
=== guiverc2 is now known as guiverc
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC is now known as Guest1057
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== JanC is now known as Guest6058
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
David_HedlundThis command will change the background from black to light-yellow for my distro: dconf write /org/mate/terminal/profiles/default/use-theme-colors false20:23
David_HedlundHowever, I need to restart  mate-terrminal i order for the changes to take effect which is inconvenient since I'm running it from a script that is executed from mate-terminal itself. Is it possible to reload the settings from mate-terminal? I'm asking since the changes are taking effect when I'm changing the background color from the GUI settings in mate-terminal.20:23
alkisgDavid_Hedlund: use gsettings instead of dconf, to notify the terminal etc20:53
David_Hedlundalkisg: Thank you but dconf-editor says "No schema available" for /org/mate/terminal/profiles/default/use-theme-colors21:56
David_Hedlundalkisg: gsettings set org.mate.terminal.profiles use-theme-colors false22:01
David_HedlundNo such key “use-theme-colors”22:01
David_Hedlundalkisg: Ok, slightly improvement, this is working: gsettings set org.mate.terminal.profile:/org/mate/terminal/profiles/default/ use-theme-colors false22:06
David_HedlundBut I still need to restart the terminal22:06

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