=== loredin9 is now known as loredin [16:14] Hi Ubuntu Studio folks. I wonder if someone might be able to offer me some advice: I'm trying to upgrade from 22.04 to 22.10 (and then on to 23.04). but, when i run `do-release-upgrade -m desktop` i get `Could not determine the upgrade An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.` whilst /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log reports ERROR Dist-upgrade failed: 'The package [16:14] 'ubuntustudio-desktop-core' is marked for removal but it is in the removal deny list.' [16:15] i've tried various angles at exploring package installation and searching for error terms and I can't find anything that seems to relate to my system, nor clues about how to investigate this further [16:15] all thoughts and insight most gratefully received [16:20] marky_: what does apt list ubuntustudio-desktop-core print? [16:20] (just the one relevant line please) [16:20] ubuntustudio-desktop-core/now 0.210 amd64 [installed,local] [16:20] +=thank you [16:32] Means it wasn't installed from the repositories bit downloaded and installed locally [16:41] marky_: ubuntustudio-desktop-core doesn't exist in 22.04, so remove it. This is a sign that you in-place upgraded from 20.04, despite THE RELEASE NOTES TELLING YOU OTHERWISE. NO SUPPORT IS PROVIDED. [16:42] Read the topic please. [16:43] In-place upgrades are NOT supported from 20.04 to later releases for this very reason. We can't support breakages that happen. [16:55] eeek; thanks Eickmeyer, i can see that that may well have happened, and i may not have properly read release-notes in the past [16:56] I'll have an explore and see what i can do with regard to removing ubuntustudio-desktop-core and evaluating upgrades [16:56] marky_: Just as a warning, 22.10 goes EOL on Thursday, so your time is a bit limited. [16:57] indeed, i had realised this, hence revisiting this today (having failed and puzzled and given up once) [16:57] I only want to upgrade off LTS if i can double upgrade via 22.10 to 23.04 [16:58] You may have to back-up your home directory and reinstall if it takes too much time to do the upgrade (as was advised for 20.04 => 22.04). [16:59] i keep /home et al on separate partitions, with backups, so a fresh install of 23.04 isn't a bad option for me (just setup & config faff and so on); i'll keep it in mind [17:01] many thanks for the advice [17:01] Quite welcome.