
=== jcea1 is now known as jcea
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> Heyy, i m using ubuntu based kde , but i want to install arch kde , how should i proceed ,02:05
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> I dont want to loose my file present on same drive02:05
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> File means documents , photos , videos ,02:05
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> I m ready to loose app data02:05
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> And i remembered i make different partition while installing ubuntu kde for root and user , so that later i can do distro hopping ,02:05
guiverc@milesdress, we only support Kubuntu here, not arch OSes. Ubuntu installers allow you to switch (eg. I've switched systems from opensuse/fedora/mint to Ubuntu systems without any loss of data etc), thus it maybe possible for arch too - but we don't support Arch here02:31
guivercUbuntu installers (ubuntu-desktop-installer, calamares, & ubiquity) all prior manually-installed packages to auto-reinstall & even non-destructively install even if you only used a single partition; but MOST oses do not allow for that (thus separate /home is default for non-Ubuntu) but again not-on-topic here02:32
guivercfyi.. i mentioned 3 installers (Kubuntu uses ubiquity), but its NOT the installer, but script run for install that gives the features ^ i mentioned.. what I said applies to all Ubuntu though as Kubuntu is a Ubuntu flavor (using Ubuntu scripts)02:34
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> Heyy, i m using ubuntu based kde , but i want to install arch kde , how should i proceed ,05:37
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> I dont want to loose my file present on same drive05:37
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> File means documents , photos , videos ,05:37
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> I m ready to loose app data05:37
IrcsomeBot<milesdredd> And i remembered i make different partition while installing ubuntu kde for root and user , so that later i can do distro hopping ,05:37
guiverc@milesdress, only Kubuntu is on-topic here being a Kubuntu room. You can install Kubuntu over another GNU/Linux & keep your files, even have your manually-installed packages auto-reinstall (if prior OS used like package maanger) but Arch is not a Ubuntu system & not supported here05:39
guivercs/milesdress/milesdredd ^05:39
=== anonymous_ is now known as flowerpot
flowerpothi how are you07:42
flowerpotIs this a Ubuntu help channel?07:42
weedmicflowerpot: if you have a question - we're here to help07:51
flowerpotQ: In Ubuntu, is it okay to rely on the POwer Saving features at the top right, rather than installing TLP07:52
weedmicI use sensors and inxi - so I don't know.  which desktop are you using that has power setting in the top right?  just curious07:55
flowerpotubuntu and debian08:01
weedmiccinnamon, gnome, xfce?08:02
flowerpotGnome in Ubuntu and Debian, and or XFCE08:06
weedmicI still haven't tried xfce - i'm going to look at some screen shots - i like monitors08:07
flowerpotxfce rules08:07
flowerpotit is barebones but amazing sauce08:08
flowerpotGnome is pretty and smooth08:08
weedmico ok - seems clean simple.  I have all that on the bar at the bottom of my screen (in kde)08:09
flowerpotwhat is kde08:10
flowerpotis that another desktop environment ?08:10
weedmicI used gnome until kde had cube - then switched to kde (but they killed cube).  but kde is so powerful and mutable and so many ppl contribute - i added a clock yesterday08:10
weedmiccorrect k desktop environment - as in k ubuntu08:10
flowerpotcan I install KDE as a desktop environment in ubuntu?08:10
weedmicdon't remembe why it is i k thoguh08:10
weedmicyes, it is probably in synaptic - search kde - otherwise, use "apt install kde-plasma-desktop"08:12
=== Lord_of_Life_ is now known as Lord_of_Life
lubo76kubuntuHello guys. How to test update in Kubuntu? A few days ago I installed update, but then I can not boot. Can I test update if OS will boot?11:22
weedmiclubo76kubuntu: What do you want?  1-see if a version of kubuntu works on your computer, 2-fix an already installed kubuntu that won't boot, 3-something else?11:33
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
lubo76kubuntuweedmic: how to find out if update in Kubuntu will destroy my OS11:44
lubo76kubuntuLast update crashed my Kubuntu, so I had to put Kubuntu to PC from backup.11:45
weedmicwhat OS have you now?11:50
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> BUMP: I still cannot resolve this. (re @Anarchotaoist: The following packages have unmet dependencies.11:55
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist>  libkpim5libkleo5 : Depends: libkpim5libkleo-data (= 4:23.04.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu23.04~ppa1) but it is not installed)11:55
lubo76kubuntuKubuntu 22.0411:56
weedmicthat appears to be part of kleopatra?  do you need/user it?11:58
weedmicI do not hae such a file - hence the question11:59
lubo76kubuntuWho is Kleopatra?12:01
weedmiccould not find it "http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/" - so I wonder if it is part of ubuntu12:02
weedmic"Kleopatra is a certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI." google12:02
weedmicif you are not using it, uninstall it via synaptic/muon/apt12:03
lubo76kubuntuweedmic: I do not have problem with certificate manager. I installed update and OS did not boot. No I have OS from backup, so I am asking how to find out whether I will be the same problem = next update does it tha same problem?12:12
weedmicmy posts seem to have been for Anarchotaoist from 14:5512:18
weedmicoic, you are answering my 14:50 question - rereading12:18
tuxinehello, is it possible to play blizzard games with the latest kubuntu?12:20
weedmiclubo76kubuntu: so as I understand it, you had 22.04 running, an update was applied, it stopped working.  you restored it from backup and now have a 22.04, but are hesitant to apply any updates.  correct y/n?12:21
lubo76kubuntuweedmic: Are u in UTC time zone?12:23
lubo76kubuntuweedmic: great :)12:24
weedmicDoes UTC mean GMT?12:24
lubo76kubuntuYes, but not GMT is UTC12:26
lubo76kubuntuCoordinated Universal Time12:26
weedmic"OS did not boot" - means 1-"got to grub", 2-passed grub could not load gui and left me at tui?12:26
weedmicno, it is 15:27.2 for me12:27
weedmicoops, 0-did not reach grub?12:28
lubo76kubuntuweedmic: I could go to terminal, but X Windows does not start. But this is not up to date problem. I am asking how to find out if any update will crash OS.12:32
weedmicok - are you using nvidia proprietary drivers?  if yes, were any of the updates x11, mesa, or nvidia?12:33
lubo76kubuntuHow to find out?12:36
lubo76kubuntucommand pci-something?12:37
weedmicsince you are not on the os that was affected but on the backup would be to click on updates by the clock, but don't check any.  to see if you are using nvidia or not, you can do "inxi -G".12:51
lubo76kubuntuinxi - command not found12:53
weedmicyou may need to install it - did it give you the command to do so?12:53
weedmicinxi works with sensors to give you all kinds of insightful (unsure if that is a word) data.12:53
weedmicyou can ask if anyone knows another easy way to determind gpu and driver actually in use.12:54
alkisglspci -nn -k | grep -A4 VGA12:54
lubo76kubuntu  Device-1: NVIDIA GP108 [GeForce GT 1030] driver: nouveau v: kernel12:55
lubo76kubuntu  Device-2: Conexant Systems CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder12:55
lubo76kubuntu    driver: cx8800 v: 1.0.012:55
lubo76kubuntu  Display: x11 server: X.Org v: driver: X: loaded: modesetting12:55
lubo76kubuntu    unloaded: fbdev,vesa gpu: nouveau resolution: 1: 1680x1050~60Hz12:55
weedmicso you are using nouveau - that's supposed to just work.12:56
alkisglubo76kubuntu: there's no way to know if an update will crash your OS. Updates aren't supposed to do that; if someone knew they would crash a PC, they wouldn't ship the update12:57
weedmicanychance you wrote down the error when you booted the affected os and tried to do "startx"?  or remember it party?12:58
alkisgWhat you can do is set up backups, snapshots etc, to be able to revert to the previous state12:58
lubo76kubuntuthanks, guys12:59
weedmicto me, it doesn't sound like it "crashed your OS", but more like x won't start.  I'd like to suggest, since you have a backup already, install all updates except those related to x11 and nourveau.  see if that works.12:59
weedmic1030 is a fine card - if the above works, consider using th eproprietary drivers and put nouveau in "remove" and then "mark for purge".13:02
lubo76kubuntuweedmic,  I am going to install update and then I send u pic of screen.13:10
lubo76kubuntuif I will have problem with boot13:10
weedmicif i were you i'd uncheck the x11 and nouveau updates.  and install everything else.  but have fun13:13
weedmicin your case, you can go back to now - so it's ok13:13
lubo76kubuntuYes it is OK, but OS wrote something about "write failed". But it is OK.13:14
IrcsomeBot<Anarchotaoist> Kleopatra is an optional KDE application for email encryption. Yes, I am using it. No, I cannot uninstall it either without uninstalling the rest of the PIM suite which I also use. (re @IrcsomeBot: <weedmic> my posts seem to have been for Anarchotaoist from 14:55)14:19
=== TomTom_ is now known as TomTom
mmikowskilubo76kubuntu: if you are still having trouble, you can blacklist nouveau because it is hard to remove.20:18
mmikowskiLet me know if you want more info.20:19
M2600dicksinyomoHello everyone, I just installed Kubuntu and everything was going fine, installation done went smoothly, but as I was trying to explore kubuntu I noticed a "snap" folder on my home directory. From previous distros I had a bad experience with snap (unnecessary folders and files and made some parts of my filesystem disorganized) so I did a "sudo apt purge snapd", I think I tried "sudo apt purge snap" but the terminal said I didnt have23:11
M2600dicksinyomothat package.23:11
M2600dicksinyomoAs you may have guessed, this was a mistake. Now firefox wont open and one of my two monitor is jittery in the max resolution...not in lower res but maybe it's just less aparent??23:13
M2600dicksinyomoI tried to reinstall snap, snapd and firefox which went fine23:13
M2600dicksinyomobut didnt solve the issue23:13
M2600dicksinyomoAny idea what I should do?23:14
M2600dicksinyomomax resolution of monitor is 1920x1080(16:9) if that matters23:17
mparilloYou could install a browser without snaps. I use konqueror, falkon, and qutebrowser.23:46
mparilloIf you really want firefox, there are numerous guides (I followed one on reddit) to completely de-snapify your Kubuntu, and install a firefox from a PPA from the Firefox team.23:46

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