
bobdobbs`I'm on ubuntu 22.04. I just installed gimp using flatpak. I installed it as a non-root user. Now that I installed it, how do I run it? I can't find the binary.00:51
bobdobbs`Googling doesn't help me on this. The google results tell me which possible subdirectories the binary might be in. But when I look in those subdirectories, there aren't binaries. Just a further maze of subdirectories.00:52
sarnoldtry "flatpak run org.gimp.GIMP"00:54
sarnold(I stole that from https://docs.flatpak.org/en/latest/using-flatpak.html )00:54
bobdobbs`that does it! Thanks sarnold!00:54
sarnoldyay :D00:54
bobdobbs`I'm basically trying to get this runing: https://github.com/intel/openvino-ai-plugins-gimp00:55
bobdobbs`It looks pretty cool. But I've never heard of openvino before00:56
=== hyperreal4 is now known as hyperreal
sarnoldwell that looks neat01:00
bobdobbs`sarnold: like, photoshop has racked up some competition. Like the Affinity suite, which is commerical but has a one-off cost per version. I think that photoshop is trying to justify the subscription by providing AI tools.01:01
bobdobbs`sarnold: but this seems to provide comparable AI-enhanced workflow tooling for gimp01:02
sarnoldbobdobbs`: hopefully it'll stick around; it also has a bit of the feeling of a neato research project but it'll stagnate in a year and not even run in two years. that's just my guess, and I'd love to be wrong.01:03
bobdobbs`sarnold: Yeah. You might be right. But in a couple of years that won't matter, given the extremely high pace of change in the AI world.01:06
sarnoldbobdobbs`: heh, maybe. but the others might be only done as SAAS websites or something annoying01:07
bobdobbs`This isn't even the first GIMP AI plugin. I came across one a few months ago that allows a user to plug GIMP into a local instance of stable diffusion.01:07
bobdobbs`btw, I'm gonna have to start again - I just accidently deleted my entire stable diffusion folder. lol.01:08
bobdobbs`Shouldn't take too long to set everything up again. I didn't lose any data that I created myself.01:08
plt2On varnish I changed the line from ExecStart=/usr/sbin/varnishd -a :80 -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,256m to this ExecStart=/usr/sbin/varnishd -a :801 -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl -s malloc,256m and it did not fix the issue03:26
plt2Does anyone understand this https://webuzo.com/docs/v2/webserver-module-configuration/#varnish-cache-with-nginx04:58
=== shokohsc59 is now known as shokohsc5
db`Hi people! Need some troubleshooting here.06:21
EriC^^!ask | db`06:21
ubottudb`: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:21
db`So, I've got an old laptop (Sony Vaio) with legacy bios, winning Win 10. I setup ubuntu using a flash drive by manually configuring the partitions (the "something else" option during installation). I also had to setup an EFI partition of 512 MB. I got the /home on another partition (sda8) and / on sda6. EFI is on sda9. In the bootloader06:29
db`configuration, I chose sda9 (since EFI is on sda9; infact had tried with sda8 earlier). Now, when I boot, the system says " Operating system not found". Windows is on sda2. Windows recovery is on sda1. I don't see the bootloader/grub screen to choose os. I tried reinstalling and choosing bootloader to be on sda8 (/), still same issue. I guess I06:29
db`need to manually intervene and  fix the bootloader stuff. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.06:29
db`Running*; not winning. Lol06:30
EriC^^db`: are you in the live session right now?06:30
EriC^^for future reference in the installer 'device for bootloader installation' you want to keep it as the disk itself not a partition06:31
EriC^^but in any case i dont think that's the issue06:31
db`EriC^^you mean I let the default option of the whole disk be the way it is, and not choose any option at all?06:31
EriC^^yeah exactly06:32
db`Okay, I'll give that a try. I guess I'll have to install Ubuntu all again?06:32
db`Or can I just change the settings and it should work?06:32
db`Oh okay, thanks.06:33
db`I'll give that a try.06:33
EriC^^are you in a live session right now?06:33
db`I'm not live atm. Will be in an hour or so06:33
EriC^^at this point that isnt the issue, if it didnt install ubuntu to the mbr windows should still boot so something else is up06:33
db`Well, windows is on c:\. D:\ & F:\ are two additional partitions I've. I installed Ubuntu on F:\ by making partitions within, to keep /home separate.06:35
db`F:\ is 100 gb. I installed Ubuntu on 40gb of f drive - i.e / - sda6. 50gb of f drive for /home - sda8. EFI of 512 mb again from the balance leftover of f drive, and a swap06:37
db`So basically, I've kept Ubuntu out of windows partition EriC^^06:37
EriC^^i see06:38
db`So, do you suggest that I keep the bootloader option to the whole drive and try?06:38
EriC^^how many disks do you have?06:39
db`But since you say that it's not the issue, what do you intend?06:39
db`I have only 1 disk HDD 700GB. C, d & f drives are all from the same physical disk.06:40
EriC^^well right now the predicament is that if ubuntu installed to the mbr, you should at least get a grub rescue shell, if it didn't then windows should be booting so that's pretty odd06:40
EriC^^ok, and since you have only 1 disk, then that rules out another disk being booted06:41
EriC^^usually when one shrinks windows and stuff it's recommended to reboot into it a couple times so it changes its bootloader stuff, i wonder if that's the problem?06:42
db`No clue06:42
EriC^^in any case, you could try to reinstall ubuntu in the something else option, leaving the disk as the bootloader device and see what happens06:42
db`I carved out f drive for ubuntu from d drive, actually. Didn't touch c.06:43
EriC^^i see06:43
EriC^^maybe the 'boot flag' is now missing in the partition table? some bios wont boot a disk without it present06:43
EriC^^once you have a live usb session it will be easier to just take a look and see what might be wrong06:44
db`I can use the flash drive and goto the grub terminal. But then what commands do I use to fix the bootloader may probably fix it06:44
db`Sure, but I can't boot into windows at all. All I can do is plug in the flash drive & run ubuntu in try mode and get to terminal, or maybe use the grub console06:45
EriC^^that works06:45
db`Sure, I'll get back in an hour EriC^^, thanks06:46
aienaWhere does ubuntu define the umask on startup/ FOr ubuntu in my shell it defaults to 0002 on alpine it defaults to 0022 so the os must be setting it somewhere06:54
aienai looked in fstab but it is not there06:54
rfmaiena, itś in pam, read man pam_umask07:08
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
shotoHello guys and girls08:03
shotoCan somebody answer a question regarding the ubuntu installation please?08:03
shotoI wanna install ubuntu next to windows for reasons. I already installed windows, created an empty partition for ubuntu and now I am asking myself which partitions i should create in the installer. I wanna encrypt my root partition. So I choose encrypted partition as partition type and set it to the root mount point /. But it wasn't enough. The installer told me to create a boot partition. Maybe because the boot08:06
shotopartition should not be encrypted. Can somebody help me with that?08:06
shotoMy machine is a new lenovo ideapad 5 pro08:08
heapifyI remember that with ubuntu you can easily "divide" the partition between windows and ubuntu. Anyway, when you set / to be an encrypted partition you need to create a separate partition for /boot08:10
shotoheapify: should the boot partition just be ext3 format?08:12
shotoIf I'm using EFI boot, the partition type should be FAT for the boot partition, right?08:15
aienashoto, yes you need i think 512mb as EFI minimum but if you have windows installed ubuntu can reuse the same efi partition to store the windows and linux efi data08:17
aienashoto, you will have to disable secure boot i think afaik08:17
aienashoto,  in the drop down there is a partition type EFI you would use that instead of FAT08:18
aienathough an EFI is FAT32 i think08:18
shotoThank you very much!08:19
shotoA last question: There is a drop down menu for boot loader installation. Which location should I choose there? The boot partition? Or the encrypted root?08:20
aienai am not sure never setup a system that way08:20
aienashoto,I have an idea08:20
aienainstall virtualbox on your windows system and experiment with 2 OSes inside it08:21
shotoaiena good idea08:21
aienainstall a windows trial version and then install an ubuntu on the side08:21
aienaassuming your system can cope08:21
shotoyea, that's what i'll do08:21
shotothank you all again! and have a great day!08:22
aienaif windows boots fine aftr that then you got 90% figured out08:22
aienashoto, oh plese try to make a backup before a full install if something goes wrong and u have the resources08:22
aienaotherwise make sure you know exaclt whats going to happen and be insanely careful and cross fingures08:22
aienai dont have backup drives but i had no issues because i test a lot or use a blank nvme drive disconnecting the main one etc.08:23
gordonjcpis there a way to make totem less useless?09:17
gordonjcpit can't play anything because it pops up a message saying "Unable to play the file" and "application/smil decoder is required to play the file but it is not installed"09:18
gordonjcpit's an mp4 file, in mpeg2 with PCM audio, there's no way it needs anything fancy09:18
dighello, how can I install plugins in obs installed from flatpak10:07
diguphello, how can I install plugins in obs installed from flatpak10:17
ogradigup, ask the packager of the flatpak ...10:37
=== Rahoul17822909 is now known as Rahoul1782290
ogra(in the snap you put them into ~/snap/obs-studi👋current/.config/obs-studi👋plugins/ ... i'd assume the flatpak might have configured a similar dir for this, the maintainer should be able to tell)10:39
ograbah ... silly emojis10:39
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x7upLimeI have an issue with my laptop: when the workload is high (but not a necessary condition..), it freezes and I have to force a shutdown11:55
x7upLimecould it be kernel related, or hardware related? How can I tell?11:56
lotuspsychjex7upLime: keep a journalctl -f open and stress test your laptop and see if you can catch any errors to freeze it12:06
x7upLimedoes the journal also catch /proc/kmsg messages ?12:08
nanashi, this page https://askubuntu.com/questions/64605/how-do-i-set-focus-follows-mouse explains how to focus windows (make them active) but only for that version of ubuntu, not valid for more current versions, how to do it with current version?12:37
DumbLDoorHi All! I am trying to upgrade my old GA motherboard Z68MX-UD2H-B3 BIOS to UEFI. Can I run ubuntu 23.04 with Win 11 with UEFI?12:38
lotuspsychjenanas: all your hotkeys are shown in gnome settings/keyboard/hotkeys12:40
lotuspsychje!uefi | DumbLDoor12:40
ubottuDumbLDoor: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI12:40
lotuspsychje!dualboot | DumbLDoor see also12:40
ubottuDumbLDoor see also: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot12:40
nanas thank you lotuspsychje but I don't want hotkeys, I want to raise a window just by hovering over it, that's not on the hotkeys section12:41
DumbLDoorThank you @ubottu @lotuspsychje12:41
lotuspsychjenanas: then try dconf-editor to find your tweak on keyword12:41
nanaslotuspsychje, dconf-editor?12:42
lotuspsychje!info dconf-tools | nanas12:42
ubottunanas: Package dconf-tools does not exist in lunar12:42
DumbLDoorWhen I upgrade BIOS to UEFI, will UEFI detect the current OS installations or I need install them again? Your answer will save me some time.12:43
lotuspsychje!info dconf-editor12:43
ubottudconf-editor (43.0-1, lunar): simple configuration storage system - graphical editor. In component universe, is optional. Built by dconf-editor. Size 287 kB / 1,128 kB12:43
* nanas lost already12:43
lotuspsychjenanas: just try to install it, see what it does12:43
nanasinstall what sorry?12:43
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lotuspsychjenanas: dconf-editor12:46
BluesKajHi all12:49
nanaslotuspsychje, it shows me new folders. nothing that looks like 'windows' or 'desktop' for now12:52
lotuspsychjenanas: dconf-editor has a search function, try 'focus' for example12:53
lotuspsychjenanas: i think the value you looking for is, focus-mode12:54
nanaslotuspsychje, thank you so much, it seems to have worked12:59
lotuspsychjewelcome nanas12:59
=== zniavre_ is now known as zniavre
pasjrwoctxHello is anyone here? I have an issue updating Ubuntu, I am getting errors, in which you can see here https://pastebin.com/ee1Nw7u9 please help15:35
jeremy31pasjrwoctx: see https://forum.yunohost.org/t/update-errors-fetchfailedexception-and-splitting-up-failed/7604/215:42
pasjrwoctx@jeremy31: I tried that see the results here https://pastebin.com/G67jSFZm15:48
=== root is now known as forestgumpthedud
pasjrwoctxwhat does this mean? /usr/bin/apt-key: 692: echo: echo: I/O error16:15
rboxwhat errors are in dmesg16:16
pasjrwoctxi have no clue16:19
tomreynpasjrwoctx: "dmesg" is a command you can run, which generates output, possibly including erros.16:23
tomreynpasjrwoctx: your file system probably ran full. see    df -h    and   df -hi16:26
natewrenchits great to see Ubuntu Pro supporting releases for at least 10 years16:29
pasjrwoctxtomreyn: here https://pastebin.com/SvfUDY3116:31
tomreynpasjrwoctx: so what would you say, reading this, has anything run full?16:36
pasjrwoctx/tmp/ looks full, should I just delete it all?16:36
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tomreynpasjrwoctx: clearing up some space there so that applications such as apt, which need some temporary storage in /tmp, can operate, would probably help.16:37
tomreyn/tmp does not normally run full, i would suggest you examine what caused it to do so, and to delete just that, if possible. some of what is stored in /tmp may still be in use until next reboot (so deleting that may not be safe).16:39
pasjrwoctxThank You tomreyn, for your help, it was the df-h that helped me see my /tmp/ needed to be emptied. Thanks have a great weekend.16:40
tomreynyou're welcome, have a great weekend, too.16:40
Jakovbought ezcap 331, device to capture video from hdmi16:41
Jakovit works fine, but is not recognized by Linux16:41
Jakovcould not locate any drivers16:41
Jakovvendor responded:16:41
JakovUsually the deivde based on UVC standard, and can work with Linux.16:41
JakovBut there are many different versions, and cannot test it more.16:41
tomreynJakov: you can get the vnedor + product id's from lsusb, then search the web for any potentially existing drivers.16:50
Jakovmust be Quanta Computer, Inc. HD Camera16:54
Jakovor not :)16:54
tomreyni see no indication for "ezcap 331" linux support anyways16:57
Jakovany ezcap devices found?16:58
tomreyntry a different usb port, too17:00
tomreynyour lsusb does not seem to list the device17:01
Guest65WHat does "trust this executable" do? Does it weaken my security?17:02
JakovBus 002 Device 002: ID 32ed:3200 ezcap ezcap CAM LINK 4K17:02
Guest65Right click firefox desktop icon "trust this executable"?17:02
forrestgumpthedu.buffer 1417:04
causativeGuest65, it allows you to execute the executable, which does weaken your security if the executable is insecure or malicious17:05
Guest65I cant already run firefox without checking that box17:06
Guest65I can*17:06
Jakovtomreyn what does it mean?17:06
causativemaybe whatever is on your desktop is a different executable than the firefox you installed17:06
causativeso you don't need it17:06
causativeand shouldn't execute it17:06
=== shokohsc50 is now known as shokohsc5
Guest65its the firefox icon17:13
Guest65just on my desktop17:13
Guest65Notepad, Fireefox... all have ethis "!" on the icon17:13
Guest65when I trust the executable, the ! dissapears17:13
Guest65but Im wondering if that has security implications17:14
rboxls -l ~/Desktop17:14
=== glider_ is now known as glider
taketimeI can't launch python script from icon17:42
taketimeit wont run17:42
ioriamaybe /hom/user/*.py17:42
taketimelocation is correct17:44
jeremy31taketime: relative to root file system?17:44
taketimeyeah there is only one home17:45
ioriaonly one home... meaning exactly ?17:46
jeremy31but /home/pitcher2.py could also be shown as /home/$USER/pitcher2.py17:46
taketimepython thinks the script I'm running is not in the directory17:46
taketimeI'm running it from17:46
taketimehow do I make it think that when I exec17:48
ioriaplease, rethink your plan17:48
taketimeshould cd?17:48
taketimejeremy no17:48
taketimeokay well yes but it's not about user folder17:49
rboxpython doesnt "think"17:49
jeremy31you will likely have to change $USER to match the user name17:50
taketimeexec needs to cd17:50
taketimeit does not go to directory at all ]17:50
taketimeeven if file is in $USER17:50
taketimescript seems to run from /17:51
jeremy31copy the file to /usr/bin/ and change the exec line and see if it works17:51
taketimePYTHON script runs in that directory17:52
taketimeand does job there17:52
taketimethis supposed to run .py17:52
taketimepython seem to not understand the directory where it's at from Exec=17:53
jeremy31change $USER to actual user17:53
taketimeIT DOES NOT WORK17:54
ioriataketime, try 'Exec=python3 /home/$USER/pitcher2.py'17:54
jeremy31for me it would be Exec=/home/jeremy/pitcher2.py17:54
tomreynspecify the interpreter, python, or similar, with full path, or make sure you have a 'hashbang' in line one of the script and run it through 'env' (again with full path)17:55
taketimeit does not work17:55
ioriataketime, or python2 (if you're using that ver)17:55
taketimenether way17:55
taketimeExec=python3 /home/$USER/pitcher2.py17:56
ioriataketime, if it does not work, you probably need to correct some other path issues in the script itself17:56
taketimedoes not work17:56
taketimescript runs17:56
taketimeI open terminal in dir17:56
taketimepython pitcher2.py17:56
taketimeruns correctly17:56
taketimecan't exec17:56
taketimeExec=python /home/username/pitcher2.py17:57
taketimenone of these 4 variants work17:57
tomreynwhat's the output of    which python17:57
taketimedude it's 317:58
taketimeit really does not matter17:58
ioriapaste the full .desktop file17:58
taketimeexec won't do cd to dir and so it does not understand where script17:58
taketime[Desktop Entry]17:59
taketimeExec=python3 /home/$USER/pitcher2.py17:59
tomreynthis is going to take time17:59
ioriabtw, taketime : https://linuxhint.com/run-python-script-desktop-icon-linux/17:59
taketimedoes not work18:00
ioriaok, paste the script then18:01
tomreynnot into the channel, though18:01
taketimeit does not matter script runs okay when I open terminal in directory and run python pitcher2.py18:02
taketimeI have to be with terminal in that dir18:02
taketimeunless it's like that exec won't run script18:02
taketimeso it's impossible to use python scripts as desktop icons18:02
tomreynit's impossible unless you do it correctly.18:03
taketimewhat did I did incorrectly18:03
taketimeI even sent you that .desktop file18:03
tomreyndid you read the article ioria posted a link to?18:05
taketimeit does not work18:05
taketimeeverything is exactly18:05
taketimehow it is in the tutorial18:05
taketimeubuntu is just bugging18:05
tomreynyou should probably slow / calm down first, maybe have a beverage, then take some time to read that article. maybe read it another time, and then try again.18:06
taketimenothing has been fast18:08
ioriataketime, i just did it one, works ok: https://termbin.com/2sy418:08
taketimethat is first of all terminal app18:09
taketimesecond of all , this was from start how I tried18:09
taketimeit does not work18:09
tomreyndoes your script have a hashbang in line 1?18:09
ioriataketime, so, the the problem is in the script, not in the system in general;18:09
tomreyn(specifying the interpreter)18:10
taketimeExec=/usr/bin/env python3 /home/$USER/pitcher2.py18:14
taketimewont work as well18:14
taketimeit wont run with or without #!/usr/bin/env python18:15
taketimedoing everything from terminal works18:17
taketimeI just cd to dir18:17
taketimerun python script.py18:17
taketimecd away18:17
taketimehustle over18:17
taketimeit's just stupid that we cannot make icons that run terminal python scripts18:17
taketimewell you will say we can, but I did every way and none of them make exec from right dir18:18
tomreynhwich ubuntu version are you running there, which graphical desktop? where is the .desktop file placed, or how is it installed?18:19
tomreyndid you whitelist it using gio?18:19
taketimegio set /usr/share/applications/pitcher.desktop metadata:: trusted true18:20
taketimegio: too many arguments18:20
taketimegio set /usr/share/applications/pitcher.desktop metadata::trusted true18:21
tomreynno blank space before "trusted"18:21
taketimegio: metadata::trusted attribute setting is not supported18:21
tomreyni'm not sure whether changes to files in /usr/share/applications/ will become effective unless you also run some commands to update the running desktop.18:24
tomreyntry placing the file in your actual desktop directory instead.18:26
tomreynthere is also ~/.local/share/applications/ - the default install location for per user .desktop files (to provide your session with additional applications which are also to be added to the menus / become known to the gnome shell, if any)18:28
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=== Mammal is now known as Mammals
JanCtaketime: see https://specifications.freedesktop.org/desktop-entry-spec/latest/ar01s06.html19:06
JanCif you need a specific working directory to always run from, you probably want to use Path19:08
JanC(alternatively, you can also change to that working directory with Python itself, of course)19:09
JanCalso, you might have to quote that $19:15
rfmtaketime, JanC here's a .desktop I put in my Desktop directory, marked executable, and clicked on.   After clicking through the xfce dialog to mark it trusted, I got a python interpreter running in a terminal in my home directory. https://dpaste.com/6F2EQGJAK19:41
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hxsxfxr_xxetdime hola20:06
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fluidI have a new USB<->ethernet adapter that I can't get working. I downloaded the driver from the chip manufacturer, built and installed with modprobe. Device is detected but link is down and I've been unable to bring it up.21:23
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fluid"ip link set eno1 up" gives no error but the link stays down.21:23
fluidif I remove the cable from the motherboard ethernet connection and plug it into the usb device, it's still not happy.21:24
fluidI've verified the device works by plugging it into my windows machine.21:24
=== Vercas6 is now known as Vercas
fluidoh, "UP in <> is the link, not the "state DOWN" thing. Ok, progress21:28
jhutchinsfluid: Check rfkill, see if it's "off"?21:28
fluidrfkill not installed21:31
fluidIt's a wired interface21:31
fluidno lights when I plug in a known good connection21:31
fluid"rfkill list" shows nothing21:32
fluidip says "NO-CARRIER"21:33
NickHProbably best to state exactly what this device is,  what driver you downloaded, and what instructions you followed.21:33
fluidDevice is a StarTech USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet Adapter USB31000SPTB21:35
fluidI downloaded the ASIX_USB_NIC_Linux_Driver_Source_v1.1.0 and compiled it based on the instructions in the Readme, which was just running "make install" and then "modprobe ax_usb_nic"21:36
fluidThe file is the AX88179A driver listed for the "Linux kernel 5.x/4.x/3.x/2.6.x"21:37
jeremy31fluid: was is the devices ID from> lsusb21:39
fluidASIX Electronics Corp. AX88179 Gigabit Ethernet21:40
jeremy31I need the USB ID from lsusb results21:40
fluidsorry, 0b95:179021:40
ravagefluid: https://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-2470874.html21:42
ravageso try to rmmod your custom kernel module21:43
ravagethen try21:43
ravagesudo rmmod ax88179_178a21:43
ravagesudo modprobe cdc_mbim21:43
ravagesudo modprobe ax88179_178a # optional21:43
fluidI don't have ax88179_178a. Should I try to modprobe my new driver after I modprobe the cdc_mbim?21:46
ravagei would try to plug it in after you loaded cdc_mbim21:46
ravagemaybe it just works?21:46
jeremy31A year old bug report shows that this works in terminal>  sudo rmmod ax88179_178a && sudo modprobe usbnet21:47
ravagetry that too if it does not work21:47
fluidsame situation. No link lights, ip says "NO-CARRIER"21:48
ravageit is a little strange that it registers as eno121:48
ravagemy usb ethernet devices all get names that start with usb21:48
fluidaltname enp0s31f621:49
jhutchinsfluid: You said it works in Windows?21:49
jhutchinsfluid: Actually establishes a connection?21:49
fluidyes, been using it for weeks21:50
jhutchinsfluid: Try a different USB port?21:50
fluidSame result.21:51
jeremy31fluid unplug the thing and run in a terminal dmesg -w then plug it in, then paste the terminal output at dpaste.com, post URL here21:52
jhutchinsI didn't realize that the new naming scheme brings interfaces up as "eth0" then re-names them.  I thought it went the other direction.21:57
jeremy31USB devices get the MAC address as part of the new naming21:58
jeremy31fluid: what happens in terminal when you plug a cable into it?21:59
jhutchins[ 2578.823069] ax_usb_nic 2-7.2.1:1.0 enx000acd2b48d1: renamed from eth021:59
jeremy31fluid: Did you try it before installing that driver?22:00
fluidYes. Same issue.22:05
fluidmfg has a driver on their website, same identifier, but needs other software to compile.22:13
fluidI had to install flex and bison but now I'm getting an issue about making syscall_32.tbl22:18
fluidthe $(shell PWD) everyone is recommending doesn't fix it22:20
jeremy31fluid: what Ubuntu version?22:21
fluid22.04.1 LTS22:23
jeremy31fluid: URL from terminal for > lspci -nnk |grep-iA3 net|nc termbin.com 999922:24
jeremy31Whoops, lspci -nnk |grep -iA3 net|nc termbin.com 999922:26
jeremy31Missed a space22:26
fluidlspci not lsusb?22:27
=== Vercas7 is now known as Vercas
jeremy31It has 2 ethernet connectors built in?22:29
jeremy31I guess you tried both?22:30
fluidthe internal ports work22:31
jeremy31Why the need for the USB adapter?22:32
fluidI need more!22:32
=== leo is now known as Guest8195
fluideven "make clean" doesn't work,22:42
fluidfs/aufs/magic/mk: No such file or directory22:42
fluidSUBDIRS is depreciated......22:43
fluidand the new driver throws errors on incompatible-pointer-types and return-type22:46
fluidWhat a mess, all for a USB device.22:46
fluidok, I seem to have made progress. I power-cycled what the adapter is connected to and have "ax88179 - Link status is: 0" followed by "ax88179 - Link status is: 1" in dmesg22:58
fluidStill no lights on the USB adapter but I *am* getting messages when I disconnect and reconnect the network cable23:00
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=== nate is now known as Guest5210
Guest50I'm trying to upgrade the clangd package on ubuntu 20.04 from clang-10 to clang-11. I can install clangd-11 from apt, but this does not change the version of clang. Is there some other command I need to run to make the clangd package point to clangd-11 instead of the older version?23:31
rboxit looks like the clangd package provides the clangd symlink whcih points to clangd-1023:37
rboxso you have to run clangd-11 if you want the version 1123:37
Guest50rbox: Is there a way of changing which binary clangd points at? Which apt/dpkg will still honor?23:49
rboxthe package owns /usr/bin/clangd and it points to clangd-1023:50
rboxi suppose you could uninstall clangd23:50
rboxand manually create a /usr/bin/clangd23:50
rboxbut putting random files in /usr is bad form, espeically stuff owned by packages23:50
Guest50Is there a way of checking these paramaters of each package on the command line? To see if clangd-11 will update the symbolic link?23:50
rboxi just told you it wont23:51
Guest50How do I get information about the package?23:51
rboxwhat "information"23:51
Guest50What symbolic links it changes and things like that23:51
rboxdpkg -L will tell you what files a package owns23:51

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