[00:19] LGTM, but I'm less-inclined to believe we should be promoting OMGUbuntu. Joey has been more and more negative lately and it's not a good look for Ubuntu or the community in general. [00:22] Eickmeyer: Was on the fence about including - on the interest of a fair presentation ? [00:23] Bashing-om: My issue is that, for a blog that used to be about promotion and love of Ubuntu, it's really more about sewing the seeds of controversy and being negative towards decisions that are made now. I don't think it's a good look for us (the Ubuntu community) to be promoting stuff that makes us look bad. [00:24] OMG Ubuntu isn't a news site and has never professed to be. It's merely a blog. [00:37] krytarik: ^ thoughts ? - I do not see the article as particularly negative, however. [00:37] https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/07/ubuntu-23-10-new-app-store-deb-support [00:55] just FYI; I have no issues with dropping article from omgubuntu; i felt detail on it was 'incorrect' & for sure misleading .. [00:56] * guiverc hasn't been impressed with omg awhile now (maybe he'd good on theme type stuff, but that's never been my interest) [00:57] guiverc: ack - :D [01:41] Bashing-om, does the final sentence of the Xubuntu (first in press) read correctly to you? [01:41] * guiverc finds it confusing.. [01:42] guiverc: Rereading . [01:43] guiverc: Yeah - could ne better - lemme see what I can do :D [01:43] thanks Bashing-om !!! [01:48] * guiverc is happy with my summary on omg's snap-first app store article.. [01:50] s/my/the ^ [01:53] I've finished read thru; issue with last sentence mentioned was all that grabbed me Bashing-om [01:56] guiverc: Try that last sentence now :D [02:02] a \n appears to have been lost (first glance) [02:03] I LOVE it otherwise Bashing-om [02:04] yeah no line break visible on private.??? of firefox too [02:06] Bashing-om, ^ [02:14] fixing [02:19] guiverc: Fixed the line break - silly lil space ! [02:20] Bashing-om, ack & can confirm, thank you good sir ! [02:21] guiverc: If at first you do not succeed .... try try try again :D [02:21] :) [13:54] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Canonical’s Loses Prominent LXD Engineer @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/07/canonicals-loses-prominent-lxd-engineer [19:59] UWN: Pulling "WIP" Pending edit/remove :> https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/07/ubuntu-23-10-new-app-store-deb-support -- will await a bit to start the push. [20:07] UWN: Ouch : WIKI server looks to be real slow - however, I do have access. [20:30] UWN: proceeding with the push: I feel that the Software App change notification outweighs negativity. [20:35] UWN: M/L is away - Doing the Forums posting next. [20:50] UWN/ Forums posting completed - doing the re-directs next. [20:58] UWN: Re-directs done - next up is to make the Discourse posting. [21:06] Discourse: No can do >> "FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'wiki.page' " Will have a discussion with guiverc to enlighten me :D [22:41] guiverc: When you are functioning - relate to me how you generate the Dicourse wiki.page file; please. I still fail to comprehend :( [22:41] * guiverc thinks I missed a flavor sync meeting (0800 or last 40 mins) so distracted with that.. [22:41] but ack [23:37] sorry Bashing-om , I'll get there/here? but things haven't gone great thus far today (sun is shining outside though!) [23:51] * guiverc finally smiles (big smile) [23:52] guiverc: Deep breath - all quiet now ? [23:53] screens on this box appear correct finally.. maybe a small thing, but a win. [23:53] issue 795 i take it [23:54] yeah date matches. :) [23:54] guiverc: Uh Huh current is 795, [23:55] * guiverc went & put kettle on... need another 'pick me up' [23:56] * Bashing-om doing the last cuppa Coffee :D [23:57] * guiverc last coffee was too much milo (choc-malt nestle drink) & not enough coffee - a mix what I'm having thus far today [23:58] guiverc: choc-malt bings back some fond memories - never thought to mix with coffee though :( [23:59] drink works for me (nice flavor)... alas not the 'wake up shot' from a real coffee ! (which I maybe needed today)