
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lotuspsychjegood morning04:39
=== EriC^^ is now known as Guest8613
=== Guest8613 is now known as EriC^^
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
gamer191In you folks' opinion, why don't many people use Ubuntu, by comparison to Windows?11:53
gamer191Sorry, I didn't see the notice above. I'll move to #ubuntu-offtopic11:54
lotuspsychj3this one was funny this morning;12:20
lotuspsychj3sodiumintake> if any1 needs help i am ON it12:20
lotuspsychj3sodiumintake> i'm on step 6 with job interview of canical now12:20
lotuspsychj3<alkisg> Comical? :D12:20
lotuspsychj3<sodiumintake> no canancial12:20
lotuspsychj3make sure you hire him ogra lol12:20
Metamorphosis irfanview is a nice software after all these years. 20:40
ashafqogra: Are you hiring?20:55
ograashafq, canonical is hiring, yes ... https://canonical.com/careers21:02
jeremy31hire sodiumintake21:03

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