[00:02] perscribes one large Black - strong - Colombian coffee ! [00:02] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/07/11/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-795/ (one link changed) [00:03] :) [00:03] ^ at prescription [00:06] Fridge: Spot check - all looks good :D [00:09] thanks Bashing-om , I've posted to twitter.. can't find my telegram.desktop though .. currently going in circles.. [00:11] * guiverc finally notices a telegram desktop load... that snap didn't have colombian coffee either ! [00:12] guiverc: Yukkie on the circles - hate when that happens - I can wait till all settles out for the things on my end :D [00:13] posted to to twitter, telegram, (reddit today too), mewe uwn 795 [00:13] * guiverc won't try fb... still no working (cell/mobile) phone for 2fa [00:14] guiverc: Life is so much simpler with no cell phone, yes ? [00:16] yeah it's nice :) [00:16] No Adds ! [00:18] dropped/lost my house keys walking the dog on sunday... when I got home I realized so retracted steps looking for it, and would have liked it then - in case someone found & called my number I thought was on a tag on my keys... Got the keys yesterday at local cop.shop; someone had handed them in ! I own someone a huge thank you, alas don't know who. [00:22] Bashing-om, to grab discourse post I need only 1. cd ~/uwn/discourse/wiki2discourse/ then 2. python3 reformat.py ~/uwn/issues/795/wiki.page ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-795 (last time I used a local wiki.page I'd copied in prior command).. [00:23] the file created looks ~okay in quick view, I've not pasted it to discourse see there though.. you try maybe? [00:27] s/retracted/retraced & other poor choice of words in ^ I should read what I type sorry! [00:32] guiverc: [00:34] \o/ for someone doing the right thing ! - Discourse: all we are using for that first argument (wiki.page) is a local copy of the WIKI ? [00:34] yep local. currently downloaded earlier in our normal (my normal anyway) handling of UWN publish stuff [00:35] * guiverc likes stuff local.. easier for my 'brain' to comprehend I think [00:38] guiverc: Hokay :) // lemme try try again to make the Discourse posting :D [00:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Lukas Märdian: Netplan and systemd-networkd on Debian Bookworm @ https://blog.slyon.de/2023/07/10/netplan-and-systemd-networkd-on-debian-bookworm/ [00:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Stéphane Graber: Time to move on @ https://stgraber.org/2023/07/10/time-to-move-on/ [00:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: An introduction to smart home business models @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/an-introduction-to-smart-home-business-models [00:47] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 795 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/07/11/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-795/ [00:47] guiverc: I am able now to run the reformat.py script, with no errors --- But the changes over to Discourse format is not done :( [00:51] when was your reformat.py last modified (a stat of mine shows "Modify: 2023-02-28 20:54:23.374411744 +1100" [00:52] that date matches https://git.launchpad.net/uwn/log/?h=discourse which is what I looked for [00:52] guiverc: Modify: 2023-06-26 15:45:18.218143518 -0500 [00:53] you are looking at the output file (not wiki.page which is unaltered, INPUT only) [00:53] in my command earlier the output for discourse was in file "ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-795" [00:54] guiverc: Yeah - checking what the script generates as "discourse.795". [00:54] your modify probably is showing when you grabbed it I gather (mine shows the source where grabbed) [00:56] guiverc: What I expect is that when running reformat.py that it results in the paste for discourse - all that is to then be done is the graphics ?? [00:56] if you "~/uwn/issues/795/wiki.page ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-795" using my example command earlier; you are getting nothing showing change? [00:57] yep... I've since pasted mine (than cancelled so nothign posted) on discourse & it looked good here EXCEPT for missing graphics topc/bottom [00:57] running `diff ~/uwn/issues/795/wiki.page ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-795 | wc -l` generates 1641 (lines of diff; overhead included of course) [00:58] guiverc: Lemme try and move things around and run as you recommomend. [00:58] would me pasting what I did in a file help? as I typed into ^ won't be very clear (Esp. given my often poor word choices!) [00:59] My working directory os presently discourse2forum/ . I do have a copy of the WIKI page named "wiki.page" in that directory ! should workie. [01:00] I'll suggest you switch to wiki2discourse & retry. [01:01] the version of reformat.py in your directory is rather different ! [01:02] yeah - confused --- can conform that my working directory "sysop@x2204mini:~/uwn/discourse2forum$". [01:02] diff says 57 lines differ (inc. overhead due to how diff works) [01:05] guiverc: maybe I should try and pull the script again - as your date is later than mine > and try again ?? [01:06] I'd not really worry much about date.. that could be consequence of how you grabbed it maybe... On guiverc@d7050-next:~/uwn/discourse/wiki2discourse$ diff reformat.py ../wiki2forum/reformat.py |wc -l I get 57 as my difference; do you? if you get different then yep I'd regrab (or I may need to.. something is wrong) [01:08] your date actually was june-2023, mine was feb-2023, or the date of krytariks change as I expected [01:11] the difference in date may show sign of somethign wrong.. `stat reformat.py` gives https://dpaste.com/GL4KFT8HP [01:13] guiverc: Your dpaste is not loading for me :( [01:13] Just real slow loaded now ! [01:13] dpaste was slow... took my system what felt like hours (20 secs) to load [01:15] maybe quick, but a `sha256sum reformat.py` (in my wiki2discourse directory) gives "51f847d7e5b3b6d7fedc04fbb98366edfa797ef63d30d8ada326c1d08194492c reformat.py" [01:17] guiverc: My latest file is very different than yours ( Size: 8977 ; Birth: 2023-06-26 15:45:18.218143518 -0500) // maybe best that I do git the script again. [01:18] sounds like it. (explains why your date differs too) [01:18] I am going to go take a smoke for my nerves ! Back shortly. [01:18] ack.. no probs... I just made another milo+coffee drink, will drink it :) [01:37] guiverc: Look sane to you ? " sysop@x2204mini:~/uwn$ git checkout discourse2forum/reformat.py >> Updated 0 paths from the index " [01:46] discourse2forum? currently we're using wiki as primary, thus we want wiki2discourse [01:46] checking ! [01:47] I've always just `git clone git+ssh://git.launchpad.net/uwn` into directory and contrasted what was grabbed & what I had before myself.. I'm not good with git as don't use it in what i do sorry [01:51] I bet that if I were in the correct working directory all my issues would be resolved ! .. Lemme do a re-do and see then what happens ! [01:52] * guiverc thinks you like UF thus forum is in your comfort zone.. my own is more in wiki I suspect.. [01:54] guiverc: Hey - all of this remains as a process of learning :D [01:58] guiverc: Hey - workie -- all this hassle because I did not understand what directory I should have been in ! [01:59] guiverc: Going now to make up the Discourse posting :D [01:59] you got there.. that's what matters... things will always trip us up, be it too much coffee, too little coffee, not enough sleep for the amount of coffee we drink etc.. [02:00] * guiverc thinks I'll go & put kettle again, my mind is focused on coffee only now ^ [02:07] guiverc: OK - now back on track - posted to Discourse. I got a lot on my mind and could not sleep last night - slept the morning away when I have things I absolutely must get done // and UWN takes priority ! [02:08] everything is 'harder' without good sleep.. but ya got there.. Well done & thank you Sir. [03:14] OK ! All caught up - blogged to Mastodon. [03:14] guiverc: Clear now to do away with the evidence ? [03:14] yep scrub away Bashing-om & thank you [03:17] guiverc: No thanks needed - I could not do this without you :P Thanks for pulling my head out of that dark place, even though it took both feet firmly planted. [03:18] wiki vs discourse only... Bashing-om do you have a preference? The only difference I'm aware of is the partial indexing/content provided on wiki that is used by fridge post currently.. but that no doubt can be worked around anyway (my lack of python3 knowledge my biggest hurdle) [03:19] * guiverc adds this is related to comment earlier in #lotuscomputers i made.. there maybe more than what I'm aware of, but that's all I've seen [03:41] guiverc: I work with the tools we have - I do look forward to all our work done on our own platforms, however. As to how we will get away from Gdoc >> I got no idea ! [03:43] UWN: We do issue796 --- Off to a roaring start - the weeks are passing much to quickly ! [03:43] to me gdoc is a different issue, we can use it with discourse or without & use discourse.. i [03:46] (fridge post is 'sparse' when run against discourse... we could grab the title detail & not give links maybe ?fix? [04:16] guiverc: It is going to be a can of worms to move off from the WIKI - I am assuming we can set up our template on our Discourse instance. [04:23] Bashing-om, we could experiment, create a skeleton in https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/uwn/ we keep/edit there as required.. based on current skeleton .. then create a sample "Issue TRY" we highlight is just exploration ; I could experiement with "Staff Notice" & see if its visible to all (Staff on Lubuntu discourse is only viewable by a very small few; and I use it pre-release etc for stuff; then mark public on release-day etc).. but I'm no [04:23] expert on discourse.. [04:24] * guiverc we could also do it to an existing UWN, but I'd prefer not to touch those personally (It's where I'm looking as to what it appears to let me do) [04:27] everyone can see 'staff notices' it appears; https://meta.discourse.org/t/everybody-can-see-note-to-staff/169164 [04:29] guiverc: I am all for moving our working template over to discourse. Will not b a big deal to format https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/IssueTemplate to use Discourse. [04:32] guiverc: What will be icky icky will moving the UWN subscribers to a Discourse link. [04:36] don't follow last one sorry.... be it wiki or discourse it's just a URL change... [04:39] guiverc: Subscriber's acceptance of a Discourse issue is a long way down the road, anyway. [04:45] * guiverc is about to walk pup, but I'd try the reformat.py (wiki2discourse) and see if the output is okay just modified by that.. or neater to do manually.. I can look when back, but i've not looked yet === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [12:14] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::fridge:: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 795 @ https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/07/11/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-795/ [12:29] Bashing-om, guiverc: I think it's easiest to run the Discourse conversion script from the top of the repo directory like "wiki2discourse/reformat.py issues/795/wiki.page issues/795/discourse.post" - or from within the issue directory ("795"), but then you'd need to adapt the path to the script. Also, the modified date is from when the script file was last touched locally - updated from the online source or otherwise - rather than from whe [12:29] the script was last changed in the source. And indeed I haven't yet created a version of the Fridge script based on Discourse vs the wiki, gotta see whether deep links are possible on the former too.. [12:32] ack & thanks krytarik ... I'd not have modified the script thus my assumption was the date was that of the download (that'll depend on how downloaded; could also be dated at download time but that didn't seem to apply) [12:34] Yeah, it's indeed the date of sync in both of your cases. [12:36] Git does not replicate timestamps of files, but does permissions. [12:37] :| === madmax__ is now known as madmax [19:38] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::omg!ubuntu:: Thunderbird 115 Released with Major UI Changes @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2023/07/thunderbird-115-released