
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lubot[telegram] <BlackKnight987> Libreoffice is not only big also creates dependency webs and not including it in repo will help lessen the size of iso making it easy to fetch lubuntu in countries with poor bandwith and will also help upgrading to newer versions lighter, faster and less conflicting. (re @lubuntu_bot: (irc) <wxl[m]> I think though we focus on lightweight I think hard drive space is not as limited as RAM. Also usability is important)04:40
guivercthe comment was based on including it on ISO; repository will not change. I do agree with wxl in that disk space is much larger than RAM, including libreoffice on iso increases out-of-the-box usability (a big +).. and I'm not worried about libreoffice being too big for RAM (the few if any users who don't have ram for it can adjust themselves as will be minuscule % of users I bet)04:45
wxl[m]We don’t include all of libreoffice just [select parts](https://git.lubuntu.me/Lubuntu/seed/src/commit/b4bbfbedb3b76f5b1b34e7b03504a6b020e53327/desktop#L116) so there’s a word processing, spreadsheet, and graphics solution. We will want that no matter what so we’ll need some other solution, or just leave it as is. Either way, what we provide must be less than a gig05:36
lynorian[m]I honestly am not sure how much libreoffice math gets actually used?06:55
lynorian[m]or was this not explicty seeded but always been included06:58
wxl[m]Yeah we should explicitly remove it17:29

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