[15:37] https://stgraber.org/2023/07/10/time-to-move-on/ [15:37] part of that canonical takes LXD from linuxcontainers.org ^ [15:37] Yeah, I wondered how long that would be [15:37] "It’s a bit of a bittersweet moment leaving a company after you’ve invested so much of your time into it, but I believe that now was the right time for me. As I’ve told colleagues and upper management, Canonical isn’t the company I excitedly joined back in 2011 and it’s not a company that I would want to join today, therefore it shouldn’t be a company that I keep working for [15:37] either." [15:38] Honestly in 2008 I would have likely sold part of my soul to work for Canonical [15:38] I heard that canonical considers LXD a failed open source project. [15:38] because it failed to get many/any outside contribs. [15:38] What the ever loving fuck? [15:38] but then, aren't ALL canonical projects failed in that sense? [15:38] It _just_ _works_ [15:38] juju certainly. [15:38] upstart for sure. [15:39] I love LXD. I fired Virtualbox in favor of LXD [15:39] yup, LXD is great. [15:40] yeah, 2008 was probably peek canonical. [15:40] i worked there Jul 2014 - Jun 2017 and it was good. [15:40] but I've lasted longer at Cisco ;) [15:42] https://stgraber.org/2023/07/10/time-to-move-on/#comment-529277 [15:42] Mark Shuttleworth needs to be given a busybox to control [15:43] because frankly he's an inept, frustrated, Steve Jobs wannabe [15:43] lol. he used to be so great though! He was going to save us! ;) [15:44] Never trust any white person from South Africa with a messiah complex. [15:45] LMAO true [15:46] Well, I look for the enshittification of my workflow, much like what happened with Ubuntu One's "I'm a Dropbox" era. [15:46] though I blame them trying to scale CouchDB to thousands of users. [15:46] with not-so-great connections [15:47] Time to move to Debian? lol [15:47] it has always been private, so I can't really tell, but I feel like it has always been a loss or break even company. It isn't like Mark needs the money. [15:47] He's been flirting with cash flow for 2 decades now. [15:47] You get weird decisions as a result. [15:47] CouchDB was terrible. [15:47] They are still Ceph lovers AFAICT, which is terrible. [15:48] Thing is it's not like they do necessarily _bad_ things, but more like just different for the sake of being different [15:48] like some weird pied piper dragging folks over a cliff [15:48] Luckily, ubuntu is still largely community driven, it is still better than debian for a few thing. [15:48] yes, they have a lot of NIH [15:49] yeah, though I wonder what sort of NIH they're going to foist on the imutable snap desktop [15:49] since it seems they're trying to chase Fedora over that cliff [15:49] I know JOrge has a complete crush on immutable cloud desktops but I remain skeptical [15:50] much like I was skeptical of the Ubuntu Phone because not even SABDFL has that kind of cash to massage the FCC. [15:50] nor the patience [15:50] and by FCC I mean the telecoms that run the FCC. ;) [15:52] but it seems that short-sighted decisions that ultimately harm the goodwill of the company are abundant [15:52] *cough*RedHat*cough* [15:53] jrwren: You'd appreciate this: https://www.jwz.org/blog/2023/07/cabaret-voltaire-welcomes-the-swifties-into-the-fold/ [15:55] LMAO @ the title alone [15:55] <3 [17:31] Holy crap, something deleted most of the directories under /usr/share/doc on my desktop! [17:42] Okay, found the culprit. It was a deb with faulty packaging. Good thing I have backups. [18:19] a 3rd party deb, I hope? [18:35] Ugh [18:35] Which deb? [19:56] Yea, it was a deb created through pacstall. [19:56] Neovim [19:57] The build recipe used a variable that was undefined, so that instead of 'rm -rf'ing /usr/share/doc/neovim, it removed /usr/share/doc. [19:57] That was during the dpkg uninstall script. [19:58] In the future I'll need to inspect the scripts and the generated deb before installing anything. [19:59] I'd rather use a PPA, but I've yet to find one that has the current stable version of neovim. [20:05] I've found ppa's to be a wasteland, sadly (except in rare cases where it's maintained by some org or known group of folks) [20:10] PPA are a nice dev tool, not a nice user tool. [20:11] Is there a better way to find and install debs not maintained by Ubuntu? [20:13] snaps! [20:13] lol [21:53] I'm pretty sure I'd like a snap from Thanos better. [22:20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5DxNuUfUY1Q