[20:11] popped in to improve the WiFi at a client employee's home today, first one with the fibre service! [20:12] i'm quite jealous of that rock solid 100 Mb service - 12 MB/sec snagging a 'buntu ISO [20:13] yeh can do that on virgin cable [20:13] before it inevitably falling over at night ;) [20:14] coax is proper junk in comparison [20:14] *starts falling [20:14] successful P2V migration today up at dental practice #3 \o/ [20:14] just cleaning up the disks with a bit more cloning to and fro [20:17] a bit of a descale and polish then? [20:17] xD [20:17] well played [23:02] I remember when I could only get 100Mb service. [23:02] :P [23:03] i don't think mine is 100mb :-) [23:03] probably more like 30mb on a good day, with wind blowing in right direction [23:03] millibars! [23:04] https://www.speedtest.net/result/14968222140 [23:04] i remember bbses at 300 and am glad of the mb i have :-) [23:05] We've only just started getting fiber for a reasonable price. [23:05] i have started using a 4g mifi for when the virgin media goes down and it feels a fait bit faster [23:06] mobile tech can be, but it's crazy variable to regional usage [23:06] mobile access in the south east on england is slow, compared to what i'm used to over here. [23:07] was that with a roaming SIM though? often you'd get hamstrung and not see the full rate [23:07] I easily get 100Mbps on LTE [23:07] daftykins: Nah, I got me a tesco mobile payg sim [23:09] Although I did see an O2 plan for 15GBP/month which can be used in North America. Would be cheaper to have that and roam than any local plan.