[05:38] heyhey [05:43] shhh. it's monday. it hunts by sound and movement [10:41] lol i went to the hospital this morning to have this heart check due to my Uncle's diagnosis [10:41] eek, hope all is well [10:41] the toilet immediately outside the cardio unit had a disabled toilet - i did that thing that was a sketch in The IT Crowd, pulled the alarm cord because the flush was a damn mystery [10:41] i'd already opened the door though and apologised to the poor reception woman xD apparently it's a regular occurrence [10:42] yeah i've not got any symptoms of note, just one of these "tell extended family to get checked" type of affairs [10:42] when 1 person makes a mistake the mistake is on them, when dozens make same mistake the designer made the mistake [10:43] :D [10:44] daftykins: Are you sure this isn't actually a form of heart check - 5% of the people who set off the alarm collapse on the spot and get treated [10:45] ooh could be a good way to cut the line! [10:45] so i have one of those funky 24 hour monitors clipped to my belt - and 3 electrodes taped on [10:46] after an ultrasound and the fitting of that, i immediately trotted over to the hospital cafeteria where i got a fry up \o/ [10:46] a decent smart watch these days would be less intrusive :-) [10:46] i was having to strategically stash it as i cycled home [10:46] i can't shower until i've dropped it off tomorrow now, doh [10:47] see, if you of worn a kilt it would perfectly in your sporran :-) [10:48] damn, next time! [10:48] although the leads are so short it doesn't even make it below belt level [10:48] look up hobo shower, claening yourself up with wet wipes when you can't shower [10:49] also the clock on it is 10 mins out :P i have to write a diary of events [10:49] at least it's not blinking 12:00:00 :-) [10:50] if you turn on a pedometer on your watch it'll keep a record of your movements so you can fill in your diary accurately [10:50] *on your phone [10:52] ah, eating the fry up then cycling home is about all i will end up having - maybe the return trip