=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:00] * Digit hears rumors ubuntu going snaps only [12:11] "hears rumors ubuntu going..." <- Once they cannot block use of flatpak, then just a minor annoyance. If I have to choose between the two, I wish I could flatpak everything. Will not forget the application updates of old, that crippled, or knocked out OS, that led to reinstallations as the only remaining fix ! [12:20] i've not got sold on snaps, flatpacks, appimage, any of it. ^issue a non issue for me since bedrock user for a decade. there be other ways. [12:28] anyway, i was just wondering what the implications are for ubuntustudio, in what form the rumors are true [15:07] Those rumors are false. That's going to be one immutable version of Ubuntu, nothing more. Will not affect Ubuntu Studio in any way. [15:07] It will be akin to Fedora's Silverblue. [15:07] Digit: ^ [15:08] There will still be a regular Ubuntu version that is not whollly immutable. [17:04] i see, someone musta mistook "a snaps only" for "all only snaps only". === Digitteknohippie is now known as Digit