[11:40] I wonder if I can get a better laptop with $200 compared to my current one: Lenovo G5070, Intel Core i5-4210U (170 GHz 1600MHz, 3MB), 6 GB DDR3L RAM, AMD Radeon R5 M230 2GB, 1 TB 5400rpm HDD, 15.6" HD (1366 x 768) display, Windows 10 Home. I'm looking at Lenovo as they used to be cheap. [11:41] Metamorphosis: there are so cheap HP models around too [11:44] Metamorphosis: but i5 for 200$ thats gonna be hard to beat [11:44] lotuspsychje 2014's i5 isn't much better than 2023's celeron. [11:45] Metamorphosis: whats your endgoal exactly, find the cheapest laptop ubuntu can run? [11:46] lotuspsychje I use Kubuntu as my main OS. But I consider it to be Ubuntu just with a different theme lol [11:46] I also need to have Windows for certain software, but I barely even log in to Windows. [11:47] Metamorphosis: there are some cheap 14" asus and acer netbooks around too [11:47] maybe if you grab one second hand [11:48] asus vivobook and acer swift [11:48] lotuspsuchje Cool. I never had an ASUS or Acer, most of my computing life has either been Lenovo or Dell. [11:49] Lenovo was actually unheard of when i was younger, Until they suddenly destroyed the competition everywhere. [11:50] i still got an old acer aspire one netbook here running lubuntu working great [13:20] my Asus EEE 900 from ~2008 broke down a couple months ago :-( [13:20] I've still got a couple Dell mini 9's I'm trying to get rid of [13:20] (might be a power supply issue, I haven't tried to replace that yet) [13:20] I had one of the eee's as well [13:21] I soldered a usb hub, bluetooth and a flash drive to the unused pci bus [13:21] cool leftyfb [13:21] i had great luck with lubuntu 20.04 on ancient machines [13:24] they still work leftyfb ? [13:25] the battery of that EEE PC900 was no longer really usable, but I used it as a terminal to access other computers in house sometimes :) [13:25] the mini 9's do, yeah. But they're 32bit and don't really run distro's very well. I've got cloudready on it and it's still slow [13:26] the EEE PC900 was 32-bit too, had an old no longer supported distro version on it... [13:27] couldn't upgrade it at some point because it didn't have enough disk space... [13:27] (even when 32-bit was still available) [13:28] / was 4 GiB... [13:29] 18.04 cant be made pro ? [13:30] lotuspsychje: I couldn't upgrade it long before that, and too lazy to do a new install (and it wasn't used to go on the internet really) [13:30] kk [13:30] sorry to hear asus broke [13:30] I think it was still 12.x or 13.x :) [13:31] JanC leftyfb i saved this handy link for some lighty other distro's, https://itsubuntu.com/22-best-lightweight-linux-operating-systems-in-2020/ [13:32] yeah, I don't need to use it anymore for anything [13:32] it wasn't used much anyway, and old distros work well enough to SSH into some other computer a couple times a year :) [13:33] I just want to get rid of them but to someone who will actually use them [13:33] I have actual servers and raspberry pi's I can anything else with if I want to [13:33] it's crazy how much more powerful a $10 pi zero is than the Dell mini 9 [13:36] though that's not a terrible idea [13:36] gut the mini 9 and shove a pi in it [13:36] It would need to connect to the LCD, keyboard and trackpad [13:36] :p [13:37] there are few barebone laptops specialy made for pi's but they are so expensive [13:37] you can buy laptops for that price [13:37] I never liked the mini laptop keyboards though [13:37] you had to jump through hoops just to type a | [13:38] hehe [13:45] hi there, [13:47] welcome hamidlotfi [13:47] I config the netplan with an interface and ovs-bridge and set the mac address manually on the bridge but after applying the netplan, the other mac was randomly assigned by OS to this. [13:48] !support | hamidlotfi [13:48] hamidlotfi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks! [13:48] ok, thank you. === JanC_ is now known as JanC === leamas1 is now known as leamas === CodeMouse92 is now known as Guest2830 === Guest2830 is now known as CodeMouse92