB2_10 makes the shares unreachable22:44
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