[00:29] Hi 👋 I think I finally found the cause of my problems related to Mir.... (full message at ) [00:30] s/history/story/, s/// [16:50] I should amend that comment replacing "initially" by previously. Because the very first time I tried Mir was with the previous release of debian (bullseye) and it was the same as with ubuntu. Total lost of control of the session [21:06] * mattkae[m] uploaded an image: (190KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/UfDtvhqvkbAzuzzEYywScmep/Screenshot%20from%202023-07-13%2017-06-15.png > [21:06] Windows95 running on Ubuntu Core in Ubuntu Frame :) [22:04] My update [22:04] - Played with balena-etcher a ton, only to run into a bunch of blockers that I can share with the team next week. [22:04] - Wanted to get a first snap up and running, so I took the windows95 in JS code and made a snap out of it. It runs pretty well with Ubuntu Frame. I then found this post (https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/windows95-snap/7059) and realized that this might be a no-no. [22:04] - Now that I have a firm grasp of snaps, I am going to hop back into a testing framework for Window Managers tomorrow 👍️