=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc === guiverc2 is now known as guiverc [13:05] Hi all [13:35] Heyo BluesKaj [13:41] hey ahoneybun[m] [14:12] Anyone getting a broken screen locker while on Wayland? [14:16] seems broken on generic kernel, but works using 6.4.3 kernel [14:26] was on 6.5rc1 but it's not able to build virtualbox kernel module, so dropped back to linux-image-6.3.0-7-generic as I needed to do some stuff in VM. But noticed the lock screen was broken. Installed 6.4.3 and both VM and lock screens are working. [16:44] so far my lock screen still working fine on [19:04] very odd [19:13] probably a nvidia issue === arraybolt3_ is now known as arraybolt3