
ItzSwirlztrying to figureout the cause of this: https://ubuntu-archive-team.ubuntu.com/cd-build-logs/ubuntucinnamon/mantic/daily-live-20230518.log00:10
vorlonItzSwirlz: doesn't that show a successful build?00:14
vorlonah you're just looking at the message in the log; well, the code currently tries both bzr and git00:15
vorlonbecause it doesn't have enough information to know which to use00:15
vorlonalso it looks for platform.mantic under ~ubuntucinnamon-dev first, then falls back to ~ubuntu-core-dev (where it actually lives)00:16
vorlonthis code could perhaps be improved to have better knowledge of where the seeds are and not have to try every combination with failures; but better would be to get all the flavors to migrate to git and drop the bzr code00:17
ItzSwirlzwhere am i using bzr a tm00:21
ItzSwirlz-meta uses regular vcs: https://github.com/ubuntucinnamon/ubuntucinnamon-meta/blob/aab8dd7ec216ad683b4cb8e37210597ea196be02/update.cfg#L1600:22
vorlonItzSwirlz: this is the livecd-rootfs code, it's nothing specific to ubuntucinnamon01:33
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slyonjbicha: FYI: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/glib2.0/+bug/202682610:33
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2026826 in glib2.0 (Ubuntu) "glib2.0 (2.77.0 ) breaks Netplan build" [Undecided, New]10:33
seb128slyon, could you report the issue to glib upstream if you think it's a bug there?10:36
seb128slyon, and thanks for the report/tag. It wouldn't migrate anyway because of autopkgtests regressions but still better to be safe10:37
slyonseb128: I'm not sure if it's an upstream issue or something the way our glib package is being compiled... I didn't do any deep investigation yet (and don't have time for it right now). I just confirmed that everything works fine with GLib from mantic-release and wanted to escalate to the destkop team for further investigation10:38
seb128slyon, ack, do you have a specific example for the keyfile line break issue described?10:39
seb128slyon, also https://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/n/netplan.io/mantic/amd64 ... any idea why the netplan autopkgtests aren't seeing the issue?10:40
slyonseeing we're moving even ahead of Debian experimental, I thought it's worth bringing it up with Jeremy.10:40
slyonseb128: Yes, the broken keyfiles can be seen from netplan's build log. I will copy it to the bug report.10:40
seb128slyon, the issue is that the pkg-gnome team in Debian decided to keep unstable for bugfixes updates only until the incoming point release10:41
slyonseb128: the autopkgtests are not using mantic-proposed, but rather mantic-release, I think?10:41
seb128slyon, the first entry on that page is 0.106.1-2 glib2.0/2.77.0-0ubuntu1 2023-07-10 23:13:20 UTC10:42
slyonInterestingly, it seems to pass on riscv64, though, but fail on any other arch10:42
seb128slyon, riscv is building with notests10:43
slyonoh, that explains the riscv situation!10:43
seb128slyon, so netplan -2 autopkgtests are green with glib 2.77.0, are the runtest not catching the issue or is only -3 failing?10:44
seb128let me trigger with -3 to see10:44
slyonRight... I think 0.106.1-2 was still compiled with older glib. while 0.106.1-3 FTBFS with new glib. GLib is a shared library, so I'm not sure this really explains the autopkgtest pass.. :-/10:44
seb128well -3 fails to build, ignore that :p10:45
slyonseb128: rigth.10:45
seb128compiled with shouldn't make a difference though10:45
slyonit's a build-time failure (dh_auto_test)10:45
seb128it's loading dynamically glib10:45
slyonwhen I try to compile Netplan -2 with new glib, it fails, too.10:45
seb128ack, I would just expect that if glib changed in a way that break keyfiles then installed tests would also fail somehow10:46
seb128if that glib version is installed10:46
slyonYes, that's strange.. Maybe something else is in that build environment, which messes things up. But OTOH, just downgrading the GLib packages fixes the build10:47
seb128slyon, ack, we will investigate, thanks for the report10:49
slyonthank you seb12810:50
slyonI've updated the bug report with an example keyfile10:50
seb128slyon, thanks!10:51
ginggsthere was a late (after FF?) glib2.0 update in lunar that also broke some builds11:12
ginggse.g. LP: #201985211:12
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2019852 in nbd (Ubuntu Lunar) "nbd-server hangs after fork" [High, Fix Released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/201985211:12
seb128ginggs, right, that was a different issue though (also that's one the reason we are landing the new serie earlier this cycle, avoiding issues just around feature freeze)11:38
ginggsseb128: oh sure, not the same issue.  but a test rebuild of reverse-build-deps before bumping glib2.0 would be nice11:39
seb128ginggs, that's something we could organize for doing if you/release team think there is value, I'm unsure we need a test rebuild specific for it so early in the cycle?11:52
seb128the build issues will get flagged with one of the regular test rebuilds no?11:53
ginggsseb128: yes, they will11:55
ginggsthe FTBFS report only says the package FTBFS, it doesn't say glib2.0 broke this build12:04
ginggsthe 2nd lunar test rebuild was after the glib2.0 upload, and two failures that I know of (nbd and thrift) appear in that report12:06
dbungert@pilot in15:19
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: dbungert
wouterginggs: whoa, nbd was stuck for 18 hours?! Can I get the build log somewhere?17:47
wouteroh, no, nvm -- that's the pre-fix version17:49
wouterit's expected to do that, you just need the update which you helped me with a while back17:49
ginggswouter: exactly, yes17:50
wouterginggs: sorry for the noise -- I have a highlight configured on NBD, so I noticed ;)17:53
ginggswouter: no worries!17:53
ginggswouter: of course an autopkgtest in nbd would have caught that issue early ;)17:54
wouterginggs: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1036918 ;-)17:56
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Debian bug 1036918 in debvm "debvm: manual mounting of root image" [Wishlist, Open]17:56
ginggswouter: for a start, couldn't an autopkgtest just run the same tests that are run at build-time?17:58
wouter"it's complicated". In theory yes, in practice that would require a wholesale refactoring of the test suite17:59
wouterit's a good idea, for sure, but not as easy as it seems17:59
wouterand yes, that refactoring is planned, but still17:59
dbungert@pilot out19:19
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: N/A
ahasenackdbungert: ocaml is quite a circular mess, did you conclude anything?20:59
dbungertahasenack: yep, making progress.  2 things needed retest and moved on, the next problem is LP: #202733321:00
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2027333 in ocaml-dune (Debian) "ocaml-dune: Please add ocaml:Provides to d/control" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/202733321:00
dbungertI sent a patch to Debian on the last part, we'll see if that gets picked up21:01
Unit193ahasenack: As promised, if it's not merged by the time a new upstream comes along I'll merge it, but I was looking over https://salsa.debian.org/debian/wireguard/-/merge_requests/6/diffs#diff-content-867caf2861d36d708e7ffe26f3783111183154cd again and it'd be more useful I think to echo those hash and "must be equal"/"must be different" lines into STDERR and only give them on error, to make it more21:44
Unit193obvious.  I care less about the other autopkgtests since they won't run in Debian, but at the same time having the errors in STDERR makes sense there too.21:44
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Merge 6 in debian/wireguard "New DEP8 and build-time tests" [Opened]21:44
ahasenacklemme switch context21:45
Unit193I was just trying to find a time when you were online, it's not time sensitive at all. :P21:45
ahasenackoh, I had totally forgotten about that PR21:45
Unit193I hadn't!21:46
ahasenackcan you add that as a comment? Then I'll get an email and won't forget to act on it21:46
Unit193dkg seems very inactive there, otherwise I'd follow up about renaming the source package, dropping the meta, and dropping -modules and -dkms from recommends.21:46
ahasenackI'm on +1 maintenance this week, so I will probably act on it next week21:47

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