[00:01] !ppa | plt2 Looked here ? [00:01] plt2 Looked here ?: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge === LordDragon` is now known as LordDragon [00:40] I am getting this error ./snmptrapd start [00:40] ./snmptrapd: 10: .: Can't open /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions [00:40] is snmptrapd boxtrapper? [00:46] !info snmptrapd jammy | plt2 [00:46] plt2: snmptrapd (5.9.1+dfsg-1ubuntu2.6, jammy): Net-SNMP notification receiver. In component universe, is optional. Built by net-snmp. Size 26 kB / 90 kB [00:52] It has nothing to do with boxtraper? [00:53] !info exmin [00:53] Package exmin does not exist in lunar [00:53] !info shell [00:53] Package shell does not exist in lunar [00:53] !info pop3 [00:53] Package pop3 does not exist in lunar [00:54] !info sendmail [00:54] sendmail (, lunar): powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent (metapackage). In component universe, is extra. Built by sendmail. Size 7 kB / 224 kB [00:54] ty === keypushe- is now known as keypusher [01:53] I am getting an error "no valid A records found for devslash.com" when I try to set up Nginx Proxy Manager to generate ssl certificates using letsencrypt with my domain that is hosted by GoDaddy. I have a wildcard A record on it. The certbot request is using DNS challenge. I'm not sure if this is relevant or not, but I already have another reverse proxy manager that I'm using called Traefik which I have shut off but have previously used with this same [01:53] domain to request LetsEncrypt SSL certificates === JanC_ is now known as JanC [02:24] devslash: *. a records do not cover the domain itself [02:25] You have to add that separately [02:29] what do i need to add [02:33] An A record for devslash.com [02:33] pointing to my home ip [02:33] ? [02:34] If that is where you want to get the certificate then yes [02:34] i dont think so [02:34] my domain is with godaddy [02:34] But you can't get wildcard certificates that way [02:35] That only works via DNS challenge [02:35] my current reverse proxy works fine with a wildcard cert A name record [02:35] using a wildcard cert does? [02:36] certbot or acme.sh should have plugins for godaddy [02:36] have you ever used nginx proxy manager [02:37] Yes [02:37] Well I used nginx as a proxy server [02:37] No idea what that manager is or does [02:38] https://nginxproxymanager.com/ [02:40] I think I prefer to do that myself [02:41] This is also very off topic for this room. Maybe you should ask for help through that application's support channels [03:19] Greetings, I am getting this error https://imgur.com/a/9dDWR2m Don't know what to do [03:21] and when you do what it says... [03:21] I am naive, should I do it? [03:24] running apt-get doesn't seem to do anything special [03:29] When I try clicking anything after firefox it says snap has no update available https://imgur.com/a/KUt2SCA [03:31] Guest68: try clicking it with firefox closed [03:31] Yeah for firefox it says that, but for others it says no updates are available [03:33] weird now they are gone [04:30] if my usb has 1mb of unallocated space at the end is it still considered single-sector? https://i.gyazo.com/cdcbdcc414e330c2e09d4a9c480da93f.png https://i.gyazo.com/aeb54250d921e4f93f4a7f2eea9358e8.png [04:33] using gparted, can't seem to get rid of the 1mb unallocated at the end, not sure if it's a big deal for the purpose of updating bios === douglasmellon is now known as EstesParkDev [05:39] D_A_N: it's fine, gparted is trying to make the disk as compatible as possible === sammy12 is now known as Ralp === cryocaustik7 is now known as cryocaustik [06:14] Hi if you install windows on unsupported hardware will it stop updates? [06:15] sammy12: Hi. Do you have an Ubuntu support question? [06:16] Well I'm annoyed I can't upgrade windows on my laptop so I'm considering using Ubuntu [06:16] Just nervous [06:18] When using Ubuntu, you can install Ubuntu updates as long as the Ubuntu release is supported for this hardware architecture. [06:18] (there is also #windows) === sammy12 is now known as wrinkles [06:45] kernel is being "kept back" when doing "apt-get upgrade". I think I did force an install recently, for the exact same reason, so current one may be considered manually installed. What should I do (no force install) to sole this issue ? === nkshirsa_ is now known as nkshirsa [06:49] just running "apt-get update" and "apt-get upgrade" is likely not enough, you'll occasionally want to run "apt-get dist-upgrade", too. [06:50] what you will need to to do to fix the force-install you did will depend on the exact command you ran there, and the state of packages at the time. [06:51] dpkg --force-... options should not be used unless you know exactly what the outcome will be. [07:00] I did not use "dpkg --force" but maybe "apt-get install" when I got the same issue last week, which could have caused current issue. [07:34] Maybe setting some packages as non manually installed could help ? or not ? [07:34] If yes, how to do this ? [07:35] bodiccea_: before advancing to the next version, did you try to update/perfect the version you have not, fix broken, autoremove, etc? [07:57] weedmic, yes... I did not change version (currently 23.04), nothing more that using "software updater" or apt update/upgrade [07:58] and as I said maybe an "apt install" recently when I got some "kept back" packages for kernel. [08:00] I can add that I got the same issue on my laptop (23.04 too) that I use from time to time, and got also a "kept back" for kernel. [08:01] i may not fully understand the term "kept back" [08:01] me too :-( [08:02] kep back means a dependency is not ready yet ... [08:02] can you use something like pastebin and post the actual message? [08:02] oic, and fix broken did not help? [08:03] or maybe "manually" install prevents "auto" upg ? [08:03] According to synaptic, no broken package. [08:06] weedmic: https://dpaste.org/kZuba [08:07] bodiccea_: don't use apt upgrade, which doesn't install new packages. Use apt full-upgrade, which does [08:09] hmmm... Is "linux-generic" a new package ? Being "kept back" means already installed, no ? [08:10] bodiccea_: linux-generic is a metapackage which pulls different packages each time [08:10] So linux-generic isn't a problem, but its dependencies are [08:10] linux-generic is a metapackage, it does not contain anything but only has dependencies on the latest kernel [08:11] E.g. you may have linux-modules-nvidia-470-6.2.0-23-generic installed; apt upgrade won't allow linux-modules-nvidia-470-6.2.0-24-generic (24 vs 23) to get installed [08:11] In general don't ever use apt upgrade unless you really know why you want to use it [08:13] Do you mean apt update+apt upgrade is not the normal way to go ? [08:13] Hi, im trying to figure or find best way to get a up-to-date backups of my systems, so far im trying to make a rsync script to send over ssh, what others others/tools can be recommended? thanks. [08:16] Yes [08:16] The normal way is: apt update; apt full-upgrade [08:18] P1ro, I use an rsync-based script, which allows daily/weekly/yearly backups, using symlinks for unchanged files: https://github.com/braoult/Tools/blob/master/bash/sync.sh [08:19] thanks bodiccea_ going to check [08:24] P1ro: https://www.borgbackup.org/ [08:25] also https://restic.net/ seems to be popular [08:25] thanks ravage going to check these!! [08:29] some updates are Phased in also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhasedUpdates that may also cause kept back [08:35] bodiccea_: haven't read past your post yet, but... you need to close synaptic before you run the command, however, when you installed nvidia, did you tell synaptic to prevent changes? if so, that might be what you want. fyi I do that on opensuse mahcines. - ok readin gon [08:36] for ubuntu, i generally use synaptic for my upgrades unless I am adding something not int he library. [08:43] Dear Diary. It is now day 14 since upgrading to ubuntu 23 and still no improvement in the firefox file save dialog or nautilus performance. === shokohsc53 is now known as shokohsc5 [08:53] ofcause it was the snap version of firefox [08:54] joo: "/query joo" seems to be the better place for that [09:12] In https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zram-config is there a way to increase the zram size without directly editing the `/usr/bin/init-zram-swapping` shell script? [09:13] I would like to increase its size to my RAM size like Fedora did: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/Scale_ZRAM_to_full_memory_size [09:24] weedmic, I am unsure about what I did with nvidia drivers... How could I make some package become "not manually installed" ? [09:32] nickserver aa [09:32] hi === elliot_ is now known as aalk [09:33] I'm trying to uninstall libpcsclite1, and this happens: https://bpa.st/raw/UX3A [09:33] it wants to remove a whole lot of packages [09:33] it let me remote pcscd fine, but libpcsclite1 it does that [09:33] weird [09:34] is it because of the line "Task: ubuntu-desktop-minimal, ubuntu-desktop, ..." in the deb package metadata? [09:34] when I check the things it wants to remove none have a dependency on libpcsclite1 [09:35] I'm running 23.04 [09:36] that lib is used by the login manager (gdm) to allow it to log in via smart cards [09:37] aaaa [09:37] so if I want to replace it I can either 1) mark it on hold and divert the .so or 2) make my own .deb package and install it over [09:37] right? [09:38] wow irc is still alive. hello [09:38] but if it's used by gdm for smartcard login it should also have a dependency on pcscd, it doesn't work without as far as I know [09:43] I have just installed Kubuntu 23.04 - is this channel appropriate for discussing Kubuntu? [09:44] idk [09:45] I am wondering what is a good way to get MS OFfice running on Ubuntu or Kubuntu if anyone could point me in the right direction [09:45] PvtJoker, for sure ... though there might be people in #kubuntu that will know specific desktop bits better [09:45] ah thank you ogra :) [09:45] you can join kubuntu channel by typing /join #kubuntu [09:46] I'm just really excited to have Linux on my desktop again. Pardon my enthusiasm. :) [09:46] is libreoffice not sufficient ? it alows editing and creating MSOffice docs [09:46] oh I will try that. I have many .docx and was not sure about compatibility [09:48] i dont think you can install ms office [09:48] .docx is better specified than .doc [09:48] so it should work just fine with libreoffice [09:48] provided the document doesn't do weird VisualBasic stuff [09:49] that is good to know [09:49] mawk, looking closer, there seems to be a wpasupplicant dependency too for that lib (not sure why though) ... [09:50] ah, probably for 802.1X authentication [09:50] thanks [09:50] I diverted the .so [09:51] with: sudo dpkg-divert --divert /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/x-libpcsclite.so.1.0.0.distrib --rename --add /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcsclite.so.1.0.0 [09:51] and it seems to work [09:51] I had to add the x- in front otherwise ldconfig would still pick it up and make a symlink to it [09:51] just dont forget about it ... i.e. in case you see weird behavior in a few monts [09:51] 🙂 [09:51] yeah [09:52] well I wanted to build and install that lib manually, so all should work fine for the rest of time [10:00] yes the pcsc daemon works perfectly now [10:00] now I have version 2.0.0 instead of the very ancient 1.9.9 [10:09] joo: perhaps you are using snap firefox - have you thought of removing that and using the full firefox package? I don't know anything about nautilus though. but "snap list" will list your snap apps. [10:09] very next post was snap - nvm [10:10] i'll see what the ubuntu term is, but in opensuse it is called "taboo" - the item will not be touched for updating. often used for nouveau which ruins nvidia. bodiccea_ [10:11] bodiccea_: "lock at current version" [10:12] PvtJoker: install apps via muon or synaptic for ease and ensuring they are complete - or apt if they are not in the list. [10:13] weedmic muon eh? I will read up on that. Thanks! [10:16] sorry all, I'm working on my hexchat settings [10:16] for the join/parts* [10:17] PvtJoker: or synaptic - i always forget which one comes with ubuntu (and now have it in my phone) - I always think it's called aptitude, but that is a big mistake in my memory [10:25] can you unban beatzz, thats me on my server [10:25] I removed the channel from autojoin until I get nickserv figured out [10:41] thank you [10:56] I need to have ubuntu/windows 10 dual boot. [10:56] Can i do it with the already installed ubuntu, or better install ubuntu again with manual partitioning? [10:56] I am following this tutorial. [10:56] https://www.ubuntubuzz.com/2023/04/how-to-install-ubuntu-2304-lunar-lobster-with-dualboot-external-drive-and-uefi-setup.html [10:58] please dont cross post [11:01] u8353v[m]: as I understand it, windows needs to have a piece of the boot sector so most people recommend installing the windows first. however, bearing that in mine - I have heard it is possible to do it after ubuntu was installed, but you then need to manually boot into ubuntu, reinstall grub, edit it, etc. so to put is simple, yes, install windows first. if you like the linux u have now, clonezilla it to a file on a different hdd, install the windows, [11:01] then put back the linux sectors, then setup grub. [11:02] could be wrong though - i only use windows inside virtualbox/vmware/esxi (and I really don't like it) === JanC_ is now known as JanC [11:14] "u8353v: as I understand it..." <- the linux i have now can be replicated in 5 mins so i wont waste time with that 🙂 [11:14] Windows>create partition for linux>install ubuntu in it>done! [11:16] hello, Since i upgraded from 20.04 on a blade server, it appears that the qla2xxx driver fails all paths in less than one hour, I have tried kernels 5.15.0-76 and 5.19.0-46 . [11:16] Other blades on the same switch with 20.04 or older versions , even an ancient centos 5 for testing work fine. Do you have any ideas ? [11:18] i added ql2xextended_error_logging=0x1e400000 module parameter but nothing was reported after it got stuck. Just the message "multipath: 253:0: Failing path 8:80." for each path [11:21] during this phase of being stuck , every process that tries to access the device mapper disk or any individual /dev/sdX hangs , until i echo 1 > issue_lip for each host , force unmount , remove qla2xxx driver and try again [11:28] u8353v[m]: concur [11:30] Gabrieltz, i'd try #ubuntu-kernel [11:31] thank you [11:41] "u8353v: concur" <- 👍️ [11:52] u8353v[m]: just fyi, except on very special machines where I backup the sys volume with clonezilla, I have found that it is just faster to install linux from scracth and change a few settings to our network. this usually only happens with an hardware failure. I think the longest it's taken me this last year to install and setup a machine is 18 mins. just not worth the hassle. [12:13] "u8353v: just fyi, except on very..." <- amen! [12:13] i came to same conclusion. that it's not worth the hassle with rescuezilla for e.g [12:13] with backups all i need is to reinstall which takes 10 minutes and then run the apps script i have which takes another 5 and i have everything back as it was! [12:13] this is the beauty about linux. install 90% of software from the official repos 🙂 [12:15] Hi all === Rahoul17822903 is now known as Rahoul1782290 === LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus === maya3298 is now known as maya329 === chao is now known as stenno [15:17] without having a bionic VM up somewhere, is there a place online where i could see what the latest version of a package was, there? [15:35] nona: What package? [15:35] nona: rmadison [15:52] Hello Team, if I install Anaconda on Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS do I get python3 version 3.6.8 through that? [15:54] Niclos: that is completely unsupported here [15:54] tried searching for it in repository no such packages for me atleast [15:55] vlm: we've been through this with Niclos. There is no 3.6.8 in any supported release of ubuntu. 3.6.8 was EOL'd by the python project a long time ago and should not be used [15:56] Niclos has been advised to fix the python script so it worked on supported versions of python [15:56] leftyfb ok was replying to niclos though i dont need it -_- [15:57] at the very least, they were advised to install Ubuntu 20.94 in a VM or container and test the script against 3.8.2 [15:57] sorry, 20.04 [16:00] leftyfb: thank you, so the python3 3.6.8 version package is not on the Anaconda? [16:01] Niclos: I don't know, I don't use anaconda and it's not supported here. You should NOT be trying to shoe-horn 3.6.8 onto anything. That is the wrong solution. [16:02] given you have spent multiple days on this already investing the time into simply fixing the compatibility probs of the scripts might really be faster ... [16:03] I bet it wouldn't take 4 days to fix the script [16:05] the problem is PetaLinux/Xilinx 2020.1 build pipelines using the python3 version 3.6.8 and they told me pthon3 3.10.6 is break the build. [16:07] did you try 3.8.2 available in ubuntu 20.04 like I've suggested twice now? [16:08] Niclos: also, file a bug with PetaLinux/Xilinx to get them to fix their code to work with supported versions of Python [16:12] leftyfb: they said 'We tried that'. [16:13] Niclos: then consider PetaLinux/Xilinx a dead project. They cannot expect to continue to survive by never upgrading python ever again [16:23] hello [16:23] how are you guys doing.. [16:24] no one is replying.. i guess machine learning or creating neural-networks right [16:24] don't quit guys [16:24] !chat | mola [16:24] mola: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [16:24] we'll are here to talk [16:24] i understand [16:25] leftyfb, ubotuu.. i thought it as a whatsapp [16:25] misunderstood.. and i think won't repeat it again [16:26] Any clue what causes some snaps to error out with this after awhile? DBus error "System.Error.E2BIG": [Argument list too long] [16:27] wai lemme check [16:27] https://github.com/canonical/microk8s/issues/2194#issuecomment-1469292204 <- this kills all my sessions so it kinda sucks.. [16:27] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 2194 in canonical/microk8s "'microk8s.kubectl' failed: cannot create transient scope: DBus error 'System.Error.E2BIG'" [Open] [16:31] did you get what was causing you the snap issue [16:31] what snap are you referring to here.. snapstores in linux [16:32] and i think #ubuntu probably solved your issue [16:33] oh hmm maybe this is the problem. https://stackoverflow.com/a/59926524 [16:35] mola: how? [16:38] no Manoucheri .. i thought one-of-the mods here solved your issue.. as they are here for the very purpose.. well.. when i too googled the error.. it stated about the arg-list too long.. and now you referred a article that discusses that it is a very BUG [16:38] no mods have replied as far as I can tell...? [16:38] what do mean by snaps [16:39] snapstores or anything else [16:39] like I program I installed through snapd [16:39] mola: the support provided here is by the community. Not "mods" [16:40] understood leftyfb.. now be normal [16:42] you installed a program through snap.. or some package for the program.. please specify this [16:42] `sudo snap install ipsw` [16:48] clear the snap cache by this sudo rm -rf /var/cache/snapd/ [16:48] check again if this works [16:51] if the first one doesn't try sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade.. it's usually recommended to do- before installing anything.. in-case you forgot [16:51] no no no please don't [16:51] oac what happened [16:52] oac: can we help you with something? [16:52] just probably not a great idea to `sudo rm -rf /var/cache/snapd` [16:52] mola: they aren't having a problem installing the snap. Only when it runs. Clearing the snapd cache isn't going to affect anything. Nor is updating apt packages [16:53] not the snap i understand.. the program right [16:53] oac: deleting /var/cache/snapd/* isn't going to hurt anything [16:53] oac you can just reinstall that if in case anything goes teribbly wronf [16:53] but it won't fix anything either [16:54] ipsw is a program i looked for jaibreaking iphones or what [16:55] this is what i got from there github: ipsw [command] [16:55] Available Commands: [16:55] debugserver Prep device for remote debugging [16:55] device-list List all iOS devices [16:55] diff Diff IPSWs [16:55] download Download Apple Firmware files (and more) [16:56] !paste | mola [16:56] mola: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [16:59] mola: don't think clearing the cache is gonna make a difference [16:59] please why yo guys activated the quite mode [16:59] i understood.. i was wrong [16:59] Manouchehri: have you taken a look at this yet? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/dbus-error-system-error-e2big-error/29227/3 [17:00] Not that there appears to be any real solution there... [17:00] haha yeah, I was bout to say I don't see any solution [17:01] my current guess is maybe it's related to journald at the user level [17:01] https://ma.ttias.be/clear-systemd-journal/ [17:01] next time I run into it I'll try that [17:01] https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/7119#issuecomment-504674408 [17:01] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Issue 7119 in systemd/systemd "systemd-journald Argument list too long" [Open] [17:02] so the issue got fixed now for you manochehri [17:02] no.. [17:02] no clue what gave you that impression [17:03] Interesting, it looks like it might be an incorrect error code. E2BIG instead of ENOSPC, where the latter is caused by journal size being too large. I'd definitely give truncating the journal a try. [17:04] nothing leave it [17:05] just for the logs lol [17:05] nothing related to ipsw related error [17:05] what are you saying [17:08] when setting up a simple cron job, but for a complicated command with parameters and stuff, do you need to escape the command or something? [17:09] i mean when there's characters like >, &, ", etc. in the command [17:10] uf: I would use a systemd timer instead of cron [17:11] why? [17:12] uf: because it's the modern way of running scheduled jobs. There's more capability and less chance you run into escape or ENVAR issues [17:24] does that really require a service AND a timer? [17:27] yes [17:27] it's really not that difficult though [17:30] uf: here's a good article on how to set that up: https://silentlad.com/how-to-use-systemd-timers-(cronjob-alternative) [17:30] i just cant see myself remembering i did any of these in a few months [17:30] and here's a good intro on the timer format: https://silentlad.com/systemd-timers-oncalendar-(cron)-format-explained [17:31] the logging is worlds better as well [17:42] Hi [17:42] hello Guest85 [17:43] I have Legion 7 Slim [17:43] https://pcsupport.lenovo.com/us/en/products/laptops-and-netbooks/legion-series/legion-s7-16irh8/82y3/82y3006frk/mp2fmfl0?linkTrack=Caps%3ABody_SearchProduct&searchType=6&keyWordSearch=MP2FMFL0 [17:43] i installed ubuntu lot of versions but i dont have sound [17:43] from windows 11 i have [17:43] can someone help me with this :( [17:43] Guest85 in the future you should not share that [17:44] it has your serial number [17:44] why? [17:44] its not my its random legion 7 slim but whats problem? [17:45] Serial Number:MP2FMFL0 [17:45] is /etc/netplan still being used?i want to add a permanent route. ip r a ip1 via ip2 lalal, you know how it goes. [17:46] Guest85 what chipset does your audio use? [17:47] idk [17:47] im not in near laptop its from my friend [17:47] ask your friend to type : sudo dmesg | grep audio [17:47] i installed ubuntu she asked but no sound :( [17:47] that should return some information to give us a clue [17:48] In the settings, do you see if any audio devices are appearing? Is it possible the wrong one is selected? e.g. HDMI audio output instead of the built-in sound card? [17:50] Guest85: when you're near the laptop, let us know and we'll be happy to help you. Or tell your friend to join here to get help. We can't troubleshoot adequately with an unknown time buffer [17:50] oac : good one. i had not thought of that :) [17:51] its realtek chipset [17:53] can someone help me with that [17:54] Guest85: let us know when you can run commands on the laptop and we can troubleshoot [17:55] what commands? [17:57] Guest85: What Ubuntu version is installed? [17:57] latest [17:57] 23.04 or 22.04? [17:58] the latter is the latest LTS (sometimes default) and the former is the actual latest [17:58] Guest85: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; lspci ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [17:58] Guest85: run that and paste the resulting URL here [18:05] Server user only here, 22.04: Netplan. Does Desktop still use Network Manager? [18:07] yes [18:08] Cool. Switching then, I'm more familiar with that. [18:10] sidjames: network manager really isn't meant for the server. You should be using netplan [18:10] No, I mean I'll switch to Desktop [18:11] just to manage networking? [18:12] sidjames: what exactly is the issue? [18:13] No issue really, I just know Network Manager much better [18:15] sidjames: seems silly to add additional overhead to your server and complexity when nothing is actually broken [18:29] hey [18:29] using ubuntu jammy with http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu as repo [18:30] I get random transfer drops with it, is there anythign I should be changing to get better transfer rates? [18:30] it starts pretty fast and all of a sudden it drops [18:36] chose another mirror and it's working as expected [18:42] I'm having trouble with a CIFS mount showing up as read-only : [18:43] sudo mount -t cifs -o username=patrick,password=nope!,rw,user // Patrick/ [18:43] PvtJoker: can you write to it as root? [18:44] i will try [18:45] yes i can write : sudo nano test.txt [18:45] PvtJoker: if so, then it's not mounted read-only, you just haven't set the permissions properly. You can try something like: uid=$(id -u),gid=$(id -g) [18:46] leftyfb it works! never would have gotten that myself! thank you [18:47] PvtJoker: first result on google when searching for "cifs mount read/write" [18:47] ah noted [18:47] cheers! [19:00] hi === Ubuntu is now known as Guest1875 [19:01] h [19:01] hi [19:02] can someone help me with my new legion 7 slim [19:02] no sound [19:03] Guest1875: ( cat /etc/os-release ; uname -a ; lspci ) | nc termbin.com 9999 [19:03] Guest1875: run that and post the resulting URL here [19:03] ok 2 min please [19:11] leftyfb https://termbin.com/5x6p [19:12] Hello! Is there a chat room for nano text editor? [19:12] !alis | yes-ubuntu [19:12] yes-ubuntu: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see «/msg Alis help list» or ask in #libera - Example usage: «/msg Alis list http» [19:13] Guest1875: did you try looking in the settings to select an audio output device? It looks like you have audio on the motherboard and over HDMI through the GPU [19:13] leftyfb: thank you! [19:13] leftyfb i need turn on sound laptop is without sound there is no hdmi [19:14] on windows its work but on ubuntu ints without sound [19:14] Guest1875: did you try looking in the settings to select an audio output device? I [19:15] leftyfb 1 min i will check it again [19:16] leftyfb https://ibb.co/jh0DzwD [19:16] here is screen [19:16] Guest1875: settings -> sound [19:17] Yeah, that looks like pavucontrol, is that preinstalled? [19:17] leftyfb https://ibb.co/gdqvz7D [19:18] oac yea here is also pavucontrol [19:18] If you have pavucontrol ("Volume Control"), you could also check the "Playback" tab to see if certain applications have different output devices selected [19:19] oac https://ibb.co/Dg1CtC8 [19:22] any other options? [19:22] Guest1875: It doesn't look like there's an output device selected for firefox, not that I can see how to select one (I have a dropdown to the right of the application name). Could you possibly open another application like Rhythmbox/VLC/Spotify/Amberol and see if audio works for any of them? [19:23] Guest1875: settings -> sound [19:26] leftyfb and? [19:26] Guest1875: please screenshot what it looks like, preferably with the dropdown under "Output Device" showing all the options [19:28] leftyfb https://ibb.co/7pxQNpc [19:28] oac https://ibb.co/7pxQNpc [19:28] still no sound [19:28] Guest1875: what other options are under "Output Device"? [19:29] only speakers [19:30] Guest1875: since your system has both onboard and audio through the GPU, I would suggest installing the proprietary drivers for your GPU with: sudo ubuntu-drivers install [19:30] this help [19:30] ? [19:31] my guess is the lack of proper drivers is confusing your system into believing the default/only audio is the GPU [19:31] Guest1875: you're asking if my suggestion is going to help? [19:32] Guest1875: that's the whole point of asking for help isn't it? Someone suggesting something to try and seeing if it works [19:32] Traceback (most recent call last): [19:32]   File "/usr/bin/ubuntu-drivers", line 513, in [19:32]     greet() [19:32]   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/click/core.py", line 1128, in __call__ [19:32]     return self.main(*args, **kwargs) [19:32]   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/click/core.py", line 1053, in main [19:32] !paste | Guest1875 [19:32] Guest1875: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://dpaste.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. [19:33] Guest1875: sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo ubuntu-drivers install [19:34] oh no, upgraded ubuntu and nvidai drivers are now failing... damn [19:34] nvidia* [19:34] leftyfb i use that last  command  im waiting [19:35] mefistof1les: define "upgraded ubuntu". You're upgrading between releases (which ones) or just ran normal package updates? [19:35] One thing I notice: in pavucontrol under "Playback" the Firefox application had volume levels appearing on the slider, but in Settings->Sound there are no levels appearing. So I would bet the problem is not with sound drivers, but with sound configuration not correctly sending sound to the "Speakers - Built-in Audio" device [19:36] doubtful [19:36] leftyfb: no, same release [19:36] jsut did an apt upgrade [19:37] leftyfb: How else would you explain why there is no sound peak level in Settings->Sound? That is input volume to that audio device [19:39] because it's not detecting the output sound device properly, potentially due to the lack of proper drivers for the HDMI audio output built into the GPU which is confusing the system to believe that GPU is the default/only audio device [19:41] anyone got any idea if ubuntu still has devs? There doesn't seem to be any activity on this basic functionality breaking bug like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/1971594 [19:41] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Launchpad bug 1741074 in firefox (Ubuntu) "[snap] chrome-gnome-shell extension fails to detect native host connector" [High, In Progress] [duplicate: 1971594] [19:42] leftyfb black screen [19:43] cbreak: it definitely has devs, but they are probably busy with higher priority things [19:45] cbreak: from what I understand, that bug is actively being worked on. You'll just have to wait [19:45] Guest1875: after a reboot? [19:45] leftyfb 1 min [19:47] leftyfb same [19:47] leftyfb: cool [19:47] a coworker switched to the firefox ppa, so I've been considering that too, but ... [19:47] cbreak: if you need to use that particular feature on Firefox, you could try the firefox flatpak instead, the sandboxing might be more flexible there. [19:48] Guest1875: if so, try hitting CTRL+ALT+F1 and running: ubuntu-drivers devices [19:48] Guest1875: pastebin the results [19:49] im using anydesk can you send me command please [19:49] oac: hmm... that might be an other way. But probably won't work. At work we use some shitty VPN software (F5 somethingsomething) that is browser integrated, and some also-terrible file transfer software (IBM Aspera), both of which are probably integrated badly [19:49] for these I have an LXC container with 20.04, so ... [19:50] but for home, maybe that works, here my only problem is 1password not integrating [19:53] leftyfb there is any option to send that command  in terminal? [19:53] Guest1875: huh? [19:53] cbreak: the firefox snap works for me with the Bitwarden extension (autofill, etc.), so not sure what would be causing problems with 1password unfortunately [19:53] leftyfb im with anydesk [19:53] i cant send that command [19:54] why not? [19:55] Guest1875: doing this type of troubleshooting remotely over anydesk is ill-advised [19:55] leftyfb there is nothing happend [19:55] define "nothing happened". What do you see? [19:55] user type his password [19:55] and same screen [19:56] define "same screen" [19:56] Can they login to the console? [19:56] terminal? [19:56] im in terminal [19:56] when i press ctrl+alt+f1 there coming login screen [19:56] Guest1875: are you saying they do get to a login screen and the black screen only occurs after they log in? [19:56] right, login [19:56] she type password and login [19:56] again [19:57] ok? [19:57] oac: the extension works, but it can't communicate with the desktop application [19:57] oacno there is no more black screen we restarted [19:57] what happens when she logs in to the terminal? [19:57] huh? [19:57] so I have to log-in twice, and it can't use system-unlock, and cross-sync [19:57] leftyfb nothing there is just terminal window [19:57] Guest1875: are you saying they have a proper desktop environment now? [19:57] when i need press that command and where? [19:58] Guest1875: lets take multiple steps back [19:58] i need close all windows and press ctrl+alt+f1 [19:58] ? [19:58] stop [19:58] k [19:58] Guest1875: does the machine currently boot up to an ubuntu desktop screen? [19:59] yes we are in ubuntu [19:59] desktop screen [19:59] ok, then we do not need to open a TTY to debug that part of it [19:59] Guest1875: open the "additional drivers" app [20:00] https://ibb.co/p4PRBjt [20:00] ok, perfect [20:00] i tried using x.org [20:00] it looks like you have proper drivers installed now [20:00] Guest1875: what? What about x.org? [20:01] i changed this from x.org to what u see on screen [20:01] what do you mean exactly? [20:02] when i install ubuntu there is no sound and i think it was nvidia driver [20:02] oh, I see [20:02] and select option [20:02] first === Catty is now known as catties [20:02] did you JUST pcik the first one now? [20:02] and installed restarted and still no sound [20:02] yea [20:02] not now === catties is now known as kitties [20:02] 2-3 hours ago [20:02] maybe 4 [20:02] ok, so you have rebooted since you selected the 535 driver? [20:02] yea [20:03] what are the options under settings -> sound -> Output Device ? [20:04] only one option [20:04] same' [20:04] speakers built in audio [20:04] maybe i need download driver from nvidia website? [20:05] negative [20:05] :S [20:06] you could try the other driver options in the list but I don't have a lot of confidence one of them is going to work any better [20:06] I'm kind of at a loss here, maybe someone else can assist [20:06] leftyfb thank you bro <3 [20:07] leftyfb for your help and humanity you are the best <3 [20:07] what is shortcut to select all text in gnome terminal @ ubuntu [20:09] there isn't one [20:11] Jakov: https://askubuntu.com/questions/692975/how-to-perform-a-select-all-via-keyboard-in-recent-versions-of-gnome-terminal [20:11] Jakov: first result on google for "gnome terminal select all" [20:12] Guest1875: can you please go to Settings->Sound and try out the "Test" button next to the "Speakers - Built-in Audio" output device dropdown? [20:12] no work [20:13] maybe i need update bios? [20:13] Is there any way you could plug in an HDMI device with audio output and see if the audio works through there? [20:14] they left [20:14] Hi all, I'm on 22.04 LTS and the latest version of Apache2 available (even with backports) is 2.4.52. There seem to be some important bug fixes and improvements to mpm_event and mod_http2 in versions after that, so I wish to install the latest version. Does anyone know if there's a package available in some third party repos? [20:14] rip [20:15] Otherwise I might compile from source, but I'm not sure if it would be difficult to integrate the manually installed version into the system, like with systemd and all? [20:16] !latest | taylan [20:16] taylan: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa. [20:17] Does anyone here know about the internals of EFI boot variables? I'm trying to understand what the value of a Boot#### variable should be, but I'm not seeing where the contents are actually defined: https://uefi.org/specs/UEFI/2.10/03_Boot_Manager.html#boot-manager-programming [20:18] Thanks for the pointer (PPA), I found this :) https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/apache2 === JanC_ is now known as JanC === shokohsc50 is now known as shokohsc5 [20:49] hey all, has anyone had the issue using a mac and ubuntu where the mic doesnt work? [20:49] !details [20:49] Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel. [20:50] I assume you don't mean using Ubuntu Asahi ? [20:50] Running 22.04 on a MBP A1425 (2012 MacBook Pro) [20:50] Neither the internal mic nor a mic connected to headphones work [20:54] Not Ubuntu Asahi [20:55] chrischrisjnr: not at all or in some applications? [20:55] not at all [20:56] chrischrisjnr: could it be a permissions issue? Does it work at root? [20:57] Doesn't work at root [20:58] does it show up as a device at all? Or in a mixer? [20:58] *what is shortcut to select all text in gnome terminal @ ubuntu [21:00] Jakov: https://askubuntu.com/questions/692975/how-to-perform-a-select-all-via-keyboard-in-recent-versions-of-gnome-terminal [21:11] does not show up at all === kitties is now known as Catty === de-facto_ is now known as de-facto === lime-e is now known as L1me-E [22:16] Okay. So I cant find the right google search terms.  My wlan is connected to a router, and internet is working.  I'm running a dhcp server on eth0 - and devices can connect and transfer files between eachother.    But the dhcp server does not provide internet access.  How do I do that? I cant find the right guide on the internet. [22:17] running ubuntu-server by the way. [22:20] Trying to share a wifi connection over ethernet? [22:20] yes [22:22] Guest54: is this server or desktop? [22:22] server [22:23] Guest54: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/zvmC3Db5M9/ [22:23] run that script as root on boot. Probably from /etc/networkd-dispatcher/routable.d/ [22:27] I want to ask, I wasn't able to install ubuntu v23, so I installed v22 should I try to update it to v23 now? [22:27] Guest68: weird, what was the reason that you were unable to install v23? [22:27] !yy.mm | Guest68 [22:27] Guest68: Ubuntu version numbers are: YY.MM (YY=release year,MM=release month). Each year sees two releases, so just specifying YY is imprecise. See also https://www.ubuntu.com/about/release-cycle [22:28] apparently, v23 wasn't able to detect my windows (Yes, I have dual boot set up) [22:28] Oh that's nice to know, thanks! [22:29] Guest68: Ubuntu does not need to detect Windows [22:29] and the version you are referring to is Ubuntu 23.04 [22:29] Yes it does, otherwise I wasn't able to select the partition [22:29] Yup [22:30] well, it should for you to be able to dual boot, true [22:30] odd that the 23.04 didn't do that [22:30] Yeah, I also asked it here, then a nice guy suggested me to give 22.04 a try [22:31] Guest68: I would suggest sticking with 22.04 anyway. It's supported until 2027 whereas 23.04 will be End of Life in January. [22:32] Yeah makes sense, I liked the ui of 23.04. The reason I am using ubuntu is to learn about the linux terminal, which I believe will be mostly same in both. I think I will stick with 22.04, thanks for help! Appreciate it [23:12] leftyfb Thanks for your help and miniscript. It didnt work, but what did work was  "nmcli connection add type ethernet ifname eth0 ipv4.method shared con-name local " [23:12] That’s assuming you have network manager installed on a server which isn’t default [23:13] Also, the script does work [23:13] okay - well thanks again for helping me along [23:15] How can I install libgnomecanvasmm ? [23:16] what do you intend to do with it once it's installed? [23:17] finish building gladish [23:17] grace: try sudo apt install libgnomecanvasmm-2.6-dev -- or if you're not on focal, whatever version number actually matches :) [23:17] its a core package with probably a bunch of deps, and I don't want to build core packages [23:18] I'm on 23.04 and that package no longer exists [23:19] frustrating, I know [23:20] ohhh [23:21] is there a ppa with those packages? [23:23] I installed ubuntu-studio yesterday and its missing what I consider core packages: gladish, patchage, madjack, claudia [23:23] and non-mixer [23:23] I'm considering going to another distro [23:23] grace: I don't think there's any ppas, launchpad normally reports ppas with other versions on the package page, near the bottom .. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgnomecanvasmm2.6 [23:24] hmm, whats that sandbox that builds packages from source packages ? [23:24] let's do that [23:25] https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=895562 -- the removal bug filed in 2018 .. living the gnome life :( [23:25] -ubottu:#ubuntu- Debian bug 895562 in ftp.debian.org "RM: libgnomecanvasmm2.6 -- RoQA; unmaintained upstream; no rdeps" [Normal, Open] [23:30] say I download the libgnomecanvasmm2.6_2.26.0.*{dsc,orig.tar.gz,build1.debian.tar.xz} files, how can I then build the package in ubuntu's build sandbox ? [23:34] pbuilder, I think that was it? [23:35] yeah, pbuilder or sbuild; you can also set up a ppa and run the builds on launchpad instead [23:35] meh, kiss [23:39] grace: heh that's actually why I suggested it https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jammy/en/man1/backportpackage.1.html [23:39] granted, if it doesn't just build, then you've got a problem to sort out [23:39] and if that happens, having a local build system would probably be easier / faster [23:47] Hi, I have a question frens. I'm backing up my ~ to re-install os clean. I'm on 22.10. If I install 23.04 and move my home back, will things break since I'm keeping the configs saved in my .config from 22.10? [23:48] Question is the correct gdlib for php 8.2? [23:49] php8.3-gd - GD module for PHP [23:49] it'll probably be less likely to break things if you do the internal upgrade instead clean install + copy [23:49] instead of* [23:50] Toadisattva, yeah but I want to set-up luks. Hmm. [23:51] WeeBey: a lot of that depends upon the applications you use and how graceful they are with older files. most programs do fine. [23:51] hmm. Arg. Should be fine (i usually say then suffer for days). [23:52] :)