[00:34] is there anyone online? im trying to build an ansible playbook to make deployment of an slapd server with tls/ssl protocol to transfer data between logging connections, but there is an error in my ldif and i dont know why... it simply prints "modifying entry "cn=config" [00:34] ldap_modify: Other (e.g., implementation specific) error (8" === waltman_ is now known as waltman === chris14_ is now known as chris14 === michel_c13 is now known as michel_c12 === Bebef is now known as Guest8703 [03:55] Hey hey hey! === ubuntu is now known as Guest5826 [03:55] Just testing out Linux for the first time. === tester is now known as nickfury === RaimondR- is now known as RaimondRaj === sonOfRa_ is now known as sonOfRa [07:14] At what point during Ubuntu's install process is it supposed to ask for a secure boot key? Installation is hanging, and terminal output's last message is several repeats of "The Secure Boot key you've entered is not valid. The password used must be between 8 and 16 characters. Enter a password for Secure Boot. It will be asked again after a reboot. [07:14] Enter the same password again to verify you have typed it correctly." However, I was never asked to input a secure boot key. === spoonCat is now known as spinningCat [07:22] Guest33, you've not said what Ubuntu product you're using, keys can get revoked which is why newer media is created (when required)... thus is your media outdated for example? [07:24] guiverc, I am using ubuntu-23.04-desktop-amd64.iso, loaded via ventoy which is registered with a key. [07:25] keys on media will be good with 23.04, I'm not familiar with ventoy though sorry [07:25] If I created a bootable usb key with only the ubuntu iso, would it possibly avoid this issue? [07:25] I would not expect that issue is all I can say. [07:26] Well, I can try it and see :) === lubuntu is now known as jcolivares [07:59] good morning how are you? === V3n3RiX_ is now known as V3n3RiX === digop_ is now known as digop === esv_ is now known as esv [08:33] After I set up an alternate boot usb, I found out that I could actually boot into the Ubuntu partition even though I had exited out of the installation before it said it was finished. Perhaps it actually finished but the interface was locked up? It didn't ask me for any secure boot keys, despite what it said in the terminal output. [08:34] Since I wasn't sure if the installation completed, I ran the following commands https://pastebin.com/w9UtZnGY [08:35] Is that enough to ensure that the installation is complete, or should I reinstall everything from the usb just to make sure? [08:36] if it were me, and this is all i am putting on that media, i'd remove the partitions and start over - which can be done by installing, and it will ask ifyou want to keep the old settings - pick no [08:36] but, I have been known to nuke a site from orbit, jut to be sure... [08:37] I'll probably do that just to be sure. Hopefully it won't get stuck on "setting up ubuntu" for three hours this time :D [08:43] in general, the entire process should be less than 30mins, including updates, and is usually around 18m. at least for me with decent internet.. if you had such a delay, boot with live linux and check your media with smart report. [08:44] smartctl -x /dev/sdwhatever [09:56] Excuse me, I have tried to install this program https://qucs.sourceforge.net/install.html [09:56] but it give me an error: Impossibile aggiungere il PPA: ''Questo PPA non supporta jammy''. [09:56] Linux pc1 5.15.0-60-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jan 20 14:29:49 UTC 2023 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [09:58] nuovolnx_: it means it doesnt support jammy [09:59] nuovolnx_: https://linuxhint.com/best_circuit_design_tools/ [10:00] nuovolnx_: jammy is the ubuntu version, it looks like that ppa is quite old, try a different tool preferably from the ubuntu repos [10:01] nuovolnx_, https://snapcraft.io/qucs-spice (a bit old, but seems the edge channel of that snap has a recent version) [10:04] nuovolnx_: this type of programme may need you to do ./configure - make - main install - did you read the readme after you unzipped it? [10:04] it may also list some dependencies you need first. if some are deprecated, I might be able to help find them [10:04] I have no idea to install it [10:05] did you unzip the file? [10:05] sudo snap install qucs-spice [10:05] pretty simple [10:05] I have tried this now https://snapcraft.io/install/qucs-spice/ubuntu#install [10:05] o - even better - ty ogra [10:06] sudo apt install snapd but it give me an error: E: Il pacchetto "snapd" non ha candidati da installare [10:09] nuovolnx_: you may have snap already installed - did you first try "snap list" to list what you have, if snap is there it will work, if not, it will give you the command to install it. [10:10] weedmic: snap list give me this: Comando «snap» non trovato, ma può essere installato con: [10:10] sudo apt install snapd [10:10] well, snapd is in all default installations of all currently supported ubuntu releases ... [10:10] nuovolnx_, what ubuntu release is this ? [10:10] linuxmint 21.1 [10:11] please go to a mint support channel then .. see the channel topic, we do not support mint here [10:11] don't use the same repository? [10:11] it has unpredictable changes only the mint developers know about [10:11] :D - try #mint - although we can offer some general things, the support libraries may differ - the file locations certains wiell. [10:12] ok thank you everybody [10:13] qapla' [10:13] (in case you consider using a peoper ubuntu or one of he official flavours, come back at any time ... 🙂 ) [10:13] *proper [10:31] ogra: what does "proper" mean the way you used it? [10:34] weedmic, anything as listed in the channel topic ... ubuntu itself (one of the listed supported versions) or flavurs that are built using solely packages from the ubuntu archive (no PPAs, externa archives, etc)) [10:34] ) [10:35] oic - genuine/original - ty [10:36] is Ubuntu good for a newbie? [10:37] yes [10:37] ok [10:38] actualy most linux dists are. most of em got graphical installer and comes with premade setups [10:38] too late 🙂 ... seems your "yes" was sufficient for them 🙂 [11:25] complains about it not being exactly like Windows will follow later :) [11:28] 😄 [11:34] Hi. I'm using Lunar. Whenever I let the computer alone for a while, it logs off and kills all my open apps [11:34] is there a bug report for this? bard says there is but I can't find it. [11:35] LuckyMan: look in /var/log/syslog for any segfaults or something [11:35] LuckyMan: we would need to investigate it deeper first, your dmesg our journal logs could be usefull here [11:38] lotuspsychje, who do I send them to? [11:38] !paste | LuckyMan [11:38] LuckyMan: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [11:38] link then right in here [11:39] isn't it a security problem? [11:39] to paste dmesg content? [11:41] $ dmesg [11:41] dmesg: read kernel buffer failed: Operação não permitida [11:41] LuckyMan: use sudo dmesg [11:43] probably I've got to logout first. I went from wayland to Xorg to see if the problem persist [11:50] ok it looks like in Xorg it doesn't happen [11:50] at least this time it didn't, it was the first time I tried it [11:51] LuckyMan: then try leaving a journalctl -f in wayland running, to see what happens under the hood [11:51] or share your dmesg anyway with the volunteers [11:51] brb [11:53] back [12:00] here is my dmesg: https://dpaste.com/H2TDBX48S [12:00] LuckyMan: gnome-shell[3086]: segfault at [12:01] @ time 3378s, mentions libmutter-clutter [12:02] !find libmutter-clutter [12:02] File libmutter-clutter found in libmutter-12-0, libmutter-12-dev [12:04] dont know why but it's segfaulting, maybe try to create a new user and see if it segfaults there as well, so you know it's not some setting causing it [12:04] ok [12:05] LuckyMan: this is relevant https://askubuntu.com/questions/1473105/frequent-crashes-since-upgrade-to-23-04 [12:06] LuckyMan EriC^^ a lot of snap apparomor denied at his end dmesg too [12:06] LuckyMan: hmm, maybe it's just happening when it's trying to lock the screen/sleep or so? [12:06] a lot of telegram lines too [12:07] think ducasse recently reported telegram had issues shutting down [12:08] yeah, it still does now and then [12:08] EriC^^, yes [12:09] (need to make a pause) my eyes are not working well [12:31] Hi all [12:39] Ubuntu 22.04 - a few days ago I noticed my network status icon showing a question mark. It happens on every WiFi/Ethernet network I am on, and I always have Internet connection. Any ideas on why the Internet verification seems to not be working? [12:46] zetheroo1: Is there any effect on actually using the connection? [12:47] jhutchins: no [12:47] zetheroo1: Then why worry? [12:48] wasn't sure if this is a symptom of something else broken/breaking [12:49] It sounds like it might be a glitch in the "monitor" widget, displaying a false condition or maybe neglecting to clear the pre-gateway status. [12:51] OK [13:06] I want to try ubuntu, am i better to download lts version or the newer one? its for a laptop just for general use [13:07] 23.04 BreakbadSara [13:07] ok [13:13] BreakbadSara, note that non-LTS versions usually go EOL after 9 months so you are forced to update to 23.10 pretty soon when installing 23.04 === shokohsc55 is now known as shokohsc5 === KNERD_ is now known as KNERD [13:44] hi, how to build kernelpackages for older Ubuntu without zstd? [14:20] apparently it works minimally, as I'm stuck to 93Hz refresh rate on a 240Hz monitor [14:21] 23.04, btw [14:49] howdy [14:50] testing connection [14:52] howdiddly [14:54] Hello Team? [15:00] woohoo [15:00] online [15:02] chrischrisjnr, while i'm sure all 1100 people in here are happy for you, can you do your testing in the #test channel instead ? [15:02] Hello All, my system information is Ubuntu 22.04.2 TLS, I would like to install Python 3.6 version, the current version of Python is 3.10.6 is installed, How can I install Python version 3.6 without modifying or changing the current version of Python 3.10.6? [15:04] Niclos, i think this is only possible via a venv if you want to make sure to not touch the systems python [15:06] ogra: can you explain for via a venu? [15:07] ogra : via a venv. [15:07] Niclos, google for "pyton virtualenv ubuntu 22.04" ... that should get you some decent guidesi guess [15:07] *python [15:09] im not sure if you can use another python version with the simple venv command [15:11] i think i would use a lxc container and do something like https://hackersandslackers.com/multiple-python-versions-ubuntu-20-04/ [15:13] I see articles on Google installing Python3-pip but not sure if it causes problems with the current version of Python? [15:15] hi [15:16] Niclos, why do you need 3.6 in the first place though, i'd thing that 3.10 should surely be fully backwards compatible [15:18] (unlike the switch from python 2 to 3 where you actually need code adjustments) [15:21] there is the project build that used the Python3.6.8 version on the new version of Python the build is broken so we need to use the same version of Python for now. for the new version of Python, we will keep it because we are still using it. [15:27] ogra : there is the project build that used the Python3.6.8 version on the new version of Python the build is broken so we need to use the same version of Python for now. for the new version of Python, we will keep it because we are still using it. [15:41] anyone here? [15:46] no. no one is here. [17:01] I add the repository using the command #sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa #ubuntu but when I run this command 'sudo apt install python3.6.8,  It generates this :E:Unable to locate package python3.6.8 ? === SysGhost is now known as SysGhost________ === SysGhost________ is now known as SysGhost [17:04] Niclos: what release of ubuntu are you running? [17:05] leftyfb: ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS [17:06] Niclos: 22.04 has python3 3.10.6 [17:06] you don't need 3.6.8 [17:08] leftyfb: the current version is python3 3.10.6, but I would like to install python3 3.6.8 version so that I will have two version of python. [17:08] why? [17:09] leftyfb : there is the project build that used the Python3.6.8 version on the new version of Python the build is broken so we need to use the same version of Python for now. for the new version of Python, we will keep it because we are still using it. [17:10] Niclos: what is broken about 3.10.6? [17:12] leftyfb: when we use Python version 3.10.6 the built project is not working [17:17] leftyfb:? [17:19] I would recommend either fixing whatever the issue is with your project or installing Ubuntu 20.04 in a VM or lxd container with python 3.8.2 [17:19] I would not recommend installing python 3.6.8 on Ubuntu 22.04. You're begging for problems [17:22] leftyfb: on ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS we can't install two different versions of Python3? [17:22] you can but you should not [17:22] I'm sure there's ways. I would not recommend them [17:23] a lot of system related stuff like APT uses python. mixing version usually breaks things [17:23] Niclos: I would really spend the time figuring out why you project is failing. There really wasn't all that much different between python 3.10 and 3.6 [17:26] looks like the deadsnakes versions are designed to be installed beside the systme version. I haven't verified this. [17:27] leftyfb: I'm not building the project, there is the team that build the project and they stated the new python3 3.10.6 is breaks their build project so they ask me to install python3 3.6.8. [17:28] Niclos, according to https://launchpad.net/~deadsnakes/+archive/ubuntu/ppa the package is just "python3.6", you don't get a choice of dot dot versions... [17:29] Niclos: either way, 3.6.8 is no longer supported by anyone and should not be used. The oldest version available in the deadsnakes PPA for Ubuntu 22.04 is 3.7 [17:29] rfm: that won't work on jammy [17:29] only focal [17:30] https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-368/ "Note: The release you are looking at is Python 3.6.8, the final bugfix release for the legacy 3.6 series which has now reached end-of-life and is no longer supported" [17:30] it was released 5 years ago [17:30] don't use 3.6.8 [17:30] that makes sense as deadsnakes is really for getting newer versions, not older. 20.04 in a container sure looks like the best way out. [17:37] leftyfb : rfm: so what do I have to do now since they asked to install it? [17:37] Niclos: tell them no [17:37] lotuspsychje, I wonder if my problem is espresso gnome extension related, just disabled it, tested and nothing bad happen. Going to keep it closed for a while and see. [17:39] LuckyMan: thats the first thing the devs would ask around gnome bugs, to disable external installed extensions [17:39] espresso had a PR related to mutter [17:39] lotuspsychje, in the test user I created the problem doesn't seem to happen [17:40] so, it's probably an extension [17:40] nice [17:40] Okay, I will do that. [17:48] Niclos, I think the only feasable way to get 3.6 on jammy would be to build from source. Which is probably a multi-day job the first time one does it. Tell them that and they might re-evaluate what the quickest way forward is. [17:49] id rather follow leftyfb advice instead of build from source [17:51] anther alternative would be to buy pr👋esm from canonical and use an 18.04 lxd container (wich came with 3.6 OOTB) [17:51] bah ... silly emojis [17:52] pro / esm [17:54] rfm : leftyfb : lotuspsychje: can we install on ubuntu 20.04 LTS? [17:54] no [17:55] leftyfb: so which version of Ubuntu allows you to install the old python3? [17:57] Niclos: 3.6.8 is not available in any supported release of ubuntu. You can install 3.6.7-1 in 18.04 which isn't supported unless you pay for ESM. Then there's 3.8.2 which is available in Ubuntu 20.04 [17:59] Niclos: if there's a python application that ONLY works on 3.6.8 and no other version of python, then that project needs to be fixed to be more version agnostic and work with modern/supported releases of python and ubuntu or die in a fire as it wasn't developed properly [18:01] leftyfb : Thank you. [18:05] If you *REALLY* need that old version, why not just make a venv with that stand aloe old pythin? [18:06] s/pythin/python === tomaw_ is now known as tomaw === ASap_ is now known as ASap === toozej8517926834 is now known as toozej851792683 === nckx_ is now known as nckx === TomTom_ is now known as TomTom === LBlaboon_ is now known as LBlaboon === BelCalm4 is now known as BelCalm === Nando_ is now known as Nando === ajfriesen849 is now known as ajfriesen84 === Rames is now known as Rame === ksx4system_ is now known as ksx4system === CheBuzz_ is now known as CheBuzz === copec_ is now known as copec === eax__ is now known as eax_ === EpicNeo_ is now known as EpicNeo === SimonDH_ is now known as SimonDH === nickle_ is now known as nickle === michel_c14 is now known as michel_c13 === decobus_ is now known as decobus === onjen_ is now known as onjen === dorkbutt_ is now known as dorkbutt === tsegers_ is now known as tsegers === supay_ is now known as supay === circuitbone_ is now known as circuitbone === wbewl_ is now known as wbewl === tsujp_ is now known as tsujp === Cadey is now known as Xe === Forza_ is now known as Forza === javi404_ is now known as javi404 === Mathisen_ is now known as Mathisen [19:49] Hello All! I don't really understand what is happening, however it is not the 1st time, it happens quite often that I select a text and when I paste it, either nothing gets pasted, either the text that was previously copied gets pasted? Ex: now I am copy pasting some youtube url's from LibreOffice Calc into the browser and it is frustrating. Anyone [19:49] experienced this same issue so far? (it also happened when I pasted into gedit or better said the Gnome Text Editor...) [19:55] yes-ubuntu: X11 has a "selection" buffer and a "primary" buffer -- some programs let you use both, other programs can only use one [19:57] yes-ubuntu: you can either try to figure out how to make sense of it all but I got very upset at programs changing which buffer they use from year to year, so I've been using this to synchronize all the buffers: [19:57] autocutsel -f [19:57] autocutsel -f -s PRIMARY [19:58] yes-ubuntu: primary is the original x11 thing that you select text and paste with middle mouse button. clipboard is the new thing that you use with ctrl+shift+c and copy in most programs [19:59] yes-ubuntu: firefox uses ctrl+c to use the clipboard [20:08] I think it sometimes happens that applications fight over the primary selection... [20:21] yes-ubuntu: you're not quitting the source application during copy-paste, are you? [20:22] also I wonder if there is a clipboard manager of some sort running already [20:22] (don't use gnome) [20:23] is it X or WL? [21:08] topcat001: nope, I am not quitting the application during copy-paste and yes, I am using Gnome [21:09] topcat001: although, in my understanding, copy-paste should work once I have quit the app too, isn't it? once the text or object is in the clipboard, the source app should not be needed any longer? [21:19] yes-ubuntu: for one of the cliboards, yes; for the other clipboard, no, the source app has to be open all the time [21:21] akik: now, I have copied from LibreOffice Calc by selecting and then Ctrl+C (it worked all the time so far, except when it does change it's mind?) and then, I pasted into FreeTube with Ctrl+V (all worked fine, until something happens and then it doesn't) [21:22] JanC: sorry, what do you mean by applications fight over the primary celection? [21:23] sarnold: this is sooo funny! :D for "one of the clipboards" :D how many clipboards are out there?! :D [21:23] yes-ubuntu: I'm not sure. it might be two or it might be three. [21:24] yes-ubuntu: two [21:26] there are as many as you want really [21:26] I'm learning every day! :D (would it be appropriate to share a ytb link to a song here as end of my sentence?) [21:26] there's a third one called secondary but i haven't seen it used [21:27] three of them are "official": PRIMARY, SECONDARY & CLIPBOARD [21:27] as far as I know i've never seen SECONDARY used before [21:27] I only know the name [21:28] it was more commonly used in the early X11 days, I'm sure, especially before CLIPBOARD was added [21:29] do those clipboards work like registers in emacs? [21:29] !info copyq [21:29] copyq (6.4.0-1, lunar): Advanced clipboard manager with editing and scripting features. In component universe, is optional. Built by copyq. Size 1,506 kB / 5,418 kB [21:29] wayland compatible [21:43] did anybody test it with great data? === boubou_ is now known as boubou === Forza_ is now known as Forza [22:46] hello [22:46] Is This where I find help for Ubuntu? [22:47] gurtrude: yes, if you have a support question? [22:47] I just installed Ubuntu. I'm somewhat of a newbie, just might need to ask some questions here and there. Is there anything against doing that? [22:48] no, not at all, that's exactly what this community support chat is about. have a good install fest. :) [22:50] tomreyn: I got it all configured close to how I like it... It feels smooth compared to other distro's. I like it. I also like how I can change the terminal transparency! Do you know if Davinci Resolve is compatible with Ubuntu? [22:51] i think it can be, but i think there's also some dependency on graphics hardware and specific drivers. don't know the details, though. [22:52] they probably list "system requirements" or similar on their website [22:52] gurtrude: https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve [22:53] ya I thought it would be compatible. That was my main worry [23:42] Does anyone know if it is possible to use the ubuntu-20.04.6-live-server-amd64.iso and to have multiple grub menus that have different nocloud install settings? I tried changing grub/grub.cfg and isolinux/txt.cfg but it just seems to go straight to the autoinstall process. Do I have to disable the service that starts that?