=== m4v- is now known as m4v [02:14] I submitted a bug report https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=472086 (re @Anarchotaoist: The following packages have unmet dependencies. [02:14] libkpim5libkleo5 : Depends: libkpim5libkleo-data (= 4:23.04.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu23.04~ppa1) but it is not installed) [02:14] -ubottu:#kubuntu- KDE bug 472086 in kleopatra "libkpim5libkleo-data will not install" [Normal, Unconfirmed] [02:58] so i'm trying to upgrade from kubuntu 22.04 to 23.04, and it's failing because two packages are trying to install a stupid .png file. how do i fix this? [02:58] er, jpg file [02:58] a friggin' wallpaper [03:00] It's easier to just wipe and clean install. Every major update i did always had bugs [03:01] yeah there's no way in hell i'm doing that [03:06] i just moved one of the offending packages out of the pkg archive === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === jc is now known as Guest8288 [07:29] Hello [07:29] 75WE [07:30] Umm [07:30] Can I ask about something [07:38] IrcsomeBot: just ask already [07:43] So I was looking around the internet for a version of Kubuntu 14.10 (9 year old version, I know but this is for historical reasons) with KDE Plasma 5 on it. [07:43] ​​​​​​​I couldn't find it exactly since even the Wayback Machine doesn't have an archive of the ISO image, which complicated things. Another pain in the a** was how the torrents that somehow archived were dead, i.e not downloading anything. I did dig up on google, trying different search params but nothing, so I ask here for some help or if you had a copy (there's also the third option of saying bruh). Thanks. [07:44] The oldest supported release of Kubuntu currently is Kubuntu 22.04 LTS; being a flavor it comes with 3 years of supported life for LTS, meaning 22.04, 22.10 & 23.04 only are on-topic (20.04 LTS reaching EOL back in April 2023). The release you're after is years past EOL [07:46] fyi: Ubuntu 14.10 is available; why not use that & add `kubuntu-desktop` on it if you want to look at something, but its not supported here (or any Ubuntu room) [07:48] * guiverc just found 14.04 & 12.04 [07:52] Lmfao but that'll be KDE 4.14 at least (re @IrcsomeBot: fyi: Ubuntu 14.10 is available; why not use that & add `kubuntu-desktop` on it if you want to look at something, but its not supported here (or any Ubuntu room)) [07:53] I was doing it for some comparison experiment where I would compare KDE Plasma 5.0 to the latest version [07:59] * guiverc doesn't see any seed files for utopic; possibly stored in different location to current seeds; looking to see if both ISOs were built on launchpad; but nothing pre-dates 2018 (except respins of LTS releases at current location, that I see) [07:59] Hmmm interesting [08:06] I would assume the 14.04 alternate ISO was built from Ubuntu packages, thus why i looked for seed files, ie. how to built using ubuntu 14.10 desktop/server, but I didn't find, wasn't around here back then.. so don't know sorry [08:06] s/14.04/14.10 ^ === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === kiumars is now known as kiumars__ === kiumars__ is now known as kiumars === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [09:43] Hmm [09:43] If that's so, then I wonder if someone here had a copy [09:44] If it were opensuse, I could look through CD roms. I have them back to like 9.2 or something. But I've only installed kubuntu 5 or 6 times all this year. [09:46] I'm considering compiling KDE 5.0 because that's what all I need but it'll be painful because of ya know, compatibility issues with modern systems (KDE Plasma 5.0 released on July 15, 2014 and today's July 8/9, 2023) [09:48] I forgot, why do you NOT want to upgrade to a current version of kubuntu and get everything already homogenised? [09:50] I would run 2 VMs, one with the latest, greatest release of Kubuntu (23.04) and the first Kubuntu release that officially had KDE Plasma 5 (14.10 as Tech Preview, 15.04 as total replacement). What I am aiming for is to get the earliest instance of KDE Plasma 5 that I could run on, then compare it with the latest one as an experiment (re @IrcsomeBot: I forgot, why do you NOT want to upgrade to a current version of kubuntu a [09:51] I'm aiming to use Kubuntu 14.10 as it was released with KDE Plasma 5.0 (probably 5.1) alongside KDE SC 4.14 (also mentioned in the blog post and also IS available on the Wayback Machine) [09:53] I initially planned on using KDE Neon (August 2014 build and this week's) but it caused problems, such as: [09:53] 1. Improper handling of scaling in the Aug. 2014 build after resizing resolutions [09:53] 2. The latest build of KDE Neon doesn't really work on my VMware setup, so I give up with that [09:53] 14.10 is not lts [09:54] I knew that [09:54] Idk if 14.04 had KDE Plasma 5 packages that early on (I also doubt it'll install 5.0, it'll probably install something like 5.20 or smth) [09:55] Adding into that, most distros with Plasma 5 started with KDE Plasma 5.2, which makes me slightly disappointed, so here we are at Kubuntu (re @lucss21a: I initially planned on using KDE Neon (August 2014 build and this week's) but it caused problems, such as: [09:55] 1. Improper handling of scaling in the Aug. 2014 build after resizing resolutions [09:55] 2. The latest build of KDE Neon doesn't really work on my VMware setup, so I give up with that) [10:08] Oh. So it turns out you could install old packages on Ubuntu [11:44] I just checked my old downloads directory, and I happen to have the Kubuntu 14.10 disc image [11:45] I also have BitTorrent files going back to 8.04, but I'm not sure if there any seeders for them [11:52] Is it wise to use kubuntu on a flash drive? [11:54] As a permanent installation, or just as a Live CD? [11:58] Permanent [12:00] why not? are you worried about degredation of the media from mulitple rewrites? [12:01] If you have a high quality USB 3.0 drive with fast read and write speeds, kubuntu or any other Linux distro will run fine on it. I used a fast SanDisk drive to have a portable Linux install on my school computers while I did my programming degree a few years back [12:01] Yes, or a performance impact as compared to a desktop installation (re @IrcsomeBot: why not? are you worried about degredation of the media from mulitple rewrites?) [12:01] Ahhh, thanks for the info. [12:01] You just have to be aware that some USB drives may have extremely slow write or read speeds compared to hdd's even if they are marketed as USB 3 drives [12:02] The most I'd do is show presentations and whatnot. Thanks [12:03] Even then you probably want a decent USB 3.0 drive. I had a SanDisk mini something and it took over a minute to open Firefox, compared to the better one I ended up using which felt as fast to use as my nvme drive [12:05] as IrcsomeBot says - I also have done something very similar with pi devices. a bit slow on boot, but after that. [12:24] hi how to update my kubuntu to the latest version i have 18.04 currently [12:26] i believe the current one is 23.04, i shall google it though [12:26] "As of April 2023, the most-recent release is 23.04 ("Lunar Lobster")," [12:33] thanx mic im also looking myside === mkv is now known as m4v [13:31] How do I fix this problem? [13:31] (link is from discord): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/702503037842882582/1127591369305755658/2023-07-09_21-24-01.mp4https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/702503037842882582/1127591369305755658/2023-07-09_21-24-01.mp4 [13:31] How do I fix this problem? [13:31] (link is from discord): https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/702503037842882582/1127591369305755658/2023-07-09_21-24-01.mp4 [13:31] (resent because wrong link) [13:36] kubuntu 14.10 is unsupported, and has been for 8 or so years [13:36] ye yea [13:37] (also i think you are actually looking for vmware support) [18:16] What architecture is Kubuntu made for [18:16] CPU architecture? [18:16] Yep [18:16] amd64 [18:16] https://kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/ [18:17] Thanks [18:17] I think you can get the normal ubuntu and then install the kubuntu packages on other platforms, but I've not tried [18:18] I have not tried it either, but here is one guide with an ARM example: https://eugeneuvin.substack.com/p/kubuntu-on-raspberry-pi-4 [18:20] I installed the kubuntu I'm using via debootstrap from a normal ubuntu image [18:27] does anyone know off the top of your head what to edit to make the installer stop trying to unmount filesystems when changing partition tables? [18:28] It wants to do this when nothing is changing [18:28] problem is it wants to change /dev/sdb, but /dev/sdb5 is where the installer is running from, so it whines that it can't unmount itself, then hangs at "SCANNING FILESYSTEMS..." [18:28] (the only thing changing is that 3 LVM logical volumes are being *formatted*) [18:29] also if anyone knows how to make bluetooth mouse work without going to command line (since opening the bluetooth configurator and hitting tab may or may not ever actually tab onto buttons for adding devices) that would be cool [19:10] hey [19:11] hey [19:11] i downloaded the kubuntu 22.04 lts version but its iso.part [19:23] sounds like you didn't finish the downloading yet [22:49] Hello, how can I activate the fingerprint reader in kubuntu 23.04? [23:01] You know, it's totally possible to identify a Windows partition and import all the bluetooth pairings…