
liushuyuHi there, is there any AA available to process a source package removal request? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cargo/+bug/2027551 Thank you!08:21
-ubottu:#ubuntu-devel- Launchpad bug 2027551 in cargo (Ubuntu) "Removal of cargo source package" [Undecided, New]08:21
schopinliushuyu: you want to subscribe ubuntu-archive to that bug :)08:29
schopinAlso, if you want to engage them on IRC, there's a dedicated alias on #ubuntu-release (but for your situation, subscribing the team to the bug should suffice)08:30
liushuyuschopin: I will do both08:40
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Guest55Hello, I want to start with to help developing ubuntu/bug fix and dosen't have any idea where to start. I had read about ubuntu official documentation to find repository etc. but is difficult to get overview where to start. What I need to get access to code ?10:11
Guest55and how to start and where ?10:13
rbasakGuest55: hello! Do you have a specific bug you're trying to fix first?10:15
Guest55rbasak I don't have any specific bug fix yet. I wanna just want to look at source code and figure out how it is working10:48
Guest55rbasak lunchpad.net is there where I start ?10:49
rbasakGuest55: are you familiar with the packaging system? Eg. the difference between binary packages and source packages, and how to identify a source package name?10:50
Guest55nope I'm totally begining from scratch10:51
Guest55I have developing expirience. But not system development10:51
rbasakI'm not sure there's a good guide that will help you from that starting point.10:52
rbasakTHere's https://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/index.html and https://github.com/canonical/ubuntu-maintainers-handbook10:52
rbasakYou could see how you get on there.10:52
rbasakAnd feel free to ask any specific questions you have here10:52
ograI'd start by crawling launchpad bugs and see were you can supply fixes for packages ... thats a good starting exercise IMHO10:53
Guest55rbasak and ogra thak you so much for help both of you. Yeah I want to start with small steps, and figure out how it all works.10:55
ginggs@pilot in11:02
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: ginggs
ginggsplease keep your seatbelts fastened11:03
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* ogra waits for the flight attendant to serve some drinks ....11:39
rbasakIt's 2023. You'll be waiting a while :-P12:10
ahasenackdbungert: I'm +1 to upload the ocaml-dune fix to ubuntu while we wait12:17
ddstreetmapreri teward aug 2 works for me, i'll send an updated calendar invite12:50
Tenkawa  Tenkawa: Greetings...Anyone currently actively working with RISC-V? I have taken a Lunar image on a VisionFive 2and updated it with the work in progress mainline 6.4 kernel which is working fine with microsd root, usb3 wifi, etc, however the one thing I am running into is any NVME drives being attached via usb (multiple cases and drives) all stop in a Spinning up phase.. I have applied the normal quirks/etc to take uas and such out of the12:57
Tenkawa equation however it12:57
Tenkawa[08:37:47]  Tenkawa:  seems that there is something specific here. Anyone else seen this? I am not seeing this with usb thumbdrives that I tested with.12:57
ograxypron, ^^^12:58
Tenkawamy end goal is to move the rootfs to boot from the NVME how I had it before since the SPI is capable of it now.12:58
Tenkawaogra: thanks for pointing me over12:58
ograyeah, i'm wondering if we have/should have a dedictated risc-v channel ... we surely do for arm ...12:59
TenkawaIt is starting to  get active now too12:59
TenkawaI had been working only on Debian with it however I am starting to add Ubuntu with my reseearch13:01
TenkawaI'll idle for now.. need to go to an appointment13:01
xypronTenkawa: Yes Canonical is working on RISC-V. We regret that not all the needed patches are yet accepted upstream. So the support for the VisionFive board in Ubuntu is a bit sketchy. Esmil on the ubuntu-kernel channel would know what the status of kernel patches is.13:07
Tenkawaxypron: I work with Esmil and aurel32 on this...14:41
TenkawaDebian images are currently not exhibiting these symptoms with the same kernel in my testing14:42
TenkawaThat's why I was looking to see if anyone had been successful in using the usb in this manner on Ubuntu yet with my setup14:43
TenkawaI'll be spending the day now that I'm home doing more debugging14:43
ginggs@pilot out15:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: N/A
ginggsthank you for choosing Ubuntu Air!15:00
jbicha@pilot in15:05
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: jbicha
TenkawaMantic is the dev branch right?15:19
Tenkawa(I want to make sure I get the names right... I'm not sure of the newer names)15:19
dbungertYes, mantic is the dev release, future 23.1015:20
dbungertahasenack: ack, will upload my 2 outstanding ocaml patches to Ubuntu15:21
Tenkawadbungert: thanks. I'm going to look at moving my testing there.15:23
ograginggs, it was a pleaseure ! no turbulences or anything !15:28
TenkawaUpdating to Mantic fixed the problem16:18
TenkawaNow it can read the usb bridge with no other changes..16:18
TenkawaNot performing the greatest but at least communicating...16:25
andrewshhi all17:46
andrewshplease remind me how to request a patch to be included in a package shipped in a supported release (LTS or not)17:47
andrewshI can’t remember how the process is called and my Google skills fail me17:47
ahasenackandrewsh: a Stable Release Update (SRU)?17:48
ahasenackdoes that ring a bell?17:48
ahasenackthat would be https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates17:48
andrewshokay, another question17:50
andrewshsay, for https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/golang-github-containers-toolbox17:50
andrewshdoes it make sense to backport just one patch I want to get fixed to jammy and kinetic, or can I request to sync lunar’s version (which has the bug fixed) into jammy and kinetic17:51
ahasenackgeneraly just one patch will be preferred17:51
jbichaandrewsh: you can ignore Kinetic since it will be End of Life next week18:16
jbicha@pilot out19:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: Mantic Open | Devel of Ubuntu (not support) | Build failures: http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of Bionic-Lunar | Patch Pilots: N/A
andrewshjbicha: thanks!22:11
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