=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === JanC is now known as Guest4531 === JanC_ is now known as JanC [15:39] what is the quickest and scriptable way to launch virtual machines without any kind of customization? virsh or multipass? [15:43] multipass or lxd [15:43] "lxd launch --vm ubuntu:jammy" for example [15:44] But also, take away --vm and you get a system container, which will behave mostly the same and is often preferable. Unless you actually require the kernel and RAM separation of VMs. [15:58] rbasak: I will just need some vms to deploy kubernetes on it [15:58] so I guess a system container won't work [16:04] michele_: it does work - see https://ubuntu.com/kubernetes/install === NightMonkey_ is now known as NightMonkey [17:39] rbasak: where do I see that I don’t need a VM to install microk8s? [17:49] michele_, https://microk8s.io/docs/install-lxd is a walkthrough of installing microk8s on a lxd container (not a vm) [17:50] thanks rfm, I thought it was on ubuntu.com website linked by rbasak [18:00] michele_, yeah, the ubuntu.com link just said install on lxd, didn't distinguish container or vm. I kinda wonder if it was written before lxd did vms, that's "relatively" recent, 2020 or so === ajfriesen840 is now known as ajfriesen84 === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy === not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy