
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== blahdeblah_ is now known as blahdeblah
=== shokohsc53 is now known as shokohsc5
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Aleshasudo add-apt-repository ppa:tehnick/direct-connect-devel14:47
Aleshasudo apt update14:47
Aleshaapt install fonts-unifont fonts-symbola fonts-noto-color-emoji14:47
=== maya3298 is now known as maya329
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== shokohsc50 is now known as shokohsc5
Guest54Hi all22:19
Guest54Okay. So I cant find the right google search terms.  My wlan is connected to a router, and internet is working.  I'm running a dhcp server on eth0 - and devices can connect and transfer files between eachother.    But the dhcp server on eth0 does not provide internet access which is on wlan0.  How do I do that? I cant find the right guide on22:19
Guest54the internet.22:19
ChmEarlGuest54,  can you paste `netstat -rn` from the eth0 host?23:56
ChmEarlplease include `ip a` x'out the WAN if you like23:58

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