=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === mitschja[m] is now known as Mitsch[m] [12:01] Hi! [12:01] I've upgraded to Ubuntustudio 23.04 and the pipewire soundserver some days ago. Pipewire's astounding on one hand, on the other there are several apps that don't work properly in jack-mode, f.e. linux-show-player, audacious and carla. It won't connect or show up as a connectable item in patchance. What can I do about it? Do I have to switch back to pulseaudio / jack or can I tweak some options in pipewire's jack.conf to make them work? [17:06] You can do 2 things, install them as snaps/flatpacks or use the setup utility to go back to pulse audio, i did both, but i prefer to use the flatpak and pipewire version [22:04] * CristianDelgado[ uploaded an image: (218KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/tIQWJApLZNjebULNUpargrfb/image.png > [22:04] Cristian Delgado: look audacios works well [22:04] i also tested carla and no problem, im using packaged versions from 23.04