=== huihuisun is now known as huihuisun_ === raido is now known as Pingviin [09:25] Hi, is this the place where to ask small question? [09:33] About the mysteries of life? No [09:33] About kubuntu? Yes === Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life === raido is now known as pingviin [10:01] Hi, i am using Kubuntu 23.04 and in my setup i have NVMe SSD thet is mounted as / and i have HDD that is mounted to /home. Problem is that the HDD show up as removable device and not internal drive, how to fix that? [10:15] pingviin: what's the output of this command? Include the parenthesis. ( sudo lsblk -fe7; cat /etc/fstab ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [10:27] https://termbin.com/3f36 [10:28] pingviin: it seems fine, where do you see it as "removable"? Screenshot? [10:30] in dolphin, on taskbar as removable device [10:32] https://ibb.co/gDY3HyT [10:33] https://ibb.co/C2sW6DD [11:43] Did i miss something? [11:45] not since your last post at 13:33zulu - pingviin [11:45] Okey, thak you [12:15] Hi all === paolo is now known as paoop [16:38] hi, i am shimanta from microcodes. our website called microcodes.in. [16:38] i want to know how does you/your team customize ubuntu and make this UbuntuDDE iso ? [16:38] which tools basically used ? [16:38] For my final semester project I want to know !!! plz reply! [17:00] https://irc-attachments.kde.org/5f6a85e7/file_67356.jpg [17:00] Well, I'm installing virtualbox guest additions === paolo is now known as faLUKE === faLUKE is now known as paoop === popey2 is now known as popey === N3X15_ is now known as N3X15 === kiska37 is now known as kiska3 === m_ueberall is now known as ueberall === paolo is now known as paoop