=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 [03:05] why am I being told I don't have enough swap space for hibernation? I have 16 GB of RAM, a 20 GB swap file and less than 1 GB of it is in use as I try to hibernate. [03:16] dabbler: can you paste the output of 'free -h' ? [03:16] *pastebin [03:19] EriC^^: https://pastebin.com/p7rJTmDQ [03:23] dabbler: maybe this helps https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1928690#p1928690 [03:42] EriC^^: aha. the guide I followed didn't say anything about rebooting in order to get the kernel options into the running kernel. let's see if adding them to /sys makes it work [03:52] sounds good dabbler [03:57] i never could get archlinux to work. [04:04] EriC^^: the problem did seem to be that the running kernel didn't know the values of resume and resume_offset. i wish they'd differentiate that error message. it didn't successfully resume, but systemctl didn't complain. i'll troubleshoot the rest another time. thanks for the help! [04:06] dabbler: no problem === JanC_ is now known as JanC [04:24] hello guys [04:25] i just install the linux mate [04:25] im want to try minecraft but every time i download it, it always fail [04:25] can you guys give me some advice? [04:30] well if it fails to download, sounds like you should talk to your isp [04:30] ok [04:31] thanks === zniavre_ is now known as zniavre === Tabstar is now known as Tabmow [08:29] when I go to ubuntu software, and it says there are updates available, and I click update, why does it always fail [08:29] with either "snap has no updates available" (why is it there then??) or an error that it's already running (which is fine for e.g firefox but not system services??) [08:30] am I doing something wrong? === ord is now known as quem [09:30] hello [10:01] How do i remove the spam after having run apt? It is prompting me to reboot to a newer kernel, despite it not having been just installed, let alone working === ord is now known as quem [10:11] attah: probably been installed earlier [10:11] cbreak: yeah, i did that install... but it isn't working - so i selected the old kernel [10:12] Now i just want the spam gone [10:12] it is asking for confirmation(!), otherwise it wouldn't be so bad [10:13] and whatever it does after takes many seconds to complete :( [10:13] ignoring your problems won't make them go away [10:13] attah: can you use a !paste with your apt output, so volunteers can see whats happening exactly? [10:15] lotuspsychje: https://privatebin.net/?a20240a2d82199ea#6SKk9vCaZKsFyXrvLAXE835eZsTGwVnTXpShENPRETbd [10:15] cbreak: no; but i won't be solving a kernel panic in just a coffee break i'm afraid [10:16] and the spam is still spam === docmax is now known as Guest3082 === usuario2 is now known as HKJ [12:15] Hi all [12:30] hello [12:33] welcome cyberghost [12:33] hello [12:33] how can we help you cyberghost [12:34] i have few question i am a cybersecurity student i am doing bsc in cybersecurity . i am at first sem of my uni [12:35] hmm, anyone have any brilliant suggestions for getting the notification indicator in the tray to work? I've had trouble with them in the past in xubuntu, but removing and readding it usually fixed it. Not this time though. It's 23.04. [12:35] i don't have much experience in linux [12:35] where can i start [12:35] Learning linux? [12:36] cyberghost: this is the ubuntu support channel, volunteers can only help you on ubuntu related issues [12:36] !alis | cyberghost find more relevant channels here [12:36] cyberghost find more relevant channels here: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» === respawn_ is now known as respawn === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom [14:43] Hi everyone, would anyone have heard by chance of breaking changes with the nvidia-lowlatency kernel and podman in rootless mode? [14:44] I keep getting cannot clone: Permission denied [14:44] Error: cannot re-exec process [14:44] It used to work fine [14:44] I filed a bug report at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libpod/+bug/2026620 [14:44] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 2026620 in libpod (Ubuntu) "Any podman command in rootless mode does not work. Root usage works fine" [Undecided, New] [14:56] pcduss: check bug #1995094 if its also you [14:56] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Bug 1995094 in libpod (Ubuntu) "Podman doesn't work on 22.10 (worked on 22.04 LTS)" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1995094 [14:58] !info podman [14:58] podman (4.3.1+ds1-5ubuntu1, lunar): engine to run OCI-based containers in Pods. In component universe, is optional. Built by libpod. Size 11,368 kB / 36,300 kB [14:58] info podman jammy [14:59] !info podman jammy [14:59] podman (3.4.4+ds1-1ubuntu1.22.04.1, jammy): engine to run OCI-based containers in Pods. In component universe, is optional. Built by libpod. Size 10,336 kB / 35,687 kB [15:00] lotuspsychje: thank you, but no I already have crun installed and enabled as default runtime. My issues aren't related to launching containers, but simply accessing the container API altogether. For example, simply calling $ podman info fails. [15:03] in strace -f, on the call to clone(), I get the error code -1 (EACCES) which refers to a permission issue concerning cgroups v2, as seen in clone(2) man page. [15:03] EACCES (clone3() only) [15:03] CLONE_INTO_CGROUP was specified in cl_args.flags, but the [15:03] restrictions (described in cgroups(7)) on placing the [15:03] child process into the version 2 cgroup referred to by [15:03] cl_args.cgroup are not met. [15:18] Confirmed the bug is due to the nvidia-lowlatency kernel [15:19] rebooted with -generic kernel and everything worked fine. Rebooted once again back into nvidia-lowlatency kernel and the issue was back once again. Will update my bug report. [15:20] !yay | pcduss [15:20] pcduss: Glad you made it! :-) [15:21] tldr kernel 5.19.0-1010-nvidia-lowlatency is causing a problem with rootless podman [15:43] I just added a ppa that is supposed to contain tlpui. But after apt update, I still cannot find the package. Is there a way to troubleshoot? [15:53] sem, you mean ppa:linuxuprising/apps ? [15:53] Yeah -- I found the ppa online and it doesn't have a tlpui package for lunar yet [15:53] so I built from source [15:54] that's not from a ppa then === docmax_ is now known as docmax === shlom is now known as V1A [17:17] i havent turned this laptop on for probably a year. i turn it on, gnome dislopay manager starts and then i get a blank screen... [17:19] oscurochu: Like when the bootloader can't find the system drive? [17:21] my hard drive is encrypted, it finds the lvm and unlock the encryption using my password [17:21] so it does find the hard drive and does mount it [17:22] im in recovery mode right now, just not sure what to do. its been so long since i've been able to use a computer at all [17:23] oscurochu: Look around the drive. Is /boot intact? Is there some reason the bootloader couldn't access the drive, but you can? [17:23] oscurochu: I don't know all the ways encryption breaks, I just know that sooner or later it does and you end up here. [17:23] im not sure why you think its a problem with the driwve [17:23] drive* [17:24] or boot loader [17:24] oscurochu: Because of the way it failed. [17:24] gnome fails so its the boot loadier? [17:24] oscurochu: If you know what the problem is more power to ya. [17:25] i dont know what the problem is, i was hoping you could help me figure it out. [17:27] i dont even remember how to look at the logs to see what happened after gdm started [17:32] oscurochu, try to restart gdm : 'sudo systemctl restart gdm' [17:32] alt control f3 doesnt do anything [17:33] not a good sign [17:34] i can up until the point my file system mounts, starts to boot... then gdm starts and then suddenly is the moment i cant do anythnig [17:34] oscurochu, even in recovery mode ? [17:34] i can access the shell in recovery [17:35] oscurochu, ok, let's do it and restart gdm [17:35] when i press ctrl alt delete, the ubuntu logo pops up and it restarts. but nothing else seems to do what i want [17:36] my cmos reset... idk if that is related to anything [17:36] we don't need ctrl alt del [17:36] elaborate? [17:36] - [17:37] i just rebooted into recovery mode [17:37] why you use ctrl alt del ? in order toreboot ? [17:37] yes [17:37] ah, ok [17:37] oscurochu, go recovery mode (if you can) [17:37] im in [17:38] alt control f3 doesnt do anything -> this could be due to FnLck (function key lock, with function keys on F1..F12)) [17:38] oscurochu, uname -r [17:38] 5.4.0-109 [17:39] that's focal [17:39] should i just wipe everything and start clean? [17:39] oscurochu, cat /etc/issue [17:39] 20.04.4 [17:39] lts [17:40] oscurochu, current kern for focal is, so i'd say to upgrade [17:40] oscurochu, sudo apt update [17:41] no network connection [17:41] oscurochu, you probably need to enable networking from the Recovery Menu [17:41] Hi. I did some things in terminal and now I can't fetch any updates, can you guys help me?... (full message at ) [17:42] my macbook dioesnt have a usb port so i cant even create a new flash drive... oh boy [17:43] oscurochu: Does it have the newer USB-C port? [17:43] aioghaosdihfaowi: you seem to be running pop os? [17:43] oscurochu, Recovery Menu -> Enable Networking [17:44] aioghaosdihfaowi: if so, please seek support from them - this channel is for ubuntu support only. yes, they are differently. [17:44] i found a bootable usb drive on my first attempt. yay [17:47] the pop os room is just a bunch of gay porn [17:47] hi, so I have 23.04 installed on a new laptop, but I'm having issues with both its sound hardware and with suspend [17:48] (not being able to suspend is very annoying) [17:53] aioghaosdihfaowi, we cannot help you, sorry === JanC_ is now known as JanC [17:54] Hi. I did some things in terminal and now I can't fetch any updates, can you guys help me? [17:54] I did this: [17:54] sudo apt-get install cmake g++ libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsodium-dev git libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 [17:54] git clone https://github.com/diasurgical/devilutionX.git [17:54] cd devilutionX/ [17:54] cd build [17:55] Guest41: it does not matter whether you connect here through matrix or through irc - only ubuntu is supported. [17:55] https://dpaste.com/CUQ3R53JY [17:56] Guest4134: no [17:56] aioghaosdihfaowi, Guest41 seek help in https://chat.pop-os.org/ [17:56] Guest4134 also [17:57] they were on #Libera, but no longer [17:59] why is certbot being default installed using snap now? I see that on debian as well? Is Debian also wanting to use snap? [17:59] geosmile, one could find the package to build, but snap is so conveniant. [18:01] geosmile, not if you use apt ; maybe you're referring to snap-store [18:02] looks like certbot is recommending the use of snap to its users, not apt anymore [18:02] that's another matter [18:03] sney is right;"cleaner than the certbot-auto shell script they used to distribute" [18:07] oerheks, ioria thanks. [18:07] have fun! === Manoko is now known as Penix === Penix is now known as Penik [18:28] Hallo [18:28] I need sex [18:28] no you don't [18:28] you want it [18:28] Yes [18:28] always [18:28] Nein [18:29] wtf [18:29] Bro I'm playing Skyrim. Have you played? [18:29] Skyrim suks [18:29] How? [18:29] !ot | guardian_ Penik [18:29] guardian_ Penik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [18:30] I'm autistic I dont play games [18:30] HA [18:30] that's hilarious [18:30] ubottu eat my c'ock [18:30] FAX [18:30] FU you [18:31] FU too [18:31] Offtopic your ass [18:31] HAHA [18:31] WTF [18:34] Hi I'm new here [18:35] hi Pirlo, do you have any ubuntu support questions? [18:35] tomreyn no [18:36] alright, welcome nevertheless ;) [18:36] Well yes, can you eat my dîck please? [18:40] Need help [18:40] !ask | Myria [18:40] Myria: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [18:41] I'm so wet today baby meow ;) === ord is now known as quem [19:01] Hi, I just learned that Ubuntu 22.04 ships with OpenJDK 19 packages. My question is how stable is that and for how long it will be supported? OpenJDK 19 support ended in March 2023, and Debian, for example, only seems to package LTS versions of the JDK. Why is Ubuntu shipping non-LTS JDKs in LTS Ubuntus? Apologise in advance if it's too trivial of [19:01] a question or too inflammatory :) === shlom is now known as V1A [19:04] driib: lots of random non lts things are shipped [19:07] driib, have standard 11 installed, the LTS package https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-lts [19:07] so 19 is done manual? [19:08] https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-19 [19:09] yes, 17 and 18 are also available in the repo [19:09] 11 makes sense, though I use 17 myself mostly. [19:09] but not selected standard during install [19:10] I was just surpised at the fact that anything between 11 and 17 as well as 17 and 21 made it into the 22.04 repos. === phonemic0 is now known as phonemic [20:02] Hello! I have just created a script which works fine from the command line, however, when I add it as a cron job to be run every minute of every day, it does not seem to work? The script will write to a log file in my home/myuser/myfolder The actual script and cron job setup is here: https://pastebin.com/qBpGuSef Anyone could give me any hints, [20:02] please? [20:03] you'e running that crontab as your user? [20:03] are you sure its actaully running? [20:04] why not try a systemd timer [20:09] rbox: I can see it in /var/log/syslog and my user is displayed on the line like (myuser) CMD (/usr/bin/bash /full/path/to/myscript) [20:10] well if cron says its running it should be fine [20:10] but like i said, you should try systemd timer [20:11] rbox: and I can also see a (CRON) info (No MTA installed, discarding output)    however, I understood, this is not a big issue, since I do not need any emails on my laptop :) [20:11] sounds like theres some kind of an error or something, which is why t he systemd timer woudl be bettter [20:12] That's so funny... [20:12] whats funny? [20:12] Well, that it does not work... a cron job that is designed for this. [20:13] well it depends on what the error is [20:24] rbox: any way of seeing the error message without installing a mail server locally? [20:25] [01:10:38 PM] but like i said, you should try systemd timer [20:51] rbox: found the way to check for cron errors :) and all works like a charm ;) === homepc is now known as alexanderev === ord is now known as quem === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [22:30] hey How would I install wine on ubuntu 22.04 [22:37] I keep getting this error when trying to install it "libgphoto2-6:i386 : Depends: libgd3:i386 (>= 2.1.0~alpha~) but it is not going to be installed" [22:50] hello [22:50] anyone know an software for create an usb key for ubuntu from windows 11 [22:52] Try rufus [22:52] That is a great usb app [22:53] Anyone have knowledge on using remmina to connect to a remote desktop? The .rdp file I have works through Windows, but not through Ubuntu. The error I get in remmina is "Insufficient user privileges". Where do I begin to look for the cause? [23:18] Hey, i want to use add-apt-repository and it gives me the " Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default." error. Where can i nuke this default? === krzx_ is now known as krzx [23:28] aizen [23:28] [19:18] ::!!:: Elusive [~Elusive@user/Elusive] has joined #ubuntu AJ_Z0 [23:28] Whoops sorry about that. Highlited with the mouse accidentally. and it auto pasted - disregard. [23:31] np [23:37] nanu, probable outdated source [23:38] show us a pastebin please? [23:40] Yea just got the thing goes up to 17.04. [23:40] Its the jdownloader ppa. [23:41] I dont see a way to install it otherwise. [23:42] lolz [23:42] !eol [23:42] End-Of-Life is when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop. Make sure to update Ubuntu before it goes EOL so you get updates promptly for newly-discovered security vulnerabilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOL and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more info. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [23:42] i would reinstall whatver [23:42] The ppa is, not my os [23:43] use their package? jdownloader.org/ [23:44] maybe you need openjdk 18 https://linuxconfig.org/ubuntu-debian-jdownloader-installation-howto [23:44] or 19 [23:45] there seems to be jdownloader2, but not in our repos [23:45] There is no package, they ship their own ever self updating install script. The papa is basically just this very install script. [23:46] *their ppa [23:46] you can try copying the package from that PPA to one of your own for the correct distro version also... [23:46] what ppa exactly? [23:47] nvmd i just download that java script from their site. [23:48] https://launchpad.net/~jd-team/+archive/ubuntu/jdownloader I presume [23:48] I am just a bit pissed that i cant just apt get this stuff anymore like i did for the last 10 years [23:49] that does not do jdownloader2? [23:49] https://snapcraft.io/install/jdownloader2/ubuntu [23:51] changing the package system for that is a step worse [23:51] nanu: it's not hard to create your own personal PPA really... [23:51] lolz [23:52] snap is already available for you [23:52] unless you run mint🤣 [23:52] Anyways. Other question. How to i set my default file manager? Eg when opening the dowload folder from the browser it should start pcmanfm [23:53] browser settings, most likely [23:53] that depends on your desktop system (especially if you want to do it from the GUI) [23:54] I assume you don't use Gnome when you say pcmanfm? [23:55] The browser should not be aware of what file manager is on the system i think. I thought it calls xdg open, but i tried that and it failed [23:55] No i intent to use Enlingtenment [23:55] Junst about to set it up [23:56] what browser? [23:56] This is like my first reinstall since 2012 [23:56] chromium [23:57] And it not behaving like my old install gives me the creeps