[01:20] Hello [02:01] Hello [02:40] Yeah. I'm back since web cache's a b [02:47] hzhz [12:15] Hi all [13:45] Hi [13:49] Kubuntu shows busybox initramfs error when SATA in bios is set to RAID ON === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [14:28] KAO0 [14:28] TKCA [14:29] 3JHP [14:29] @LakesLIT...? [14:29] I joined via telegram, had to do the captcha, lol. [14:31] yeah well. have fun with telegram...I don't bother with it :-) [14:32] Well, I didn’t even realize that this instance was connected with Telegram, lol. Hello, I am now on Matrix. [14:57] The following packages have unmet dependencies. [14:57] libkpim5libkleo5 : Depends: libkpim5libkleo-data (= 4:23.04.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu23.04~ppa1) but it is not installed [14:58] I cannot resolve this and can no longer update! [17:20] What boot to use legacy or UEFI? [19:24] Most people will say UEFI unless you have a really old BIOS. [19:25] If you have a really large drive that you need to use GPT partitioning table, then UEFI. If you want to boot many distros and MS-Windows as well, then UEFI. [19:26] +1 [19:26] !uefi [19:26] UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI === jcea1 is now known as jcea [22:03] hmm... switched from konversation to irssi, I think I like it slightly more. Already like ranger more than dolphin... weird :( [22:16] It's nice to be able to leave it and re-attach from somewhere else, and it handles quite a few channels well. [22:20] yeah... I already use znc, so I can detach anyway, but somehow the look & feel of irssi is a bit nicer... but I'm not entirely sure. It's nice to have a lot of choice on linux, but ... it's a lot of work chosing :D [22:29] maybe it's better keyboard navigation integration [23:12] Do you host your own znc? [23:30] yes, inside an LXC container on this same machine [23:30] If so, then screen+irssi (or tmux) is very easy to switch to, and there's a lot of useful scripts to use (some in the repo as irssi-scripts!) [23:31] I'm using the same ZNC from other computers / phones / ... too, so I'll probably stick with it. Also makes trying out other IRC clients easier :)