=== chakra_ is now known as chakra [01:04] I am still looking for a solution to this. I tried re-installing Kleopatra to see if it would resolve. Muon not allow re-install. I then tried removal, but Muon was going to remove the whole pim suite. Not ideal. I do not want to re-set up Kmail, Kalendar and Akregator all over again. 🤷‍♂️ (re @Anarchotaoist: "--- Comment #1 from Laurent Montel --- [01:04] it's not a bug against kleopatra but it needs to be report to Kubuntu I think. [01:04] Regards" - so, where should I actually report this??) [01:10] Have you tried accessing settings with Alsamixer in Konsole? : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/1c99b551/file_67305.jpg [01:14] That question needs some clarification. Are you wanting to create an installation usb stick or install the OS as a persistent OS onto a usb stick? Also, are you attempting this on Kubuntu or Linux - or other OS? (re @IrcsomeBot: how to install on mem stick) [01:16] I am still looking for a solution to this. I tried re-installing Kleopatra to see if it would resolve. Muon would not allow re-install. I then tried removal, but Muon was going to remove the whole pim suite. Not ideal. I do not want to re-set up Kmail, Kalendar and Akregator all over again. 🤷‍♂️ (re @Anarchotaoist: "--- Comment #1 from Laurent Montel --- [01:16] it's not a bug against kleopatra but it needs to be report to Kubuntu I think. [01:16] Regards" - so, where should I actually report this??) === jcea1 is now known as jcea [03:32] KDE connect has stopped showing media controls for my PC on my phone for some reason [03:35] plugin is enabled on both ends but it just doesnt seem to work : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/6e665e42/file_67306.jpg [03:35] Just empty space where it should be : https://irc-attachments.kde.org/085ab740/file_67307.jpg === xcynth_ is now known as xcynth === xcynth_ is now known as xcynth === xcynth_ is now known as xcynth === xcynth_ is now known as xcynth === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === paolo is now known as paoop === ViiA is now known as V1A [08:24] hi all [08:26] cheers === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life [10:20] It's a ity that there are still so many bugs in 22.04 after such a long time. Whatever I tried, it still does not remember window positions in a saved session or after reboot. It believes my headphones are the internal speakers and vice-versa. Kup says it would create the relevant folder for the backupup automatically, but of course it does not ... [10:21] And why on earth is firefox listed three times in the menu (1x Favourites + 2x Recently used)? [10:21] Btw. those problems do not exist on the machine I upgraded since 18.04 [10:24] I actually would prefer saying with Kubuntu, but it would be great if the "newly integrated" issues and errors could be fixed again [10:25] do you have an active issue atm - skramer? [10:27] weedmic: Yes, I would - for instance - like to have the windows stored and redrawn in same position as they were when I closed the session. Used to work in all earlier versions [10:27] you can do that [10:29] in the "frame" upper left corner right click on ?paper?>more>configure special * (dpending on what you want). I do this for some things like runescape. I want it in a specific location specific size, etc. But you can also do it more general, like center windows and remember location (double checking this one). [10:30] yep right under "center" - windows remember locations [10:30] I <3 kde [10:31] weedmic: I'm using KDE since '95 or '96 but never found windows not be restored in their former position... [10:32] I used linux since 95, but... i started w gnome - then I found kde and have been there since. I do miss wanda by the clock though. never found a way that works in kde for a little fish aquarium that gives advice. [10:32] weedmic: Was there any change between 20.04 and 22.04? Becaus, as I said, the machine I upgrade since 18.04 works as I would expect [10:34] weedmic: I'm also a bit surprised about these recent "issues" since I did not find them in an Endeavour VM I just set up recently [10:41] weedmic: On the other hand there is a regression regarding my NVidia GTX 1650 card: It does only 60 Hz now on freshly installed 22.04 while it was able to do 120 Hz previously... [10:42] of course there were changes - there is a command to upgrade thought. upgrade incrementally (hoping that is english) until you get to the one you want. clone the system volumes just inc ase it doesn't work - so you can go back right away. [10:43] personally, with opensuse, I generally do the regular updates until they don't have any anymore, then build a new system from scratch. w ubuntu, I keep doing the upgrade versions fromt he konsole until some programme doesn't work and can't be fixed. then I build from scratch. but I always clone first. [10:47] weedmic: That's what usually I do as well. Was more difficult back than with Slackware and 0.99.14 Kernel :) [10:48] true [10:50] weedmic: I used SuSe too since their 6.0 release & switched to Ubuntu from the 8.10 release on. Company laptop actually had Kubuntu 9.10 after I could choose the distro ;) [10:51] weedmic: So what I regret is that I can not help as much as I want because being just user through all those years. [10:51] I use opensuse on everything except where I need apt - like at work. but I always have kde:) [10:52] weedmic: Same :) [10:52] i'm in both this and opensuse. [10:53] weedmic: I don't know why, but I did not have closer looks on Opensuse for a long time myself. Just keeping an eye watching Youtube vids [10:55] weedmic: Latest "project": I did install EndeavourOS in a VM. Just to have an idea how Arch-based distros work [10:57] weedmic: So far quite happy with it, but you mst be aware that there might be some issues to fix if you leave the PC for more tan afew days. But was no problem :)) [10:58] reminds me I need to watch the video on china's new os - just to see [10:58] anyway, this is an help area - so we should be quieter before we get counselled. [11:59] i want to install my HP Laserjet 1080 Printer driver on Kubuntu 22,04 but its not working since HPLIP shows that pyqt4 is not supported on your distro or version [12:01] Now I am using Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa to use the printer however I want it on Kubuntu since its desktop is amazing. Does it works with Kubuntu 20.04 [12:08] i think you are overcomplicating it. The last printer (which was also hp) all I had to do was put in the ip and hplip figured out the rest itself. are you sure you are picking the right ?method? [12:10] application launcher>printers (configure your printer)>+ (add printer)>discovered printer (or if not listed - adppsocket/hp jetdirect and type in ip) - done [12:11] oic, he left after 30 seconds - :( [12:56] Hi all [13:20] wb === madmax__ is now known as madmax [21:10] fwiw, hplip has gotten long in the tooth and is hardly desirable IMO. You can get a few extra features, but the bugs and complexity are hardly worth if for most users. [22:29] hi [22:29] ich habe eine problem mit kde coonect [22:30] funktionirt nicht [23:06] If you think there is a problem with KDE Connect, I suggest you open a Bug Report here: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=kdeconnect [23:07] But, if you are seeking information about how to use KDE Connect, you can describe your configuration and outline what you have done, and the results you see. [23:07] Also, if you need a German-speaker, it is getting late in the day in Europe.