=== chris14_ is now known as chris14 === blackboxsw is now known as blackboxsw_away === ctcphelper is now known as CISHNIK === shokohsc51 is now known as shokohsc5 [10:16] good day, during installation of ubuntu-server, after completing the installation, it immediately starts 'unattended-upgrades'. I cannot opt out of this from the instsaller menu. Pressing the 'Cancel update and reboot' button just continues the update, and i cannot reboot the vm via hypervisor as the machine is 'busy'. [10:16] This was the state of my installer (minus the last two lines) for about 20 minutes https://i.imgur.com/EA4dEUY.png [10:17] in the 'full log', i could still see packages being unpacked and prepared [10:17] is this a known issue? === JanC_ is now known as JanC === shokohsc51 is now known as shokohsc5 === smoser1 is now known as smoser === blackboxsw_away is now known as blackboxsw === shokohsc57 is now known as shokohsc5 === CodeMouse92 is now known as Guest2830 === Guest2830 is now known as CodeMouse92 [21:47] How the hell do you dhcpv6 client in netplan? [21:51] znf, "dhcp6: yes" in the device entry [21:54] enp0s6: Re-configuring with /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-enp0s6.network [21:54] enp0s6: DHCPv4 connection considered critical, ignoring request to reconfigure it. [21:54] enp0s6: DHCPv6 lease lost [21:54] enp0s6: DHCPv4 address via [21:54] enp0s6: Re-configuring with /run/systemd/network/10-netplan-enp0s6.network [21:54] enp0s6: DHCPv4 connection considered critical, ignoring request to reconfigure it. [21:54] oops [21:54] too many lines, my bad [21:56] but if I dhclient -6 enp0s6, it works just fine [22:06] znf, well always worked for me (in fact I had considerable trouble turning it off because I didn't want it.) I suspect there's something in the router advertisements that controls this, but I don't know what. [22:08] znf: look at https://netplan.readthedocs.io/en/stable/netplan-yaml/ and search for dhcp6, note the bit about "autoconfiguration will ... only use DHCP if requested in the RA: [22:10] znf, and ipv6 address autoconfiguration is all done in the kernel, dhclient shouldn't need to be involved. [22:12] well, this provider uses dhcpv6 not slaac [22:13] and the only way to test the functionality is with dhclient [22:13] unelss you know a better one [22:19] znf, I suppose you could try "accept-ra: no" to tell it not to pay attention to the router advertisements [22:19] znf: if that works probably should talk to the provider about fixing their RAs [22:20] let's see [22:21] nope, still loses it instantly [22:21] weird [22:22] znf, beginning to sound to me like the dhcpv6 server is busted [22:22] why would it work with dhclient -6 then? [22:24] znf, couldn't say. something about the mac address being used, or the lease time is different maybe. sniffing the packets (e.g. wireshark) might give clues. [22:29] znf ah, I looked at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1776013 (which doesn't really seem to be the same problem) and it reminded me that it's systemd-networkd handing DHCPV6, not the kernel (which should just do SLAAC) [22:29] -ubottu:#ubuntu-server- Launchpad bug 1776013 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-networkd: DHCP lease lost (Ubuntu 18.04)" [Undecided, Invalid] [22:30] lemme see [22:39] znf, is it at all possible you have two systems on this net using the same MAC? This can happen with cloned VMs, or with virtualbox VMs bridging to a wireless connection [22:39] nope [22:39] this is on a public cloud [22:39] specifically oracle's public cloud [22:40] I'm fairly positive they have everything neatly isolated [22:48] znf, did you check (with "ip -6 a" to see if there was a non-SLAAC ipv6 addr after the netplan apply? presumably if it "lost its lease" it should then request a new ip and use that. [22:49] yes, there's only the link local address [22:52] znf, well, I'm baffled. Seems Oracle Cloud's dhcp server and systemd-networkd's dhcp client don't like each other. Hard to believe you are the first one to hit this. [22:52] can't find any info anywhere [22:52] it *should* be automatically configured by cloud-init [22:52] but it doesn't seem to be [22:52] I _am_ getting the routes tough [22:53] znf, well, it does seem to be configured, the "lost lease" message shows networkd is trying to get an address, it's just failing. [23:04] https://i.imgur.com/tUORaAD.png [23:04] oh, ok [23:04] > One of the systemd developers confirmed the issue lies with malformed DHCP packets sent by OCI: [23:39] znf, yeah, now that I get the google query right it's all over. === hyperreal5 is now known as hyperreal [23:53] znf: you should raise this on either the cloud-init channel or as an issues on the cloud-init github repo [23:53] they're aware already [23:54] znf: hadn't noticed anything in either place [23:59] not sure what c-i could do about this. I did notice systemd has already integrated a change to ignore the bogus junk, but no doubt will be a while before that gets in a systemd release and even longer before it gets to ubuntu