
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
BluesKajHi all12:15
=== const is now known as Guest1846
=== const is now known as Guest821
=== bonilla is now known as bonilla_
=== bonilla_ is now known as bonilla
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> i got error during booting17:53
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> 'xsession warning unable to write to tmp'17:53
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> and root partiton is already full(i think this isnt problem)17:53
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> any fix??17:53
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> but booting plasma from root user just works but not case with standard user17:54
=== floown_ is now known as floown
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> i got error during booting18:11
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> 'xsession warning unable to write to tmp'18:11
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> and root partiton is already full(i think this isnt problem)18:11
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> any fix??18:11
IrcsomeBot<[][I/0][]> edit : it used to work even with full  occupied   / partition18:11
=== travis is now known as travis_

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