[01:56] completed read thru Bashing-om , I didn't like "detailed with much detail" that I didn't like saturday.. but I'm blank on fix anyway & petty. [01:57] guiverc: Yeah - looks odd --- lemme have a try :) [02:04] guiverc: How about short,sweet, and to the point as: "many details are provided" ? [02:05] yep... works for me :) [02:08] -ubottu:#ubuntu-news- ::planet:: Ubuntu Blog: What does the future of AI hold in store? @ https://ubuntu.com//blog/future-of-ai-2023 [02:08] thanks Bashing-om , looks good [02:11] \o/ [15:32] Bashing-om, guiverc: I think prefixing "Weekly status #306" with "LXD" in the meeting reports section would be a good idea.. >_< [20:16] uwn: Pulling "WIP" and making the one edit for - #306" with "LXD" - will start the push soonest. [20:37] UWN: M/L is away - Doing the Forums posting next. [20:49] UWN: Forums post done; Doing the Re-direxts next. [20:55] UWN: Re-directs done - doing the Discourse post next. [21:07] UWN: Discourse post done - Next up is a Mastodon Blog :D [22:20] UWN: Blogged Mastodon - pending now is release to the other Social Media. [22:48] yeah sorry.. was completing my askubu peruse... will go get a drink & start uwn [22:48] * guiverc had forgotten it was tuesday morn on sitting here post-feed [22:56] guiverc: :D Awaiting your go to continue. [22:58] * guiverc checking fridge post now.. didn't close shutters on this room last night so terrible glare... haven't yet shut them so trying to squint & read... [22:59] guiverc: Moar Coffee ! [22:59] fixing link to testing.netplan [22:59] other articles of interest maybe too [23:00] * guiverc was forced up out of chair to shut shutters... [23:02] * Bashing-om up from the keyboard to make moar coffee :P [23:04] I'll just remove link to "Other Articles of Interest" ... I don't see anything except the 'heading' on wiki page within "In this issue" [23:04] guiverc: Did I screw something up ? [23:05] we have https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue796#Other_Articles_of_Interest but I don't see what it pointed to on wiki [23:06] guiverc: Looking ^ :( [23:07] maybe a heading without anything underneath it? of no consequence anyway; script just generated a link which went nowhere (you'll see itat top of wiki in the "In this Issue" only [23:07] https://fridge.ubuntu.com/2023/07/17/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-796/ [23:08] if you find reason for it being there, please let me know as I removed that line from fridge (as I couldn't find reason/link correct link for it) [23:08] guiverc: Uh Huh - on the bad link - I be making adjustments. [23:10] tweeted uwn 796 [23:11] * guiverc says AAARGH... mewe has changed... [23:14] posted uwn to telegram, (reddit, mewe) [23:15] * guiverc still without working mobile phone (thus happier too!) so no fb. [23:17] Fridge: Spot check and all workie. [23:17] thanks Bashing-om [23:18] guiverc: Clear now to wipe our evidence - and move on? [23:18] yep. scrub away thank you Bashing-om [23:18] doing ^ [23:25] thanks Bashing-om (removal of line on wiki - other articles of interest) [23:35] guiverc: No idea what transpired that there was that "other articles of interest" straggleing // We got over it :D [23:36] UWN: We do issue797 - off and running :D [23:37] I doubt people reading wiki would notice.. on fridge my checks catch it & as in this case where I can't find reason for it being there. I remove it.. no big deal [23:44] I be away for a spell - outside chore to attend to.