
CrellHi all. RAID issue. I'm swapping out all the drives in my 3-drive RAID5 array, from HDDs to SSDs. All SATA 3.  I've swapped them over one by one fine, and the array is now all new drives. But the system won't boot unless I have one of the old drives plugged in. It's not even part of the array, and when booting that way the drive seems inactive,00:06
Crellbut it won't boot without it.  I am highly confused by this. :-) Anyone know what might be going on?00:06
sarnoldwhat's the error when none of the old drives are installed?00:07
CrellThere isn't one.  It's a headless system, so I just know I can't ssh into it.00:09
sarnoldouch :(00:11
sarnoldno bmc?00:11
CrellI may have a monitor somewhere I can plug into it, but was hoping it was some "obvious" mistake I'd made.00:12
sarnoldI'm sorry to say I don't have anything to suggest off the top of my head :(00:18
PvtJokerCrell : my guess is grub issue00:19
PvtJokerprobably easiest thing is to find that spare monitor00:20
CrellTracked down a monitor.  Fun story: Without the other hard drive, it's automatically going into the BIOS setup screen on boot!00:23
CrellSo... is it booting to the old drive, and then jumping over to the new array?  How is the old drive even working if it's just one drive out of a RAID array??00:25
sarnoldthe EFI filesystem isn't usually part of the raid -- that can lead to some pretty horrible things, since very few bios environments know how to work with mdraid00:27
sarnolddo you have your EFI on another drive? or was it on those?00:28
CrellThese were the only drives in the machine.00:28
CrellThis is the first time I've touched the RAID or boot config since the machine was built using the ubuntu installer, like 8 years ago.  (It's been OS upgraded since then a few times, but haven't messed with the drives.)00:28
CrellSo if I put the drive back in to let it boot, then rerun grub after it's booted to install EFI on the new array, would that work?00:30
sarnoldthen try a sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub  -- I think that'll ask you to select the EFI partition to use00:30
CrellAnd I should tell it md1?  (The RAIDed data partition.  md0 is swap.)00:30
sarnoldno, it needs to be a drive partition, not inside the raid00:32
CrellHm.  Interesting.  I... don't know if one exists.  That could be the cause of the issue, then.  I setup the partition tables on the new drives by cloning them from old drives, but... not a consistent old drive.00:33
CrellThough none of the old ones gave an indication of having an extra partition beyond sdX1 and sdX5.00:33
sarnoldhmm, does fdisk -l .. on them show something like /dev/sda1       2048   1050623   1048576  512M EFI System00:34
CrellHang on while I reinstall the old drive.00:35
CrellThe new drives are all an 8 GB sdX1, then an sdX2 extended, and it's filled with an sdX5.  Both sdX1 and sdX5 are of type "Linux raid autodetect."00:38
gracesarnold: I have an unmet build dependency in source, according to pdebuild... which doesn't make sense, shouldn't those be installed automatically after entering the chroot?00:39
sarnoldgrace: yes, if they exist00:39
CrellThe old drive is... the same.  But sda1 is marked as bootable.  That's not the case for the new drives.00:39
Crell(Old drive also errors that Partition 2 does not start on a physical sector boudnary.)00:40
sarnoldCrell: no EFI partitions? o_O i'm very confused then :)00:40
Crell:shrug emoji:00:40
CrellThe swap partition being marked bootable is the weird one for me.00:40
gracesarnold: they do, but [1] why do I have to install them outside the chroot first, so that dpkg-checkbuilddeps (started by pdebuild) passes and [2] how can I install them automatically from the dsc file?00:41
sarnoldgrace: good question :(00:42
CrellAnd dpkg-reconfigure grub errors that grub is not installed.  Good times.00:43
rfmCrell, the "bootable" flag is just to tell BIOS where to load the mbr (which is in the partition label.)  This must be legacy BIOS not EFI, else nothing makes sense (especially that extended parttion)00:43
CrellThe machine is at least 8 years old, I think, so it could well be ancient hardware.00:43
Eickmeyergrace: Those packages you're missing in Ubuntu Studio were removed from Debian (and Ubuntu) long ago.00:43
sarnoldCrell: maybe dpkg-reconfigure grub-efi-amd64 ?00:43
rfmI can't even remember how to install the MBR anymore.00:44
Eickmeyergrace: Alternatives have been installed. You don't need them.00:44
sarnoldCrell: then rfm's guess is probably on the right track :) about grub-pc?00:44
CrellI have grub-common, and grub-gfxpayload-lists, and grub-pc-bin, according to aptitude.00:44
sarnoldgrub-pc-bin then00:44
CrellRecofiguring that does nothing.00:45
sarnoldsorry, it's been a decade since I used a bios machine, I'm *really* rusty there00:46
CrellThere's a whole bunch of grub-* commands in the system.  grub-probe sounds maybe useful?00:46
CrellIt's been a decade since I needed to care. :-)00:46
sarnoldlol :)00:46
CrellI thought I saw UEFI on the screen it brought up before...00:46
gracesarnold: anyway, success !00:48
sarnoldgrace: yay? :)00:48
rfmCrell, if directory /sys/firmware/efi exists, it booted EFI, if not it booted legacy...00:49
CrellIt does not.00:49
CrellWell, at least I know what the problem is now.  For whatever reason, grub didn't transfer over to the new drives properly.  So I need to figure out how to reapply grub to the new drives.00:51
gracesarnold: yes, thanks for the help00:51
CrellThat's a later task; My wife is waiting for me. :-) Thanks for the help, folks.00:51
sarnoldgrace: awesome! :D00:51
rfmCrell, you might look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID which looks slightly familiar, I think I followed it last time I had a BIOS/md raid system...00:53
rfmCrell, the bit about doing grub-install to the disk (not the md device, nor a partition) definitely rings a bell00:55
plt2I do not know much about scripting but I need to search for a string in a file and if it does not exist then do a command like this iptables -I INPUT -s ip address -j DROp01:05
plt2Would call the file b IPAddress01:06
rboxplt2: grep blah file || iptablers01:07
sarnoldplt2: grep -q root /etc/passwd && echo found01:07
sarnoldoh, hah, does *not* exist, follow rbox's example01:08
sarnoldand depending upon what you're trying to do, switch to ipsets or nftables?01:08
rboxprobably trying to reinvent the wheel for fail2ban01:09
plt2Its not yet supported with Wubuzo yet01:12
plt2Now I am going to install it01:13
plt2What is this01:16
plt2#before = paths-distro.conf01:16
plt2before = paths-debian.conf01:16
caseduphey heey01:17
plt2I am not sure what to put there01:17
plt2A little more information in the conf file would be helpfull01:17
plt2When you got 6 files that match this search find / -name debian.conf01:20
plt2Does anyone know which one to use?01:21
sarnoldI think you need to refine your question a bit further01:23
plt2Which one to use for this in the jail.conf before = paths-debian.conf01:23
plt2Does anyone would like to lear 6809 asm01:24
plt2just kidding01:24
plt2Which file above should I use for the before = paths-debian.conf01:24
plt2Correction: Which file in the link I provided should I use for the before = paths-debian.conf01:26
sarnoldplt2: I suggest taking a step back and explaining (a) what program or service you're trying to configure (b) what problem you're trying to solve01:52
plt2That was not to bad setting up fail2ban02:15
plt2Ban set to 6 months02:30
Crellrfm: Hrm.  Repartitioning such that I destroy the disk is definitely not an option. :-(02:39
plt2Crell I agree02:42
plt2It's not fun re-building a system from scratch02:42
CrellAye.  All I wanted to do was replace a failing drive. :-(02:43
plt2 Now I need to find a vpn server to test my fail2ban02:43
plt2The damn thing is working03:01
plt2is fail2ban should it catch attempts like this  [] F=<it@apps2.professionalsoftwaredevelopment.com> rejected RCPT <chan@yauheng.com>: Rejected relay attempt: '' From: 'it@apps2.professionalsoftwaredevelopment.com' To: 'chan@yauheng.com03:13
plt2What is the past command again?03:31
plt2Can you take a look at this https://termbin.com/mer8 I am running exim4 mail server and its not catching the relay attempts03:44
plt2This is the filter file https://termbin.com/dvy7103:45
plt2It's time for bed. bbl04:04
ozzloythe firefox icon in my dock starts firefox 102, but i also have firefox 115 installed.  how do i04:48
ozzloywoops..  how do i find the binary that the dock icon is opening?04:48
ozzloyi figured it out.  it was firefox-esr vs firefox05:49
dabblerneither `videoinfo` (in GRUB) nor `sudo hwinfo --framebuffer` outputs ANY resolutions. how can I find out what resolutions GRUB will support?05:56
weedmicdabbler: I can give you the contents of my grub file - let me know the path/title of the file you want and I'll post a link.06:06
dabblerweedmic: appreciate the offer, but it's hardware-specific06:07
weedmicoic, you are looking for a list, not the format of the sytax06:11
dabbleryes, the ubiquitous instructions for how to get a list of supported resolutions don't work06:12
EriC^^dabbler: trial and error it?06:13
EriC^^what resolution are you looking to try?06:13
dabblerEriC^^: 1440x900. i'd rather not have to rescue an unbootable machine06:16
alkisgdabbler: up to a point, passing `vga=ask` in the grub cmdline made it show the resolutions, not sure if that still works e.g. in uefi etc06:20
EriC^^dabbler: you could try "videotest 1440x900" in the grub cmd line06:21
EriC^^the exit just reboot it, or maybe ctrl+alt+del06:21
dabblerEriC^^: ok, i'll try that06:22
dabbler"no suitable video mode found"06:23
EriC^^do other resolutions work? i wonder if you have to run 'insmod all_video' and 'insmod gfxterm' before running the command06:30
EriC^^just trying stuff06:30
weedmictry 1024x768 or 800x600.06:35
ozzloyobs lets me start a virtual camera just once.  i can get obs to start again if i run this script https://termbin.com/pc3i06:50
ozzloyi have to completely exit obs, run that script, then re-open obs.  then the virtual camera will work once06:54
ozzloyhow do i make it so i can turn the virtual camera on and off just by clicking the button?06:55
hexabithasibuan: Works! :)07:24
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weedmicMibix: Did you have an issue requiring assistance?10:00
Mathisenanyone have experience using Ubuntu landscape ? my main question is really is the https://ubuntu.com/landscape/install guide up to date for 22.04 ?10:04
Mathisenas i am getting error when following the juju way " ERROR option provided but not defined: --unit "10:05
Mathisenon step 810:06
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hans_what is a .ddeb file?10:24
hans_its right next to a bunch of .deb files10:24
hans_lots of .deb and .ddeb files on https://ppa.launchpadcontent.net/ondrej/php/ubuntu/pool/main/p/php5.6/?C=S;O=A10:25
Mathisenhans_, my guess probably typo10:25
hans_302 .deb files and 288 .ddeb files in that index. wouldn't make the same typo 288 times10:25
PvtJokerdebug files?10:26
hans_ohh yeah seems so, thanks!10:27
PvtJokersure np :)10:27
elliot_nickserv aalk10:29
quazimododo we use ibus for input on 20.04?10:36
alkisgAFAIK gnome uses it, and none of the others use it by default11:08
webchat33Hi I hope this is the correct channel to ask this. I am wanting to purchase a Dell Latitude 5440 Core i7-1265U but it says nothing about which Ubuntu versions it supports. Does anyone know if Ubuntu OS 20.04 is supported? I called Dell but they were unhelpful11:22
weedmicwebchat33: as far as I know, it should support any linux.11:26
webchat33Fab thank you11:26
weedmicI am using a dell 5430 atm, just fyi11:26
weedmicbefore you erase the windows though, do the command to get the key - then if you later want to make a vm of windows, you can type in the valid key.11:27
Mathisenwebchat33, it is a big diffrence from certified hardware and hardware that just works. thats why it is hard to find info.11:27
weedmicu might need to wait for a new hot item for a driver, but a dell laptop - I seriously doubt that.11:28
webchat33Okay thank you for your help!11:28
weedmicfyi - powershell "(Get-WmiObject -query 'select * from SoftwareLicensingService').OA3xOriginalProeuctKey"11:30
weedmicin the old days, the laptop would have a sticker form M$ with the key, but... alas tempus transierunt11:31
peacefulmanThat could be useful. Fortunately the last dell laptop I used (5 years old) had a freely available restore image that didn't need a Windows key11:36
peacefulmanDell sometimes has these restore images on their website freely available to everyone, just needed to plugin service tag from bios11:37
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zniavre /msg NickServ IDENTIFY zniavre multipla204811:47
weedmicu just showed us ur password - might want to change it now zniavre, do these commands in libera tab and no space before /msg11:49
zniavreweedmic,  im trying to figure how to change it11:50
weedmicthere is a help room, but I'll see if I can find it.  I seem to remember registering or something.11:51
weedmic#libera - it is full too11:52
zniavrethank you for telling me11:52
zniavrejust changed password11:52
weedmicprobably happened to me decades ago11:53
zniavrei think it's my second time in 17 years of irc ...   :o)11:54
weedmicmay it be the last ;)11:55
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plt2Can you take a look at this https://termbin.com/mer8 I am running exim4 mail server and its not catching the relay attempts12:53
plt2This is the filter file https://termbin.com/dvy7112:53
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gordonjcpis anyone using samba with Windows XP in Ubuntu?16:37
gordonjcpit looks like SMB1 support is totally broken in recent Samba16:37
leftyfbgordonjcp: you tried https://askubuntu.com/a/1349712 ?16:38
gordonjcpleftyfb: I hadn't spotted that one but I did see something similar which didn't work - but I'll try that after dinner17:23
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u8353v[m]how to make "bl | grep application" work in ubuntu?17:49
sarnoldinstall bl17:50
deponhi i have a question.i installed accidently python3.5 over the 3.11 version which came with ubuntu can i just "install" 3.11 again and all will be fine or should i reinstall my system?17:57
leftyfbdepon: did you try reinstalling 3.11?17:58
deponim trying right now17:58
leftyfbI don't have a lot of confidence it's going to work17:59
deponmy system is still stable but i need to run something in python3.517:59
leftyfbu8353v[m]: "bl" doesn't seem to be a valid binary in any ubuntu packages that I can find17:59
leftyfbdepon: I would suggest running Ubuntu 16.04 in a VM or container if you need python 3.5 for anything18:00
gordonjcpleftyfb: yes, that works18:00
deponahh did ubuntu 16.04 came with python3.5?18:01
leftyfbdepon: mind you, both Ubuntu 16.04 and python 3.5 are End of Life and unsupported18:01
gordonjcpleftyfb: yay! disaster averted :-)18:01
leftyfb3.5.1-3 was the latest according to rmadison18:01
deponi just want to use some source code 1 time flashing some microcontroller18:01
leftyfbgordonjcp: first result on google for "ubuntu samba windows xp"18:02
tomreyndepon: use virtualenv, venv, pyenv, pyvenv or the like.. don't install different python versions using sudo / root.18:07
depon@tomreyn yes this was def my fault18:08
deponi will reinstall the system18:08
deponthanks :) ttyl18:08
gordonjcpleftyfb: possibly in your local language, not necessarily in mine18:18
Medita(and hello)18:56
MeditaI just seriously effed up... like, seriously, seriously18:56
MeditaI wanted to set the owner of /var/www/html/user/  to  "user"18:57
MeditaWhat I WANTED to type:18:57
Meditachown -cR user:user /var/www/html/user/18:57
Meditawhat I ACTUALLY typed:18:57
Meditachown -cR user:user /var/18:57
Meditashould I just delete the entire system and re-install ?18:58
leftyfbMedita: if you changed permissions/owners of files in / or /var recursively, then next and only step is to reinstall your OS18:58
Meditagod damn it18:58
Meditaare you joking with me or for real ?18:58
leftyfbI am not joking18:58
Meditapfff maaaan I was about to quit the chat and re-install18:58
ravageor you restore your backup that you do on a regular basis of course18:58
MeditaI just installed the OS 30 mins ago18:58
leftyfbif it's a 30min OS, then there is no loss18:59
tomreynlucky you, so little loss of data18:59
Meditare-install then?18:59
Meditaok, bye!18:59
Meditathank you18:59
Meditasee you later18:59
ravageso much noise about nothing :)18:59
howudodatI'm curious if my laptop is actually suspending when I close the lid.  Here is the pastebin: https://pastebin.com/7ivd6Su2 It says freezing user space processes, but the log entry for competed is 3 minutes later when I opened the lid.  and I'm not sure if ACPI: EC: interrupt blocked is significant or not19:06
jhutchinshowudodat: You expect it to log _after_ it suspends?19:08
sarnoldhowudodat: you could ssh in, run 'while true ; do sleep 1 ; echo but i dont want to sleep ; done'   and then close the lid and see what happens19:10
jhutchinsI suppose it would be reasonable to expect the system to log an "I'm going to sleep now" message as the process starts.19:10
jhutchinshowudodat: Is anything logged beteween the last task and the wake-up message?19:11
sarnoldand *glorious* is if it could log *why* -- which program requested it19:11
howudodatI do think it's reasonable the first log entry, but I would think the very last thing it would do is log "ok, I'm going to sleep" and then go to sleep.  And log "Hey there O'm waking up now" when it wakes up.  as opposed to logging froze all processes after restarting19:13
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jhutchinsIsn't this the kind of problem systemd was supposed to fix?19:33
howudodatok, so it is going into standby...takes 15 seconds, but the fans do turn off.19:40
howudodatwhen I do sudo halt, I can watch it shutdown, but it never powers off19:40
cbreakhowudodat: try shutdown -h now or poweroff19:41
howudodatcbreak: thanks that worked.  that will take some getting used to...old habbits19:44
cbreakhalt doesn't shut down I think, it's like the "shutdown" in the old days, where you had to turn off the power switch afterwards ... I think...19:45
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cbreak(the man page also mentions you can use systemd poweroff)19:46
eldowanI am trying to configure cloud-init on a VM, and everything works except network on boot. I have a 2 minute stop during boot at "Host and Network Name Lookups". After this aborts and I am able to login, I can run dhclient and receive a DHCP address immediately. This is on a clean install. How can I start to troubleshoot this?19:47
sarnoldeldowan: i'm guessing you may have better luck in #ubuntu-server -- or maybe #cloud-init (I'm not sure if that's a support channel or not, but it does have 100-ish clients at the moment)19:49
eldowansarnold: Thanks for the pointer19:50
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dabblerEriC^^: after `insmod`ing those modules you suggested last night, `videotest 1440x900` (followed by an extra \n) outputs a list of 16 hex color codes. Using other common resolutions like 800x600 and 1024x768 (weedmic) results in that "no suitable video mode found" error again. So I'm guessing the color codes indicate success?20:12
EriC^^dabbler: does it show any text?20:16
EriC^^i found online this is what it should show, https://i.stack.imgur.com/kmZqh.png that's grub 2.02 though20:17
dabblerEriC^^: no, nothing graphical or colored appears. It just spits out a list:20:27
dabbler```color 0: ff00000020:27
dabblercolor 1: ffa8000020:27
dabblercolor 15: fffefefe```20:27
EriC^^dabbler: i have an idea, how about you create a grub.cfg with the gfx code you like using grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub2.cfg after temporarily editing /etc/default/grub and then revert it20:29
dabblerBut now videoinfo send to work. It outputs a few "adapters", the last of which, EFI GOP driver" lists one supported resolution: 1440x900x32 🎉20:29
plt2Is this issue related to where it's getting information from the developer application license server or is it a issue on my local machine because it was working before --> Eror: cURL error 59: failed setting cipher list: ALL:!EXPORT:!EXPORT40:!EXPORT5620:30
EriC^^then when you boot up in grub, use "configfile /boot/grub/grub2.cfg" to load it and see if it works right20:30
dabblerKind of strange that it doesn't also list at least the resolution that it's currently using, the default one20:31
dabblerEriC^^: good idea!20:32
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dabblerEriC^^: the `configfile …` line results in:20:44
dabbler```error: no server is specified20:44
dabblererror: no suitable video mode found20:44
dabblererror: no video mode activated20:44
dabblerLet's see what happens if I load those modules first20:45
dabblerAfter `insmode all_video`, loading the configfile succeeds. I'm looking at my grub menu in 1440x900, but there seems to be a character set issue. The box around the menu consists of little question-mark-in-box characters instead of the usual line drawing. Same for the up and down arrow characters in the "Use the [up] and [down] keys to select…" instruction below the menu20:53
EriC^^dabbler: maybe 'font=unicode' ?21:09
EriC^^or 'insmod gfxterm'21:09
dabblerNo change :/21:14
EriC^^dabbler: what's your grub2.cfg look like? i find it odd it doesnt load all_video by itself21:21
dabblerEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/JttMdMYG21:27
EriC^^looks good to me21:29
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dabblerthe only difference from my grub.cfg is the gfxmode=1440x900 instead of gfxmode=auto on line 9322:05
dabblerI wonder whether I'll see the same character issue if I set the default resolution (800x600, I think) instead of using 'auto'. I'm guessing the auto is taking care of something other than the resolution22:07
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dabblerCorrection: 640x48022:15
dabblerEriC^^: interesting. I just discovered that even with my default grub config, in which it's gfxmode=auto, when it loads the menu initially, it's 640x480, but if I switch to command line, enter `insmod all_video`, then `normal`, when it switches back it's 1440x900 with the screwed up characters22:19
plt2In the fail2ban channel they not being to helpfull. I was told that exim4 is not enabled in the jail.conf. How can I enable exim4 so it will catch the mail relay attempts please?22:30
sarnoldthis looks promising https://superuser.com/a/175712022:34
BeFreeILRunning 22.04. All was fine, then after shutting down and starting up a few days later, certain apps fail to start. e.g., Ubuntu Software & Libre Office 7.5. Then installed Libre 7.5 again through Flathub, but it too would not start. When attempting to start these apps, they appear to be trying to start up according to a notation of the app with a rotating icon to the right of "Activities" in the upper left of the screen. (Note: 22:42
BeFreeILmy very first attempt to chat through IRC. So, you may have to bear with my ignorance.)22:42
ozzloyyou're messages are getting through, BeFreeIL22:42
BeFreeILThanks, ozzloy.22:43
plt2Is anyone here using fail2ban?22:43
PvtJokerplt2 i use it22:45
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PvtJokerplt2 my biggest gotcha with fail2ban was the initial config - make sure you change auto to systemd22:46
plt2The fail2 ban services is starting ok so why do I need to change the systemd file?22:48
PvtJokerjail.local file plt222:48
PvtJokeri had to change mine on another system22:48
PvtJokerif yours is starting great :)22:48
plt2The jail.local file does not exist22:49
PvtJokeryou copy jail.conf to jail.local and add your customizations there22:49
plt2Why am I copying the same file for?22:50
PvtJokerplt2 read the top of jail.conf22:51
PvtJokerit explains it22:51
plt2I did not does not explain how to enable exim422:51
PvtJokerthat i can't help with friend22:52
PvtJokerhint : read the jail.conf file22:52
plt2Some better docs would be good like if your running fail2ban on Ubuntu step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 622:53
plt2Some new linux applications will be released soon with much better docs included22:54
PvtJokerplt2 ok look : do this22:54
PvtJokersudo cp jail.conf jail.local22:54
PvtJokeredit jail.local and read the file please22:54
PvtJokerexim is in the config file22:54
PvtJokerunder your exim, set it up how you want it and add a line enabled = true22:56
plt2Why can the editing of the same file jail.conf and jail.local are the sane file just edit one file jail.conf?22:56
PvtJokerplt2 you have reading to do friend :)22:58
PvtJokerit is because updates may overwrite your changes in jail.conf23:00
PvtJokerso do your edits then sudo systemctl enable fail2ban && sudo systemctl start fail2ban23:00
PvtJokergood luck!23:00
sarnoldBeFreeIL: can you get to a terminal? check journalctl output -- hopefully you'll be able to spot things that look wrong23:00
plt2The correct anser is https://systemadminspro.com/fail2ban-and-exim-on-ubuntu/23:26
plt2Can you please add that link to your Q&A bot23:29
=== oncall4booty_ is now known as kucklehead
lolokhow to update snap store? error snap-store has running snaps: ubuntu-software23:36
sarnoldclose the app, run "sudo snap refresh"23:37
toddcsarnold: I had to kill the pid for snap store in order to refresh. I assumed it ran all the time? killall snap-store?23:48
loloki also had to kill; is this normal? that it cant update itself?23:49
badbodhwhoa whoa whoa, what's with all this killing?23:52
toddclolok: it will auto kill and update in 13 days I just hate to keep seeing that warning23:52
badbodhgood ol snapd23:52
lolokindeed kill it23:53
badbodhlike dude, just update yourself and shut up. i'm not using the app now23:56
badbodhi don't like killing things per se, but have you tried just doing a snap refresh?23:56
sarnoldtoddc: heh, I thought closing it would be enough -- but with the caveat that the daemon will wait who knows how long before it tries again :/23:56
toddcps aux | grep snap to see running snaps23:58
toddcnope I had one23:59

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