
Schatten-NachtHello, I have a question regarding the bugs in the various GNU/Linux distributions as far as the Mesa framework is concerned, is there a way to mount the Nvidia DirectGPU feature in the Linux kernel without recompiling the whole thing? Here are the web links -> https://docs.nvidia.com/gpudirect-storage/troubleshooting-guide/index.html , https://microsoft.github.io/DirectX-Specs/d3d/archive/D3D11_3_FunctionalSpec.htm to my00:34
Schatten-Nachtquestion Direct GPU because this function is not possible in the Google Chrome web browser regarding WebGPU and in Mozilla Firefox regarding the WebGPU function. This is possible with UHD HTMLS5 videos regarding the coding AVC1 and Google's VP9 to pipe via the GPU.00:34
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kubuntuis it possible to install kubuntu on a usb drive?06:09
iomari891greetings, I attach a projector to my kubuntu 23.04 laptop for a seminar. After it was over and I removed the projector,my laptop resolution is all messed up. The config shows it runnig at 1920:1080 but the screen looks like 1024x786 or something stupid. I can't figure out how to get my high res back.08:49
iomari891of course, rebooting didn't fix it.08:49
iomari891If I switch to waylan it's ok but I don't like wayland.08:50
mparilloIf you right-click on an empty spot on your desktop, do you see Configure Display Settings?08:50
alkisgiomari891: what's the output of: xrandr | nc termbin.com 999908:59
iomari891alkisg: unfortunately, I on wayland now and I can't switchbacktillafter today's seminar. But wht should Ido after the above command is run?09:01
alkisgCome to IRC then for help :)09:01
iomari891ok, thanks09:02
iomari891damn, what a typo09:02
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IrcsomeBot<evilone96> GKMM12:44
IrcsomeBot<evilone96> GKMM12:44
IrcsomeBot<evilone96> OZSS12:44
IrcsomeBot<evilone96> /about@join_captcha_bot12:45
IrcsomeBot<evilone96> My wifi adapter not detect on kubuntu12:47
IrcsomeBot<evilone96> Adapter - https://www.amazon.in/ZEBRONICS-ZEB-USB150WF1-Supports-encryption-Standards/dp/B093QCY6YJ12:47
weedmicevilone96 - can you see this post?12:50
IrcsomeBot<evilone96> Which post? (re @IrcsomeBot: <weedmic> evilone96 - can you see this post?)12:52
BluesKajHi all13:10
weedmicevilone96 - i am seeing your post reposted via "IrcsomeBot" inside freenode IRC.  I was just curious if you could see our replies.  apparnetly the answer is yes.13:10
IrcsomeBot<trevantee> is kubuntu 23.04 stable?13:19
weedmictrevantee - yes 23.04 is stable.13:20
user|60fflgkeogeogkeplto gkrjkr17:55
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